Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce 1st and 2nd Declension Adjective ἀγαθός
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἐπληρούμην
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 1st Conjugation portārem
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative nōlēbam
Classical Latin
Verb esse Present Active Indicative to be
Mounce Present Active Participle of εἰμί
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 1992. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Scipio erat dux very well known in Bello Punico.
A. notissimi
B. notissimum
C. notissimus
D. notissimis
2. Meus amicus scripsit epistulam in qua meam matrem laudabat.
A. how
B. which
C. who
D. whose
3. Rex scivit Britannos ad insulam venisse.
A. are coming
B. will come
C. can come
D. had come
4. Imperator in flumine Rheno duos ____ fecit.
A. pontibus
B. pontium
C. ponti
D. pontes
5. Servus fugitivus A DOMINO captus est.
A. by the master
B. away from the master
C. towards the master
D. of the master
6. Pater dixit ___ esse cives bonos.
A. filius
B. filio
C. filios
D. filiis
7. Si omnibus placere temptabis, nemini placebis.
A. to please
B. to be pleased
C. to have pleased
D. to have been pleased
8. Mus rusticus et mus urbanus erant multos annos amici.
A. for many years
B. within many years
C. many years ago
D. after many years
9. Pygmalion statuam pulchram was admiring.
A. admiratur
B. admiratus erat
C. admirabitur
D. admirabatur
10. Castor et Pollux erant ___ Helenae
A. fratre
B. fratrum
C. fratribus
D. fratres
11. Regulus senatoribus imperavit ne discederent.
A. that they left
B. not to leave
C. that they must leave
D. who did not leave
12. Filia erat simillima ___
A. matris
B. matri
C. matrem
D. matre
13. Pater fabulam ___ leone et Androcle narravit
A. per
B. ex
C. super
D. de
14. Servus Hannibalis milites Romanos appropinquantes vidit.
A. approached
B. having approached
C. about to approach
D. approaching
15. After the king had been driven OUT, Romani duos consules creaverunt.
A. Regis expulsi
B. Rege expulso
C. Regem expulsum
D. Rex expulsus
16. Tam potens est ventus ut arbores cadant.
A. The wind is so powerful and the trees are falling down.
B. The wind is so powerful that the trees are falling down.
C. If the wind is powerful the trees will fall down.
D. The wind was powerful and then the trees fell down.
17. The last rider jumped higher than all the other competitors.
A. alte
B. altus
C. altissime
D. altius
18. Toga illius erat candidissima.
A. for that man
B. from that man
C. of that man
D. by that man
19. Romanus miles qui aquilam fert aquilifer appellatur.
A. carried
B. was carrying
C. carries
D. will carry
20. Ad ripam fluminis hodie pervenire poterunt.
A. they are able
B. they will have been able
C. they were able
D. they will be able
21. Ovid's quotation "audentes deus ipse iuvat" means:
A. The god himself dares to help
B. The god himself helps the daring
C. The god who listens helps himself
D. The daring help god himself
22. Intangible, TACTILE, and INTACT are derived from the verb:
A. tenere
B. tacere
C. tangere
D. timere
23. Quis erat uxor Plutonis et filia Cereris?
A. Daphne
B. Psyche
C. Proserpina
D. Echo
24. Romulus, Numa, and Tullius Hostilius were Roman:
A. kings
B. dictators
C. senators
D. soothsayers
25. A man who lies to his friends soon becomes:
A. alter ego
B. caveat emptor
C. homo sapiens
D. persona non grata
26. What body of water lies between Greece and Italy?
A. Atlantic Ocean
B. Black Sea
C. Adriatic Sea
D. Straits of Gibraltar
27. The candidate used A ROUNDABOUT WAY OF SPEAKING.
A. circumlocution
B. retrogression
C. perspicacity
D. malevolence
28. Narcissistic is derived from the name of Narcissus, a Greek youth who:
A. loved only himself
B. killed his twin brother
C. made wings of wax
D. tamed Pegasus
29. Sacra et Appia et Flaminia erant:
A. montes
B. flumina
C. viae
D. villae
30. Who wrote an account of his military campaigns in Gaul, Britain, and Germany?
A. Cicero
B. Sulla
C. Pompey
D. Caesar
31. Orpheus lost his wife Eurydice while trying to lead her out of the underworld. What mistake did he make?
A. He hurried.
B. He forgot to make a sacrifice to the gods.
C. He lost his way.
D. He looked back.
32. The Punic Wars were fought between Rome and:
A. Alexandria
B. Athens
C. Carthage
D. Troy
33. In the Roman Calendar the nones fell on the:
A. first or third
B. fifth or seventh
C. thirteenth or fifteenth
D. last day of the month
34. Tepidarium, PALAESTRA, and HYPOCAUSTUM are terms associated with the:
A. basilica
B. forum
C. baths
D. farmhouse
35. The Roman poet Ovid is best known for his metamorphoses which are accounts of:
A. historical events
B. farming procedures
C. mythological stories
D. naval battles