Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἠγαπώμην
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audīvī
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson III First Declension βουλή
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiēbam
Homeric Greek Lesson XVII Aorist Middle/Passive ἐλυσάμην
This is the Latin 2 test for 2000. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Dicite, pueri, nobis nomina vestra?
A. our
B. to us
C. of us
D. from us
2. Cuius est hic canis ferox?
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Whose
D. By whom
3. Propter clamores oratorem audire non poteram.
A. I am not able
B. I was not able
C. I will not be able
D. I will not have been able
4. Scisne principem meliorem quam Augustum?
A. better than
B. the best possible
C. as good as
D. who was the best
5. Horatius fortiter pontem defendit.
A. brave
B. braver
C. the bravest
D. bravely
6. In Britanniam tertio die adveniemus.
A. on the third day
B. after three days
C. until the third day
D. three days before
7. Nolite laudare puerum molestum.
A. I can't praise
B. Don't praise
C. He didn't want to praise
D. The don't praise
8. Olim terra a Saturno recta erat.
A. ruled
B. was being ruled
C. had been ruled
D. is ruled
9. Daphne est nympha ___ deus Apollo amavit.
A. qui
B. quae
C. quod
D. quam
10. Consul Romanus hostes fugientes non cepit.
A. fleeing
B. after they fled
C. about to flee
D. unable to flee
11. Viginti feminae stabant ad fontem. Postquam septem discesserunt, quot remanebant?
12. Ille poeta, ___, a multis amatur.
A. Catullus
B. Catulli
C. Catullo
D. Catullum
13. mons : montis :: manus : ___
A. manus
B. manui
C. manuum
D. manibus
14. Puto me Ciceronem in foro vidisse.
A. sees
B. will see
C. saw
D. can see
15. Atalanta erat celerrima omnium.
A. swiftly
B. swift
C. swifter
D. swiftest
16. Troiani, a deis moniti, portas tamen non clauserunt.
A. warning
B. warned
C. about to warn
D. warn!
17. In Foro audies verba egregi senatoris.
A. you hear
B. you will hear
C. you have heard
D. you will have heard
18. Piratae insulam multis navibus oppugnabant.
A. many ships
B. of many ships
C. with many ships
D. to many ships
19. Quis sum? Eram regina ultima Aegyptiorum. Duo imperatores Romani me amaverunt.
A. Caesar
B. Dido
C. Antonius
D. Cleopatra
20. Which of these is not a Romance lanuage?
A. English
B. Spanish
C. Italian
D. French
21. What was Paris' reward for giving Venus the golden apple?
A. eternal life
B. a powerful kingdom
C. great wealth
D. a beautiful woman
22. What ancient city-state was Rome's arch-enemy in the three Punic Wars?
A. Greece
B. Carthage
C. Troy
D. Gaul
23. Tiberius, Claudius, Nero, and Hadrian were Roman
A. kings
B. historians
C. orators
D. emperors
24. The prophet's maledictions were heard by all.
A. prayers
B. praises
C. curses
D. blessings
25. Alexandria and Carthage were great cities of the ancient world located in
A. Africa
B. Europe
C. Asia
D. Italy
26. The Latin expression ignorantia legis neminem EXCUSAT might most likely be declared by
A. a judge
B. a farmer
C. an athlete
D. a musician
27. With which legendary hero are a blind prophet, clashing rocks, Medea, and a golden ram all associated?
A. Aeneas
B. Ulysses
C. Perseus
D. Jason
28. From which Italian port city did Caesar depart when he sailed to meet Pompey in Greece?
A. Rome
B. Pompeii
C. Brundisium
D. Athens
29. Translate and TRANSFER are compounds of the Latin preposition for "across" and the verb meaning
A. listen
B. bring
C. omit
D. watch
30. Where did Trojan Aeneas encounter the boatman Charon?
A. in Troy
B. in Italy
C. in Africa
D. in Hades