Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative ἐλυόμην
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 16
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension πόλις
Homeric Greek Lesson IV First Declension θεά
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 2001. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Nymphae magno gaudio cantabant et saltabant.
A. sing and dance
B. were singing and dancing
C. will sing and dance
D. have sung and danced
2. Omnes libri de Vesuvio a discipulis lecti sunt.
A. were reading
B. will be read
C. have been read
D. had been read
3. Mercurius est celerior quam alii dei.
A. than
B. how
C. which
D. who
4. Omnes scimus Hannibalem multis proeliis Romanos superavisse.
A. defeats
B. will defeat
C. defeated
D. had been defeated
5. He worked on the project all night.
A. tota nox
B. totam noctem
C. totis noctis
D. totis noctibus
6. Which of the following is not an infinitive?
A. esse
B. posse
C. agite
D. velle
7. Senatores A CONSULE convocabantur.
A. of the consul
B. by the consul
C. to the consul
D. near the consul
8. Hi discipuli celerius laborant quam illi.
A. very quickly
B. quickly
C. as quickly as possible
D. more quickly
9. Nero erat ___ post Claudium.
A. imperatore
B. imperatori
C. imperator
D. imperatorum
10. Quis est pulcherrima puella ___ prope te sedet?
A. quae
B. cui
C. quas
D. cuius
11. Filii magna cum cura laborant; itaque pater eos laudat.
A. them
B. him
C. her
D. they
12. Lupus, a pueris territus, ex agro celerrime cucurrit.
A. frightens
B. has frightened
C. will be frightened
D. frightened
13. Galli pacem cum Romanis facient.
A. have made
B. will make
C. had made
D. were making
14. Cives putaverunt Caesarem esse optimum ducem.
A. good
B. well
C. best
D. better
15. Quot sunt quinque et quattuordecim?
A. quindecim
B. undeviginti
C. viginti
D. septendecim
16. Magister pueris dicit, "diligenter scribite!:
A. To write carefully
B. Write carefully
C. I have written carefully
D. They are writing carefully
17. Gladiatores bestias ___ non timent.
A. ferocibus
B. ferocium
C. feroces
D. feroci
18. Select the best translation of this quote from Juvenal: quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
A. Whose guards will guard us?
B. Who will guard the guards themselves?
C. Will the guards guard themselves?
D. Whom are the guards?
19. The Spanish tiempo, the French TEMPS, and the English TEMPORARY are derived from the Latin
A. templum
B. tempestas
C. tempus
D. temptare
20. Which of the following cities was located in northern Africa?
A. Carthage
B. Brundisium
C. Naples
D. Athens
21. What action of Julius Caesar is often referred to when one makes an irrevocable decision?
A. invading Britain
B. revising the calendar
C. crossing the Rubicon
D. becoming Pontifex Maximus
22. Constantinople fell to the Turks in A.D. 1453. How would this number be represented in Roman numerals?
23. The hunter took a circuitous path through the woods. circuitous means
A. scenic
B. direct
C. well-marked
D. roundabout
24. The idiom prima luce means
A. a sunset
B. all day
C. at dawn
D. in the afternoon
25. The senator cogitated for a long time before he cast his vote. The best definition of cogitated is
A. labored
B. thought
C. argued
D. talked
26. Which official presided over the Roman senate and commanded the army in war?
A. quaestor
B. aedile
C. praetor
D. consul
27. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the Latin expression quid pro quo?
A. Vive hodie
B. Festina lente
C. Parentes ama
D. Serva me, servabo te
28. The hero associated with a labyrinth, a ball of string, and the Minotaur is
A. Hercules
B. Jason
C. Ulysses
D. Theseus
29. Which mythological character was changed into a tree?
A. Daphne
B. Proserpina
C. Arachne
D. Medea
30. The legendary Roman patriot who helped depose the last king of Rome and who was elected first consul of the Roman Republic was
A. Brutus
B. Appius Claudius
C. Cincinnatus
D. Romulus