Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Article ὁ
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 3rd Conjugation mitterem
Homeric Greek Lesson IX Imperfect Active Indicative
Mounce Present Middle-Passive Indicative λύομαι
Mounce Present Active Indicative λύω
Mounce Present Active Participle λύων
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἄναξ
Mounce Second Aorist Passive Indicative ἐγράφην
This is the Latin 2 test for 1993. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 34 questions
1. Cornelia, ____ Gracchorum, filios amabat.
A. mater
B. matris
C. matrem
D. matre
2. Miles aut necat aut necatur.
A. both ... and
B. either ... or
C. not only ... but also
D. neither .... nor
3. Tell me girls, the story of the Trojan War.
A. Narrate
B. Narratis
C. Narra
D. Narrant
4. Caesar is trying to cross the Rhine.
A. conatur
B. conanmur
C. conantur
D. conor
5. Theseus scit monstrum in labyrintho habitare.
A. lives
B. will live
C. had lived
D. was living
6. Multitudo hominum ad forum festivavit.
A. for the men
B. of men
C. the man
D. from the men
7. Servi ____in agris laborare.
A. volo
B. volunt
C. vis
D. vult
8. Cena optima a servis parata est.
A. prepares
B. was prepared
C. did prepare
D. had prepared
9. Atalanta erat celerior quam iuvenes.
A. swiftest
B. swiftly
C. swift
D. swifter
10. Dea ___ viro viam demonstravit.
A. hunc
B. hoc
C. huic
D. hic
11. Cives praesidem creare poterant.
A. are able
B. had been able
C. will be able
D. were able
12. Let us stay in the city.
A. manemus
B. mansimus
C. maneamus
D. manebimus
13. What did King Midas want?
A. Quis
B. Quem
C. Quid
D. Quo
14. Magistro nostra nomina nuntiavimus, sed vestra non nuntiavistis.
A. your
B. my
C. our
D. their
15. Dux Romanus urbem captam liberavit.
A. capturing the city
B. the captured city
C. captured the city
D. the capture of the city
16. Hannibal carthaginem revenit.
A. from Carthage
B. to Carthage
C. in Carthage
D. at Carthage
17. Senator maxima cum cura epistulam scribit.
A. with great care
B. with more care
C. with the greatest care
D. carefully
18. Marcus, qui lente ambulat, semper tardus est.
A. who
B. whom
C. whose
D. what
19. Quattuor equi carrum celeriter trahebant.
A. rather quickly
B. very quickly
C. quickly
D. as quickly as possible
20. Multos canes currentes in viis vidimus.
A. to run
B. ran
C. about to run
D. running
21. The Roman general known for his conquest of Gaul was:
A. Caesar
B. Marius
C. Crassus
D. Pompey
22. During the first two Punic Wars, the island of Sicily was claimed by both Rome and
A. Troy
B. Athens
C. Carthage
D. Egypt
23. A task described as facile would be
A. necessary
B. burdensome
C. easy
D. lengthy
24. Which saying applies to an athlete who is also an outstanding student?
A. non compos mentis
B. mens sana in corpore sano
C. persona non grata
D. in loco parentis
25. Atramentum, STYLUS, and CERA were used by the Romans for
A. writing
B. bathing
C. dining
D. cooking
26. The aged Charon and three-headed dog, Cerberus, were well-known in mythology for
A. turning men into pigs
B. inhabiting the Underworld
C. assigning Hercules his twelve labors
D. defeating the Minotaur
27. Cicero established his reputation among the Romans as an accomplished
A. orator
B. general
C. sculptor
D. poet
28. Ariadne : Theseus :: Medea : ___________
A. Perseus
B. Aeneas
C. Jason
D. Achilles
29. Which of the following provinces was located east of Italy?
A. Hispania
B. Britannia
C. Graecia
D. Sicilia
30. Which of the following events took place after the death of Julius Caesar?
A. Punic Wars
B. reign of Romulus
C. reign of Augustus
D. dictatorship of Cincinnatus
31. The cursus honorum was a term used by the Romans in
A. politics
B. athletics
C. religion
D. fine arts
32. Vinum, MENSA, CIBUS, and ANTECENA were most commonly found
A. in the Circus Maximus
B. at a banquet
C. after an election
D. inside a library
33. Potential, POSSIBILITY, and OMNIPOTENT all come from the Latin word that means
A. put, place
B. be able
C. ask
D. carry
34. Duodecim et sex sunt
A. duodeviginti
B. undeviginti
C. viginti unus
D. viginti