Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Present Active Indicative contract verb -έω
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monēbam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb esse Present Active Indicative to be
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative, to be, ἤμην
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 3rd Conjugation mitterem
Mounce Present Active Participle of εἰμί
This is the Latin 2 test for 1994. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Quod flumen est latius?
A. wide
B. wider
C. widest
D. as wide as possible
2. Legistine carmen longum de ____ Troiano?
A. bellum
B. belli
C. bello
D. bella
3. If your teacher asks you, "quot annos habes?" you will give your
A. height
B. name
C. address
D. age
4. Pluto Proserpinam ___ cepit.
A. infelicis
B. infelici
C. infelice
D. infelicem
5. Pueri Romani a servis in ludum ducuntur.
A. were being led
B. will be led
C. have been led
D. are being led
6. Niobe in saxum durissimum mutata est.
A. hardly
B. very hard
C. harder
D. hard
7. Tell Marce, fabulam de Troia!
A. Narrare
B. Narrate
C. Narra
D. Narras
8. Castor et Pollux erant ___
A. fratres
B. fratrum
C. fratri
D. fratre
9. Rex ___ pontem fecit erat Ancus Martius.
A. qui
B. quam
C. quo
D. quae
10. Caesar ab ____ necatus est.
A. inimicos
B. inimici
C. inimicis
D. inimicae
11. Hannibal putabat se Romam victurum esse.
A. had conquered
B. would conquer
C. was conquering
D. is being conquered
12. Discipuli et magister in Foro tres ___ manserunt.
A. horas
B. horae
C. horarum
D. horis
13. Spartacus dixit, "Multi servi oppressi sunt."
A. had been subdued
B. have been subdued
C. will be subdued
D. will have been subdued
14. Atalanta celerius quam omnes viri currere poterat.
A. that
B. where
C. when
D. than
15. Haec verba sunt utilia et clara.
A. This
B. That
C. Those
D. These
16. Vult esse miles aut nauta.
A. He wants
B. He wanted
C. He had wanted
D. He will want
17. What Latin number comes between septendecim and undeviginti?
A. duodeviginti
B. quindecim
C. sedecim
D. duodecim
18. Tiberius et Gaius, ___, populum Romanum iuvare volebant.
A. tribunis
B. triubnos
C. tribunorum
D. tribuni
19. Leo vulneratus currere non potuit.
A. will not be able
B. was not able
C. is not able
D. had not been able
20. Nomen novum regi datum est.
A. with the king
B. by the king
C. around the king
D. to the king
21. The words animalia, ARENA, and COLOSSEUM pertain to
A. entertainment
B. politics
C. religion
D. war
22. Crete, Delos, and Rhodes are:
A. islands in the Mediterranean
B. mountains in Greece
C. cities in Italy
D. rivers in Gaul
23. The first Roman emperor and the one whose rule began the Pax Romana was
A. Nero
B. Cicero
C. Julius Caesar
D. Augustus
24. The animal associated with Neptune and Bellerophon was the
A. lion
B. horse
C. dog
D. tiger
25. Who was absent from his home Ithaca and his wife Penelope for twenty years?
A. Hercules
B. Jason
C. Ulysses
D. Theseus
26. Incur, OCCUR, CURRENT, and CURSIVE are all derived from the Latin word
A. cura
B. oculus
C. incipio
D. curro
27. In Roman times, chariot racing took place in the
A. thermae
B. Colosseum
C. Circus Maximus
D. Via Appia
28. The mountain that was considered the home of the gods was Mount:
A. Aetna
B. Vesuvius
C. Atlas
D. Olympus
29. The politician expressed immutable opposition to the plan.
A. indefensible
B. unreasonable
C. unconvincing
D. unchanging
30. Put these periods in Roman history in the proper chronological order. 1) empire 2) fall of Rome 3) Republic 4) monarchy
A. 3,2,1,4
B. 4,3,1,2
C. 2,4,3,1
D. 1,4,3,2
31. Apollo gave me a bow and arrow, Vulcan gave me a bronze club, and I performed twelve labors successfully. Who am I?
A. Aeneas
B. Achilles
C. Hannibal
D. Hercules
32. What Latin expression means "to the point of disgust?"
A. ad nauseam
B. ad hoc
C. ad infinitum
D. ad astra per aspera