Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative volēbam
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension θύγατερ
Mounce First Pluperfect Active Indicative ἐλελύκειν
Classical Latin
Verb esse Present Active Indicative to be
Mounce Present Active Participle of εἰμί
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 3rd Conjugation mitterem
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἀνήρ I
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative, to be, ἤμην
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 2009. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 27 questions
1. Socii reliquos dies in Italia placide habitabant.
A. of the remaining days
B. with the days remaining
C. after the remaining days
D. for the remaining days
2. Pons Sublicius ab horatio defensus erat.
A. by Horatius
B. to Horatius
C. from Horatius
D. with Horatius
3. Romani Tarquinium Superbum, septimum ____, expulerunt.
A. rex
B. regis
C. regem
D. regum
4. Quae puella celerius quam Atalanta currere poterat?
A. quickly
B. more quickly
C. quick
D. very quick
5. Octo et septem sunt
A. septendecim
B. quindecim
C. sedecim
D. duodeviginti
6. "oppugnabisne haec castra?" legatus imperatorem rogavit.
A. Will this camp be attacked?
B. Will you attack this camp?
C. Surely you are attacking this camp?
D. Was this camp attacked?
7. Miles pugnans gladium amisit.
A. while fighting
B. after fighting
C. by fighting
D. about to fight
8. Paedagogus cum pueris ad ludum ambulaverit.
A. will have walked
B. had walked
C. has walked
D. will walk
9. Liberis ire ad mare licebat.
A. it was necessary
B. it was right
C. it seemed
D. it was allowed
10. Aeneas non putat nympham pulchram esse suam matrem.
A. will be
B. is
C. was
D. had been
11. Quamquam longe abest, ad circum ambulabimus.
A. Whenever
B. Although
C. Since
D. When
12. Augustus erat melior imperator quam tiberius.
A. who was Tiberius
B. because of Tiberius
C. than Tiberius
D. after Tiberius
13. Cuius pueri equus aquam bibebat?
A. For which boy
B. By which boy
C. Which boy's
D. The boy whose
14. Servi per Forum duci non amabant.
A. to have led
B. to be led
C. to have been led
D. to lead
15. Spartacus scivit se noluisse esse servum.
A. his
B. him
C. they
D. he
16. Caesar _____ magnam in proximo colle vidit.
A. aciem
B. aciei
C. acierum
D. aciebus
17. Alesia, urbs capta a Caesare, est in Gallia.
A. having captured
B. about to capture
C. capturing
D. captured
18. The common element of the words suppress, SUFFER, SUCCESS, and SURREPTITIOUS is their Latin prefix which means
A. apart
B. without
C. under
D. behind
19. Pluit, NINGIT, and SOL LUCET all deal with
A. sports
B. weather
C. entertainment
D. fashion
20. Whose quest for the golden apples took him to the North African home of Atlas?
A. Hercules'
B. Theseus'
C. Jason's
D. Bellerophon's
21. When a citizen of Pompeii went from the apodyterium to the TEPIDARIUM he was at the
A. circus
B. basilica
C. arena
D. thermae
22. Rome's first province was Sicily, won in the First Punic War against
A. Egypt
B. Britain
C. Gaul
D. Carthage
23. The forensic investigator photographed the evidence in situ.
A. in its original position
B. after death
C. without delay
D. with skill
24. Chronologically,which event occurred first?
A. eruption of Vesuvius and destruction of Pompeii
B. Caesar's conquest of Gaul
C. Octavian took the name Augustus
D. Hannibal crossed the Alps into Italy
25. A Roman could learn about Lucretia, Livia, and Cornelia by reading
A. Aesop's "Fables"
B. Homer's "Odyssey"
C. Livy's "From the Founding of the City"
D. Ovid's "Metamorphoses"
26. Which body of water lies between Italy and Greece?
A. Baltic Sea
B. Adriatic Sea
C. Atlantic Ocean
D. Black Sea
27. What might a judge say to a defendant who says, "But, sir, I didn't know!"
A. Habeas corpus
B. Nolo contendere
C. Sine die
D. Ignorantia legis neminem excusat.