Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension ἒπος
Verb Irregular to be Present Active Indicative εἰμί
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular nōlō present active I do not desire
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἀνήρ II
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monēbō
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mīsī
Mounce First Future Passive Indicative λυθήσομαι
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 2010. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 27 questions
1. Proserpina cum Plutone totum annum non manet.
A. for the whole year
B. in the whole year
C. of the whole year
D. after a whole year
2. Milites viam munientes diligenter laborabant.
A. diligent
B. more diligent
C. diligently
D. most diligently
3. Sacerdos aram in templo nobis demonstrabit.
A. our
B. by us
C. with us
D. to us
4. Quomodo exercitus noster urbem ab illis oppugnantibus defendet?
A. How
B. Why
C. When
D. Where
5. Senatores ad Curiam cras convocabuntur.
A. will be summoned
B. were summoning
C. will summon
D. are summoned
6. Ille parvus servus fortior est viris qui fugerunt.
A. by the men
B. than the men
C. with the men
D. to the men
7. Puellae cum sororibus ad finitimum oppidum eunt.
A. are going
B. will go
C. went
D. had gone
8. Ludi A ROMANIS in amphitheatro spectati sunt.
A. from the Romans
B. by the Romans
C. to the Romans
D. with the Romans
9. Quibus dominus hoc negotium dabit?
A. Who
B. Whom
C. To whom
D. With whom
10. Ubi urbs tuta videbatur, feminae ad eam redierunt.
A. to it
B. to us
C. to him
D. to them
11. Tribuni de periculis plebem monuerant.
A. were warning
B. have warned
C. had warned
D. shall have warned
12. Dux civibus in foro haec dixit.
A. those people
B. these things
C. that woman
D. to these men
13. Fratrem meum futurum esse bonum maritum credo.
A. is
B. was
C. had been
D. will be
14. Magister numero epistularum a pueris scriptarum delectatus est.
A. write
B. written
C. about to write
D. to be written
15. Cenae coqui nostri pessimae sunt.
A. very good
B. very large
C. very small
D. very bad
16. Matres virtutem filiorum laudant qui pro patria pugnabant. qui refers to
A. matres
B. virtutem
C. filiorum
D. patria
17. Cicero scit _____ ad Forum venire.
A. amicus
B. amicum
C. amico
D. amicis
18. Mosquitoes are among the most common aestival pests.
A. summertime
B. disease-bearing
C. fast-multiplying
D. flying
19. What hero in quest of the golden fleece sowed a field with dragon teeth from which sprang armed men whom he had to defeat?
A. Theseus
B. Jason
C. Daedalus
D. Perseus
20. The Rubicon River separated
A. Spain from Gaul
B. North Africa from Egypt
C. Macedonia from Greece
D. Italy from Gaul
21. Which happened first according to Roman history and tradition?
A. Rome defeated Carthage in the Punic Wars
B. Octavian defeated Marc Antony at Actium
C. Julius Caesar marched on Rome
D. Horatius defended Rome from the Etruscans
22. Quirinal, Viminal, Palatine, and Aventine are names of
A. sections of the Underworld
B. rivers in Greece
C. hills in Rome
D. divisions of Italy
23. Which Latin motto could well accompany an official warning?
A. Ab ovo usque ad mala
B. Dum spiro spero
C. Amor omnia vincit
D. Verbum sat sapienti est
24. What would someone most likely say to a friend whom he has not seen for a long time?
A. Quaenam est tempestas?
B. Bene respondisti
C. Mihi videtur
D. Quid novi?
25. Who was Odysseus' wife who waited twenty years for his return from the Trojan War?
A. Circe
B. Penelope
C. Medea
D. Eurydice
26. The treasurer of the company is a member of the finance committee on the basis of his position.
A. ex officio
B. in absentia
C. sine die
D. pro tempore
27. Where would Roman soldiers gather to exercise or train?
A. Appian Way
B. Roman Forum
C. Campus Martius
D. Capitoline Hill