Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Demonstrative Pronoun ἐκεῖνος
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 7
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 17
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parāvī
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative ἒλυον
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative (contract) ἐποίουν
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 13
Mounce First Aorist Passive Indicative ἐλύθην
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 1998. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Octo horas saepe dormimus.
A. in eight hours
B. at the eighth hour
C. until the eighth hour
D. for eight hours
2. Mitte, ____, hanc epistulam ad principem!
A. Marcus
B. Marce
C. Marco
D. Marcum
3. Quis te amat plus quam ego?
A. who
B. whom
C. than
D. how
4. Scisne nomen huius discipulae?
A. to this student
B. of this student
C. from this student
D. by this student
5. The laws which govern us must be fair to all.
A. quae
B. quarum
C. quas
D. quibus
6. Parvus puer canem ferocem videre non poterat.
A. is not able
B. was not able
C. will not be able
D. had not been able
7. Noli narrare nobis fabulam miseram!
A. I didn't tell
B. Do you wish to tell
C. Don’t tell
D. I'm not telling
8. A QUO DUCE Gallia capta est?
A. To which general
B. For which general
C. By which general
D. According to which general
9. Verba non erant ___ filio.
A. grata
B. grati
C. gratas
D. gratis
10. Aeneas Troiam a Graecis captam reliquit.
A. capturing
B. captured
C. about to capture
D. going to be captured
11. Augustus, ___ imperator, cives Romanos diu ducebat.
A. bonus
B. boni
C. bono
D. bonum
12. Sol per caelum curro Apollinis trahebatur.
A. pulled
B. will be pulled
C. was pulling
D. was being pulled
13. Illa epistula longa est! Legistine eam?
A. us
B. it
C. him
D. them
14. Tullia celerius quam frater currit.
A. quickly
B. more quickly
C. most quickly
D. as quickly as possible
15. Narcissus se in aqua spectabat.
A. her
B. themselves
C. us
D. himself
16. Ad Britanniam nave animalia transportavimus.
A. boat
B. of a boat
C. by boat
D. to the boat
17. Caesar ad familiam scripsit se a piratis captum esse.
A. that he would capture the pirates
B. that he had captured the pirates
C. that the pirates were his captives
D. that he had been captured by pirates
18. Mea filia ______ appellabitur.
A. Cornelia
B. Corneliae
C. Corneliam
D. Cornelius
19. Exploratores silvam intrantes erant perterriti.
A. entering
B. having entered
C. about to enter
D. prepared to enter
20. Audiesne meam vocem, si clamabo?
A. Do you hear?
B. Are you heard?
C. Will you hear?
D. Did you hear?
21. Quot sunt duodecim et quattuor?
A. octo
B. quattuordecim
C. sedecim
D. duodeviginti
22. In which famous Greek city could Romans study philosophy and round out their cultural education?
A. Sparta
B. Athens
C. Carthage
D. Troy
23. The businessman receives a per diem allowance whenever he travels for his company
A. monthly
B. weekly
C. yearly
D. daily
24. A Roman ship, sailing from the port of Ostia to Sicily, would head
A. north
B. west
C. south
D. east
25. Repugnant, IMPUGN, and PUGNACIOUS all derive from the Latin verb meaning
A. jump
B. fight
C. point
D. taste
26. During which period of Rome's history did Augustus Caesar, Nero, and Trajan rule?
A. Prehistoric
B. Monarchy
C. Republic
D. Empire
27. Which Greek hero was associated with Danae, Medusa, and Andromeda?
A. Hercules
B. Jason
C. Perseus
D. Odysseus
28. Senator : curia :: gladiator : ____
A. taberna
B. templum
C. amphitheatrum
D. insula
29. "Having invaded Italy, I crushed three Roman armies in one year. My goal was to bring Rome's allies over to my side and thus defeat the Romans once and for all. Who am I?"
A. Julius Caesar
B. Alexander
C. Aeneas
D. Hannibal
30. Marcus and his friend went to the thermae to
A. bathe and exercise
B. watch chariot races
C. hear a court case
D. make a sacrifice to the gods
31. If a teacher says to a student, "Cur librum hodie non habes?" she is asking him
A. to go to the blackboard
B. why he is so quiet
C. why he doesn't have his textbook
D. to leave the room
32. Where did Hercules have to go in order to fetch Cerberus as one of his labors?
A. Mount Olympus
B. Troy
C. the Underworld
D. Crete