Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
4th Declension Masculine arcus
Mounce Second Aorist Middle Indicative ἐγενόμην
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension νηῦς
Homeric Greek Lesson XVIII Perfect Active λέλυκα
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind λύομαι
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension παῖς
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular nōlō present active I do not desire
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 1995. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Familia in urbe multos menses habitabat.
A. in many months
B. for many months
C. after many months
D. before many months
2. Nolite ____, discipuli!
A. currere
B. currimus
C. curritis
D. currunt
3. Oppidum quod vidi erat parvum.
A. this
B. came
C. which
D. what
4. Legatus fortior erat quam dux.
A. as the leader
B. which leader
C. that leader
D. than the leader
5. Mater dicit villam esse pulcherrimam.
A. was
B. is
C. will be
D. had been
6. Quibus hanc picturam monstrabis?
A. Who
B. With whom
C. To whom
D. Whose
7. Italiam videre volunt.
A. they bring
B. they ought
C. they want
D. they can
8. Roma a multis amata est.
A. will be loved
B. will have been loved
C. had been loved
D. has been loved
9. Multi pisces sub hoc ponte habitant.
A. their
B. this
C. every
D. his
10. Monstrum pueros territos cepit.
A. terrifying
B. terrified
C. to terrify
D. about to terrify
11. Adulescens dicit se montem ascensurum esse.
A. climbs
B. to be climbed
C. climbed
D. will climb
12. Magister fabulam de clarissimis laboribus Herculis narrabit.
A. famous
B. more famous
C. very famous
D. famously
13. "Veto!" A TRIBUNO dictum est.
A. concerning the tribune
B. with the tribune
C. near the tribune
D. by the tribune
14. Ambulans ad tabernam, miles amicum vidit.
A. Walked
B. Walking
C. Going to walk
D. Having walked
15. Mercatores navigare poterant.
A. will be able
B. are able
C. were able
D. will have been able
16. Senator oratorem laudavisse debet.
A. to have praised
B. to praise
C. to be praised
D. to have praised
17. Romani fortiter pugnaverunt.
A. most bravely
B. more bravely
C. brave
D. bravely
18. Stolae a feminis geruntur.
A. will be worn
B. have been worn
C. are being worn
D. were being worn
19. Phaethon carrum patris aget.
A. was driving
B. did drive
C. will drive
D. had driven
20. Perseus ____ in templum duxit.
A. matrem
B. matri
C. matre
D. mater
21. King Midas foolishly
A. wished for the Golden Touch
B. challenged Hercules to a fight
C. drove the chariot of the Sun
D. tried to steal Cerberus from the Underworld
22. Metae, LUDI CIRCENSES, and SPINA are words which pertain to
A. chariot races
B. baths
C. religion
D. military exercises
23. Sailing east from Brundisium across the Adriatic Sea, one would reach
A. Africa
B. Greece
C. Sicily
D. Spain
24. The president questioned the treasurer about the allocation of money.
A. amount
B. placement
C. collection
D. absence
25. Theseus : Minotaur :: Hercules : ___________
A. Nemean lion
B. Harpies
C. Medusa
D. Chimaera
26. Oxygen is A NECESSITY for sustaining human life.
A. bona fide
B. ex tempore
C. sine qua non
D. per diem
27. After leading the Romans to victory, Cincinatus
A. resigned his dictatorship and returned to his plow
B. built a temple in the Forum
C. held a triumphal parade
D. accepted a consulship
28. During the Republic, the consuls
A. presided over the courts
B. were chief executives
C. served as public treasurers
D. were in charge of public games
29. The tacit agreement of his friend made the boy's decision easier.
A. quick
B. spoken
C. solemn
D. silent
30. Who defeated the Parthians and helped Cleopatra rebuild Egypt's power but lost to Octavian at the Battle of Actium in 31 B.C.
A. Caesar
B. Antony
C. Pompey
D. Romulus
31. Which is not a derivative of DO, DARE?
A. dative
B. tradition
C. data
D. deduce
32. Scylla, Circe, and Polyphemus were some of the challenges that faced
A. Theseus
B. Jason
C. Hercules
D. Ulysses