Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἐποιούμην
Mounce First Aorist Active Indicative (liquid) ἒμεινα
Mastronarde-Fut Act Ind ἀκούσομαι
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audīvī
Classical Latin
Verb esse Imperfect Active Indicative to be
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Relative Pronoun ὅς
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἄναξ
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mīsī
This is the Latin 2 test for 1997. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Multi senatores ad Forum carris portabantur.
A. had carried
B. were being carried
C. will carry
D. are being carried
2. Fideles cives stabant ante templum.
A. behind the temple
B. into the temple
C. around the temple
D. in front of the temple
3. Mater duos pueros dormientes excitavit.
A. sleeping
B. about to sleep
C. slept
D. to sleep
4. Nomina Latina avium in illo libro erant.
A. birds
B. than the birds
C. of the birds
D. from the birds
5. Facillimum est errare.
A. easy
B. easily
C. very easy
D. easier
6. Hercules duodecim labores perficere poterat.
A. to complete
B. will complete
C. to be completed
D. to have completed
7. Familia laeta in this villa habitat.
A. illa
B. alia
C. qua
D. hac
8. Nauta dicit se epistulam cras scripturum esse.
A. is writing
B. will write
C. wrote
D. had written
9. Parvus canis A PUELLA vocabatur.
A. by the girl
B. near the girl
C. for the girl
D. to the girl
10. Hodie nos ad urbem ibimus.
A. are going
B. will go
C. were going
D. have gone
11. Magister antiquum librum diligenter aperuit.
A. careful
B. very carefully
C. rather carefully
D. carefully
12. Rex quem cives amabant erat aequus et iustus.
A. whom
B. to whom
C. with whom
D. whose
13. Servus fenestram magna cum diligentia refecerat.
A. is fixing
B. was fixing
C. will fix
D. had fixed
14. Vir se in flumine lavabit.
A. themselves
B. himself
C. ourselves
D. yourself
15. Discipulus a magistro monitus bene laboravit.
A. having been warned
B. to warn
C. will warn
D. warning
16. Dux Romanus ad magnam navem mox perveniet.
A. will arrive
B. was arriving
C. had arrived
D. arrived
17. Currite, Helena et Quintia, celeriter ad Forum!
A. is running
B. you are running
C. to run
D. run
18. Labor huius diei est difficilis.
A. about this day
B. this day
C. of this day
D. on this day
19. Multi Romani Minervam, ____, honoraverunt.
A. deas sapientiae
B. deam sapientiae
C. dea sapientiae
D. deae sapientiae
20. Estne Olympus altior quam Vesuvius?
A. higher
B. high
C. highest
D. as high
21. Which of the following is the River of Gloom in the Underworld?
A. Cerberus
B. Proserpina
C. Charon
D. Styx
22. Horatius Cocles, Mucius Scaevola, and Cincinnatus were
A. members of the First Triumvirate
B. early Roman patriots
C. Julius Caesar's lieutenants
D. well-known Roman writers
23. In quo mari est Sicilia?
A. Aegean
B. Black
C. Adriatic
D. Mediterranean
24. The commands aperi librum! NOLI DICERE CUM VICINIS! SUME STYLUM! SCRIBE IN TABULA! Would most likely be given to someone
A. in Colosseo
B. in horto
C. in ludo
D. in Circo Maximo
25. _____ helped _____ obtain the Golden Fleece.
A. Eurydice … Orpheus
B. Ariadne … Theseus
C. Andromeda … Perseus
D. Medea … Jason
26. Which of these Roman emperors was at one time known as Octavian?
A. Augustus
B. Tiberius
C. Caligula
D. Nero
27. The three goddesses whom Paris judged were
A. Juno, Venus, Ceres
B. Juno, Venus, Vesta
C. Juno, Venus, Diana
D. Juno, Venus, Minerva
28. When Theseus left Athens to go to Crete to kill the Minotaur, in what direction did he sail?
A. south
B. north
C. east
D. west
29. Which of these Latin words is not a season?
A. ver
B. hiems
C. mare
D. aestas
30. The terms legio, CASTRA, and CENTURIO pertain to
A. religion
B. army
C. the monarchy
D. politics
31. Verbum sapienti sat est.
A. A word to the wise is sufficient.
B. A wise man likes words.
C. Wisdom is enough.
D. Enough has been said about wisdom.
32. He gave the article a cursory reading.
A. partial
B. quick
C. angry
D. enthusiastic