Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XI First Declension Masculine
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension Adjective πᾶς
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension ἥρως
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular possum present active I am able
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Demonstrative Pronoun ἐκεῖνος
Homeric Greek Lesson XVII Imperfect Middle/Passive ἐλυόμην
Homeric Greek Lesson IV First Declension θάλασσα
Mounce First Pluperfect Active Indicative ἐλελύκειν
This is the Latin 2 test for 2002. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Romani tria bella illo anno pugnabant.
A. for those years
B. in that year
C. of that year
D. those years
2. Quam celeriter Hannibal Alpes transibat!
A. too quickly
B. with all speed
C. very quickly
D. how quickly
3. Visne mecum ad forum ambulare?
A. can you
B. Do you want
C. Should you
D. How did you
4. Quot sunt viginti minus novem?
A. undecim
B. undeviginti
C. quindecim
D. octo
5. Cuius pueri pater est medicus?
A. to which boy
B. from whose boy
C. which boy's
D. the boys who
6. Puer, a fratre visus, fugiebat.
A. seeing
B. having been seen
C. I saw
D. about to see
7. Ille senator auxilium A CIVIBUS petivit.
A. from the citizens
B. for the citizens
C. about the citizens
D. with the citizens
8. Nolite timere, pueri, vos servabo!
A. No one fears
B. Why are you afraid
C. I don't want tos care
D. Don't be afraid
9. Puella stulta putat se texturam esse melius quam deam.
A. if she should weave
B. that she wove
C. that she will weave
D. if anyone can weave
10. Filia Iulii Caesaris ___ appellata est.
A. Iulia
B. Iuliae
C. Iuliam
D. Iulia
11. Quis ad ludos tecum veniet?
A. is coming
B. came
C. will come
D. used to come
12. Ego, ad scholam ambulans, consulem vidi.
A. having walked
B. about to walk
C. to walk
D. while walking
13. Augustus tres tunicas gessisse dicitur.
A. to have worn
B. to wear
C. is wearing
D. will wear
14. Quomodo illos equos invenire poteris?
A. Why
B. How
C. Where
D. With whom
15. Dic mihi tuum nomen, queso.
A. I tell myself
B. She tells us
C. Tell me
D. Who tells you
16. Quem putas optimum gladiatorem omnium esse?
A. everyone
B. for all
C. by everyone
D. of all
17. Licet tibi puellam videre.
A. You want to see the girl.
B. The girl wants to see you.
C. You may see the girl.
D. You see the girl likes you.
18. Propter turbam orator audiri non poterat.
A. to be heard
B. to have heard
C. to hear
D. having been heard
19. Circe, the Sirens, and the Cyclops are characters in the wanderings of
A. Perseus
B. Hercules
C. Ulysses
D. Theseus
20. The salesman made us a bona fide offer.
A. too good to be true
B. fair and honest
C. not very good
D. good for a day
21. Invaders crossed this river dividing Germany and Gaul to attack some of Caesar's allies.
A. Rhine
B. Nile
C. Tiber
D. Po
22. Praetor : basilica : : senator : ____
A. theatrum
B. thermae
C. curia
D. circus
23. Implacable, PLACID, and COMPLACENT all derive from a Latin root meaning
A. finish
B. please
C. twist
D. be thirsty
24. With what popular entertainment are albati, SPINA, QUADRIGA, CIRCUS associtated?
A. stage productions
B. gladiatorial combats
C. chariot racing
D. public bathing
25. Sailing eastward from Athens across the Aegean Sea, which country do you reach?
A. Turkey
B. Egypt
C. Italy
D. Spain
26. Five Roman armies were defeated by a force of slaves led by this escaped gladiator.
A. Hannibal
B. Pompey
C. Scipio
D. Spartacus
27. How did Caesar write centum duodeviginti?
28. What would be a proper context for the Latin phrase ignosce mihi?
A. thanking someone for a gift
B. cheering for your team
C. finding money in your pocket
D. bumping into someone
29. "As a Greek prisoner on Crete, I designed the labyrinth, and later escaped on wings I made myself. Who am I?"
A. Theseus
B. Minotaur
C. Pegasus
D. Daedalus
30. The malignity in her voice was obvious to all.
A. fear
B. sweetness
C. hatred
D. sorrow