Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parābam
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittō
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἠγαπώμην
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension βασιλεύς
Mounce Perfect Active Indicative λέλυκα
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation regō
This is the Latin 2 test for 2006. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Non poteramus aperire hanc ianuam!
A. We were not able
B. We will not be able
C. We are not able
D. We have not been able
2. Carmen ab omnibus puellis cantabatur.
A. by all the girls
B. because of all the girls
C. of all the girls
D. about all the girls
3. Cornelia dixit ____ habitare in illa insula.
A. frater
B. fratris
C. fratrem
D. fratre
4. Servi panem vinumque in mensam posuerunt.
A. bread but not wine
B. bread and wine
C. neither bread nor wine
D. bread or wine
5. Statua oratoris fracta est.
A. The orator's statue is breaking.
B. The orator broke the statue.
C. The statue of the orator has been broken.
D. The orator will break the statue.
6. Augustus quinto consulatu numerum Patriciorum auxit.
A. of his fifth consulship
B. in his fifth consulship
C. to his fifth consulship
D. before his fifth consulship
7. Amicus meus, ____ me in atrio exspectat, canes non amat.
A. qui
B. cui
C. quem
D. quo
8. Graecia suaviores olivas quam Hispania producit.
A. tasty
B. tastier
C. the tastiest
D. as tasty as possible
9. Caesar, copias in proelium ducturus, a populo laudatus est.
A. leading
B. having been led
C. about to lead
D. to be led
10. Postquam cenavimus, carmina Ovidi audivimus.
A. While
B. During
C. After
D. Before
11. Nuntius dixit se multas naves in portu vidisse.
A. had seen
B. was being seen
C. has been seen
D. sees
12. Milites cenare volunt. Dabitne dux eis cibum?
A. to them
B. of them
C. by them
D. from them
13. Hoc novum consilium mihi placet.
A. I need
B. I must
C. I want
D. I like
14. Quot athletas Sparta ad ludos misit?
A. Where
B. How many
C. Which
D. When
15. Mala facta semper puniri debent.
A. to be punished
B. to have punished
C. to punish
D. to have been punished
16. Rege mortuo, cives lacrimabant.
A. Before the king died
B. On behalf of the dead king
C. Near the king who was dying
D. Because the king was dead
17. Discipuli quam alacerrime legere et scribere debent.
A. how eagerly
B. who were eager
C. than the eager one
D. as eagerly as possible
18. In A.D. lxiv a great fire destroyed much of Rome.
A. 46
B. 54
C. 64
D. 76
19. If your friend asked you quid agis hodie, what would be an appropriate response?
A. Absum.
B. Non habeo librum.
C. Sol occidit.
D. Laetus sum.
20. What Carthaginian general led his troops across the Alps to Italy during the Second Punic War?
A. Pyrrhus
B. Jugurtha
C. Hannibal
D. Mithridates
21. What monster, slain by Bellerophon, had the head of a lion, body of a goat, and tail of a serpent?
A. Pegasus
B. Chimaera
C. Griffin
D. Python
22. Detention, TENANT, and CONTENTS are all derived from the Latin verb meaning
A. lead
B. build
C. hold
D. carry
23. The terms spina, MAPPA, and AURIGA pertain to
A. gladiatorial combats
B. public elections
C. military exercises
D. chariot races
24. When Theseus sailed from Athens to Crete, in what direction did he travel?
A. north
B. south
C. east
D. west
25. The Lethe, Phlegethon, and Styx were
A. muses of poetry
B. sailors on the Argo
C. rivers in the Underworld
D. monsters slain by Hercules
26. Which of the following is an appropriate comment when you and a friend disagree over tastes in music?
A. Sic transit gloria mundi
B. De gustibus non est disputandum
C. Labor omnia vincit
D. Tempus fugit
27. What emperor moved the capital of the Empire to Byzantium, renaming the city after himself?
A. Constantine
B. Tiberius
C. Nero
D. Trajan
28. According to Roman legend, the shepherd Faustulus found the twins Romulus and Remus being nursed by a
A. bear
B. wolf
C. lion
D. snake
29. What architectural feature is prominent in the Colosseum and the bridges and aqueducts of the Roman Empire?
A. arch
B. podium
C. pediment
D. dome
30. Enthusiasm is a sine qua non for anyone entering the teaching profession. sine qua non means
A. an option
B. a necessity
C. a challenge
D. a hindrance