Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension βασιλεύς
Mounce First Aorist Active Indicative ἒλυσα
Classical Latin
Verb esse Imperfect Active Indicative to be
Mounce First Aorist Active Indicative (liquid) ἒμεινα
Mounce Second Aorist Middle Indicative ἐγενόμην
Mounce Present Middle Participle λυόμενος
Mounce First Aorist Middle Indicative ἐλυσάμην
This is the Latin 2 test for 2005. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Grammatici in ludo decem horas saepe manserunt.
A. in ten hours
B. at the tenth hour
C. until the tenth hour
D. for ten hours
2. Tullia celerius quam frater ambulat.
A. quick
B. more quickly
C. as quickly as possible
D. very quickly
3. "noli clamare ad tuos amicos trans cameram," dixit magister.
A. I did not shout
B. Do you want to shout
C. Do not shout
D. I am not shouting
4. Multi illa templa in Graecia amant.
A. these
B. themselves
C. which
D. those
5. Aeneas, a Mercurio monitus, Carthagine navigavit.
A. warning
B. about to warn
C. warned
D. to warn
6. Viginti senatores in Curia stant. Duodecim discedunt. Quot senatores manent?
7. Cives bonas leges huius ducis probant.
A. to this leader
B. with these leaders
C. of this leader
D. for these leaders
8. Romulus, ____ rex, frater Remi erat.
A. primus
B. primi
C. primum
D. primo
9. Libri, _____ discipuli legebant, erant difficiles.
A. quae
B. quos
C. quibus
D. quorum
10. Puella A SUIS FRATRIBUS, terrebatur.
A. by her brothers
B. with her brothers
C. her brothers
D. to her brothers
11. Marcus domum tribus mensibus adveniet.
A. within three months
B. during the third month
C. for three months
D. until the third month
12. Magister putat _____ bene scribere.
A. pueros
B. pueri
C. puerorum
D. pueris
13. Minerva erat sapientissima omnium deorum.
A. wiser
B. wise
C. rather wise
D. wisest
14. Echo Narcissum tangere non potuit.
A. has not been able
B. had not been able
C. is not able
D. will not be able
15. Scio gladiatores in arena pugnavisse.
A. are fighting
B. will have fought
C. fought
D. will fight
16. Exploratores terram incognitam intrantes erant perterriti.
A. entered
B. entering
C. will enter
D. enter
17. Roma a septem regibus recta erat.
A. ruling
B. ruled
C. had been ruled
D. will have ruled
18. Venite nobiscum ad Forum.
A. with us
B. to us
C. for us
D. us
19. The abbreviations cf. (CONFER) means
A. see above
B. with care
C. compare
D. and the following
20. Orpheus made a futile trip to the Underworld to rescue his bride
A. Andromeda
B. Atalanta
C. Daphne
D. Eurydice
21. Magna graecia, an area of Greek colonization, was located in
A. Gallia
B. Italia
C. Hispania
D. Helvetia
22. Pelias ordered Jason to
A. capture the Cretan bull
B. kill the Gorgon Medusa
C. bring back the Golden Fleece
D. build the Wooden Horse
23. Shoppers should always remember this motto:
A. sine loco
B. pro tempore
C. caveat emptor
D. rigor mortis
24. Fluency, INFLUENCE, and AFFLUENCE are all derived from a Latin verb meaning to
A. flow
B. fall
C. weep
D. steal
25. Which emperor, who built the Domus Aurea, was blamed for the great fire in A.D. 64?
A. Augustus
B. Vespasian
C. Trajan
D. Nero
26. Elysium, Tartarus, and the river Styx were located
A. in Colchis
B. in the Underworld
C. on Mt. Olympus
D. in the Aegean Sea
27. With what structure did the Romans associate the apodyterium, FRIGIDARIUM, and PALAESTRA?
A. templum
B. viae
C. theatrum
D. thermae
28. In 510 B.C., Brutus and Collatinus were responsible for the
A. destruction of Alba Longa
B. defeat of Hannibal
C. expulsion of Rome's last king
D. kidnapping of the Sabine women
29. Where would you likely see Myrmillones, Retiarii, and Samnites fighting each other?
A. templa
B. Curia
C. Colosseum
D. basilica
30. A Roman child, who has not learned to share, might exclaim
A. "Meum est!"
B. "Amicum scio!"
C. "Te amo!"
D. "Veni mecum!"