Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind λύομαι
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittēbam
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiēbam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 16
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension Adjective πᾶς
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active possum I am able
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudābō
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 1991. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Nolite ambulare in agris!
A. walk slowly
B. they cannot walk
C. do not walk
D. they do not want to walk
2. Leones in Colosseo auditi sunt.
A. hear
B. heard
C. will be heard
D. were heard
3. The senators walked into the forum.
A. in foro
B. in forum
C. per forum
D. ab foro
4. Ingens lupus Marcum, citizen Romanum, oppugnavit.
A. civis
B. civem
C. cives
D. cive
5. Milites were able oppidum videre.
A. possunt
B. potuerint
C. poterant
D. potuerant
6. Caesar ad Galliam profectus erat.
A. set out
B. was setting out
C. had set out
D. will have set out
7. Servi whose domini erant crudeles saepe fugiebant.
A. quo
B. quorum
C. qui
D. quos
8. After he saw the dog, the thief dropped the gold.
A. cane viso
B. canem videre
C. canem visum
D. canum visorum
9. Capiamus illos fugitivos.
A. We shall seize
B. We are seizing
C. Let us seize
D. We have seized
10. Filius erat clarior quam pater.
A. which father
B. whose father
C. than the father
D. for the father
11. Crassus superavit Spartacum, gladiatorem ___
A. clarus
B. clarum
C. claro
D. clari
12. On the fourth day they returned from Brundisium.
A. quarto die
B. quartum diem
C. quartus dies
D. quarti diei
13. Rex Minos iussit Minotaurum teneri in Labyrintho.
A. holding
B. to hold
C. holds
D. to be held
14. Rex to them pecuniam non dabit.
A. ei
B. eorum
C. eis
D. eos
15. Daedalus alas fecit ut ___
A. volet
B. volaret
C. volaverit
D. volavisset
16. Jason et Medea ab Asia celerrime navigaverunt.
A. quickly
B. quick
C. very quickly
D. more quickly
17. Gladiatores in arena se defendebant.
A. them
B. him
C. himself
D. themselves
18. Dido audivit Troianos navibus discessuros esse.
A. had left
B. ought to leave
C. were leaving
D. would leave
19. Vox : voces :: nomen : _____
A. nomine
B. nomina
C. nomini
D. nominibus
20. Caesar fuit ___
A. consul
B. consulis
C. consulem
D. consule
21. Who was turned into a laurel tree as she ran from Apollo?
A. Cassandra
B. Diana
C. Venus
D. Daphne
22. The chariot racing teams known as the Reds, Greens, Whites, and Blues competed in the
A. Forum
B. Colosseum
C. Circus Maximus
D. Pantheon
23. Arboreal animals live in:
A. trees
B. water
C. cages
D. fields
24. The Roman hero who held off the Etruscan army at the Sublician Bridge was:
A. Horatius
B. Cincinnatus
C. Cato
D. Mucius Scaevola
25. The English word martial, derived from the name of a Roman god, means:
A. warlike
B. marine
C. financial
D. beloved
26. The punishment given to the Titan Atlas was:
A. to have his liver eaten by a vulture
B. to hold the sky on his shoulders
C. to be bound to a fiery wheel
D. to hunger and thirst eternally
27. Which word is not derived from the latin noun MORS?
A. mortuary
B. immortality
C. morality
D. mortician
28. The scorpio, the CATAPULTA, and the BALLISTA were types of:
A. weapons
B. clothing
C. meals
D. public offices
29. Which two were messengers for the gods?
A. Iris and Mercury
B. Cupid and Psyche
C. Baucis and Philemon
D. Proserpina and Pluto
30. The U.S. Coast Guard's motto, semper paratus means:
A. Always faithful
B. Always prepared
C. Always honorable
D. Always determined
31. Hannibal was an important military leader in the:
A. Punic Wars
B. Social Wars
C. Trojan WAr
D. Civil Wars
32. Carthage, the city of Queen Dido, is located in:
A. Spain
B. North Africa
C. Sicily
D. Greece
33. Xxi minus II:
A. sedecim
B. undeviginti
C. duodeviginti
D. quindecim
34. Which magistrate's duties included keeping lists of citizens and supervising public morality?
A. aedile
B. praetor
C. quaestor
D. censor
35. Peacock: Juno :: owl : ____
A. Vesta
B. Venus
C. Ceres
D. Minerva