Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 1st Conjugation portārem
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἐποιούμην
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative ἒλυον
Homeric Greek Lesson X Future Active Indicative
This is the Latin 2 test for 1999. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Feminae pulcherrima carmina canebant.
A. beautifully
B. very beautiful
C. more beatiful
D. beautiful
2. Labor A TRIBUS PUELLIS perfectus est.
A. by three girls
B. for three girls
C. from three girls
D. with three girls
3. Cuius pecunia in mensa est?
A. Who
B. Whom
C. To whom
D. Whose
4. Pater filios ex urbe discedentes spectavit.
A. having left
B. leaving
C. about to leave
D. having been left
5. Hannibal consilia Romanorum providere potuit.
A. is able
B. will be able
C. had been able
D. was able
6. "munite longam viam in Galliam!" Caesar militibus dixit.
A. Build
B. They have built
C. To be built
D. He builds
7. Urbs a fidelibus civibus servabitur.
A. will save
B. can be saved
C. was saving
D. will be saved
8. Illi quos dei amant laeti sunt.
A. to whom
B. whose
C. whom
D. for whom
9. Miles arma audacter rapuit.
A. bold
B. very bold
C. boldly
D. more bold
10. Mater Tiberi erat ___.
A. Livia
B. Liviae
C. Liviam
D. Livia (long a)
11. Pueri paucos dies cum amico manserunt.
A. in a few days
B. a few days ago
C. by a few days
D. for a few days
12. Consules dixerunt rem publicam defensam esse.
A. will defend
B. had been defended
C. is defended
D. was defending
13. Discipuli hos libros lecturi sunt.
A. have read
B. having been read
C. are reading
D. are going to read
14. Scio _____ bene regere.
A. Romanarum
B. Romanos
C. Romanis
D. Romanae
15. Iuppiter erat potentior quam ceteri dei.
A. how
B. whom
C. than
D. which
16. Multi civium meliores leges petunt.
A. of the citizens
B. the citizens
C. for the citizens
D. with the citizens
17. Hic vir validus est; ille autem infirmus est.
A. the same
B. each
C. that one
D. who
18. Romani auxilium a finitimis quaesiverant.
A. had sought
B. were seeking
C. seek
D. shall have sought
19. The doctor identified the boy's problem as noctambulation.
A. headaches
B. sleepwalking
C. weak ankles
D. night blindness
20. Ubi erat Troia?
A. in Asia Minore
B. In Africa
C. in Graecia
D. in Helvetia
21. Is the commander of the army ipso facto the ruler of the country?
A. for the time being
B. by the very fact
C. other things being equal
D. for example
22. Cleopatra's amorous relationships with two different Romans, ____ and Antony, gave her power in the Roman world.
A. Brutus
B. Cicero
C. Crassus
D. Caesar
23. Which Roman emperor, fighting under the sign of the cross and the words, 'In hoc signo vinces', was the first to accept Christianity?
A. Romulus
B. Constantine
C. Augustus
D. Aeneas
24. Which Titan was assigned the task of holding up the sky because of his attempt to overthrow the gods?
A. Hercules
B. Atlas
C. Perseus
D. Theseus
25. Dependents who relied on patrons for support in exchange for their personal services were known as
A. optimates
B. equites
C. hostes
D. clientes
26. On the first day of school the biology teacher discussed nomenclature.
A. the characteristics of one-celled animals
B. the naming system for classification
C. the steps in the scientific method
D. the instruments used in disection
27. Brundisium, an important Roman seaport, was located on the southeastern "heel" of Italy on the _______.
A. Red Sea
B. Atlantic Ocean
C. Adriatic Sea
D. Black Sea
28. Requiescat in pace would most likely be found inscribed on
A. a tomb
B. an aqueduct
C. a bridge
D. a library
29. Delphi, the shrine visited by those who wanted to learn the will of the gods, was sacred to
A. Jupiter
B. Mars
C. Neptune
D. Apollo
30. The Styx, Acheron, and Phlegethon are rivers which
A. Hannibal had to cross on his march to Italy
B. serve as borders to provinces in North Africa
C. are located in the Underworld
D. are tributaries of the Tiber