Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative contract ἐπλήρουν
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular volō present active I desire
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation habuī
Classical Latin
Verb esse Future Active Indicative to be
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative volēbam
Homeric Greek Lesson III First Declension βουλή
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 2004. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Argonautae ob tempestatem navigare non potuerunt.
A. away from the storm
B. on account of the storm
C. out of the storm
D. after the storm
2. Pueri diu laboraverunt et laborem confecerunt.
A. by the gods
B. obediently
C. harshly
D. for a long time
3. Laudari ab populo summum bonum consuli erat.
A. To be praised
B. Praise
C. Praising
D. Having been praised
4. Cicero putavit rem publicam servatam esse.
A. is saved
B. had been saved
C. was being saved
D. would be saved
5. Penelope Ulixem viginti annos exspectavit.
A. for twenty years
B. in twenty years
C. for the twentieth year
D. of twenty years
6. Mucius, interficere regem volens, ad castra hostium venit.
A. wishing
B. having wished
C. to wish
D. will wish
7. Tarquinii ex urbe Roma A BRUTO expulsi sunt.
A. for Brutus
B. from Brutus
C. by Brutus
D. against Brutus
8. Nero se plus quam populum Romanum amavit.
A. them
B. that very one
C. her
D. himself
9. Alii bellum cupiverunt, Alii pacem petiverunt.
A. Both … and
B. You … we
C. Some … others
D. This … that
10. Hannibal, Romanum exercitum oppugnaturus, suos milites confirmavit.
A. having been attacked
B. attacking
C. to attack
D. about to attack
11. "Nemo," inquit Catullus, "pulchrior est quam mea puella!"
A. as beautiful as possible
B. most beautiful
C. more beautiful
D. beautiful
12. Aestate Proserpina eum matre habitat.
A. In summer
B. Before summer
C. After summer
D. With summer
13. Praemium huic dabitur qui piratis superavit.
A. by this man
B. of this man
C. to this man
D. with this man
14. Si milites exercuerimus barbari Romam non oppugnabunt.
A. we will have trained
B. we had trained
C. we did train
D. we were training
15. Magister pueris fabulam legit quod illi fuerant diligentes.
A. he
B. his
C. they
D. them
16. Aeneas a suo patre magnopere adductus est.
A. had influenced
B. was influenced
C. shall be influenced
D. is influencing
17. Caesar Gallos multis proeliis vincere poterat.
A. is able
B. was able
C. will be able
D. will have been able
18. Pluto amavit Proserpinam quae filia Cereris erat.
A. which
B. who
C. whose
D. to whom
19. During the Republic, senators held their power ad vitam aut ad culpam, which means
A. until they were elected consul
B. as long as they supported those in power
C. until their sons were old enough to take over
D. until they died or were found guilty of wrongdoing
20. In which general direction did Julius Caesar travel through Italy on his way to Gaul?
A. north
B. east
C. south
D. west
21. The man who fashioned his own wings and flew from England to France in the summer of 2003 reminds us of the story of
A. Daedalus
B. Atlas
C. Cerberus
D. Hercules
22. Cassandra, the prescient daugter of King Priam, was never believed by the Trojans.
A. lying
B. insane
C. ignorant
D. foreknowing
23. What mountain range separated Gaul from Spain?
A. Pyrenees
B. Apennines
C. Caucasus
D. Atlas
24. Who was the messenger of the gods who carried the caduceus and escorted souls to the Underworld?
A. Vulcan
B. Pluto
C. Mercury
D. Neptune
25. After the vote of the committee, the chairperson adjourned the meeting sine die.
A. without taking attendance
B. until that afternoon
C. until further evidence could be gathered
D. without a day set for the meeting
26. At the city council meeting several citizens impugned the actions of the mayor.
A. attacked
B. praised
C. clarified
D. endorsed
27. Mount Olympus, the legendary home of the gods, is located in
A. Asia Minor
B. northern Greece
C. southern Italy
D. Africa
28. Romulus : Monarchy : : ____ : Empire
A. Cicero
B. Brutus
C. Aeneas
D. Augustus
29. In the battles of Trasimene, Cannae, and Zama, the Roman army fought against
A. the Gauls
B. the Carthaginians
C. the army of Cleopatra
D. the assassins of Julius Caesar
30. Which of these mottoes means "Don't just say it; do it"?
A. Fortes fortuna adiuvat
B. Mens sana in corpore sano
C. Facta non verba
D. E pluribus unum