Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce First Aorist Middle Indicative ἐλυσάμην
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 4th Conjugation audīrem
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation habeō
Classical Latin
4th Declension Masculine arcus
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson III First Declension βουλή
This is the Latin 2 test for 2003. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Gaius pro patria pugnavit.
A. for his country
B. by his country
C. with his country
D. from his country
2. Complete the following analogy: unus : primus : : tres : ____ _____
A. secundus
B. quintus
C. tertius
D. sextus
3. Illud aedificium in Foro multos annos stetit.
A. stood
B. will stand
C. was standing
D. is standing
4. Omnia saxa A SERVIS mota sunt.
A. against the slaves
B. to the slaves
C. above the slaves
D. by the slaves
5. Neque cibum Neque pecuniam habemus.
A. both … and
B. whether … or
C. not only … but also
D. neither … nor
6. Vir ____ Flavia amat est felix!
A. cuius
B. quem
C. quo
D. quas
7. Duae puellae ad magnum canem fortiter accesserunt.
A. rather bravely
B. brave
C. bravest
D. bravely
8. Marcus dicit epistulam a patre missam esse.
A. is sending
B. will be sent
C. was sent
D. had sent
9. Ambula mecum ad oppidum.
A. with me
B. by me
C. me
D. for me
10. Eratne Iulius Caesar felicior imperator quam Marcus Antonius?
A. lucky
B. luckily
C. luckier
D. luckiest
11. Multos et celeres equos in campo videbis.
A. you were seeing
B. you will see
C. you have seen
D. you will have seen
12. Haec arbor est altior quam illa.
A. for that one
B. than that one
C. of that one
D. by that one
13. Oratio in Curia audiri non poterat.
A. to be heard
B. to have heard
C. to have been heard
D. to hear
14. Quot pueri in via currebant?
A. Why
B. How many
C. Where
D. When
15. Caecilia ad tabernas prope Forum iverat.
A. had preferred
B. had become
C. had brought
D. had gone
16. Statuam in hoc templo invenient.
A. which
B. that
C. this
D. itself
17. Pomponius xliv naves cepit.
A. 54
B. 94
C. 44
D. 64
18. Senator epistulas ad omnes amicos missurus erat.
A. about to send
B. having been sent
C. while sending
D. to have sent
19. The competitive athlete won her event. competitive comes from two Latin words which mean
A. run to
B. seek to
C. play in
D. jump over
20. The Palatine Hill became the location of the
A. temple of Vesta
B. senate house
C. rostra
D. imperial palaces
21. What province at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea fell under the domination of the Persian Empire before being conquered by the Greeks and later was added to the Roman Empire?
A. Britannia
B. Gallia
C. Asia
D. Africa
22. What foreign invaders sacked Rome in 390 bc and were finally defeated by Julius Caesar in their own homeland in 52 bc?
A. Gauls
B. Etruscans
C. Greeks
D. Germans
23. With what Greek hero do we associate Medusa, Atlas, and Andromeda?
A. Odysseus
B. Jason
C. Perseus
D. Achilles
24. What Latin expression could be used both as a greeting and as a farewell?
A. caveat emptor
B. pax vobiscum
C. quod erat demonstrandum
D. per annum
25. The terms doric, IONIC, and CORINTHIAN refer to types of
A. columns
B. gladiators
C. ships
D. clothes
26. What island, the mythological home to the Minotaur and the labyrinth, forms the southern boundary of the Aegean Sea?
A. Sicily
B. Sardinia
C. Crete
D. Britain
27. Athletic contests held "within the walls" of a single school are called
A. intramural
B. inspired
C. interscholastic
D. invincible
28. What musician charmed Pluto with his music in order to win the release of his wife from the Underworld?
A. Jason
B. Orpheus
C. Aeneas
D. Theseus
29. The walls damaged by the recent earthquake left the city vulnerable to attack by the enemy. vulnerable comes from the Latin noun meaning
A. laughter
B. war
C. disaster
D. wound
30. If the teacher announced aperite, DISCIPULI, VESTROS LIBROS, what would the students do?
A. write on the board
B. open their books
C. get out their homework
D. answer the question