Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind πείθομαι
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension παῖς
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἀνήρ II
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation rēxī
Mounce Demonstrative Pronoun οὗτος
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 19
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parābō
This is the Latin 2 test for 1990. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Legatus fortis for four hours cucurrit.
A. quattuor horis
B. quarta hora
C. quattuor horas
D. quartam horam
2. In ancient Rome, public records used to be placed inside the Tabularium.
A. ponebantur
B. posuerant
C. posuerunt
D. ponentur
3. Omnes epistulae quas senator scribit sunt longae.
A. which
B. whose
C. who
D. with which
4. Hannibal did not think that the men and animals would have such hardships on the Alpine crossing.
A. viros animaliaque
B. viri animaliaque
C. virorum animaliumque
D. viris animalibusque
5. The names of the days of the week come from mythology.
A. dies
B. dierum
C. diei
D. dies
6. Augustus scribens clamorem hostium audivit.
A. having been written
B. about to write
C. while writing
D. having written
7. The most beautiful omnium dearum erat Venus.
A. Pulchra
B. Pulchrior
C. Pulcherrime
D. Pulcherrima
8. They did not wish to take part in the voting that day.
A. nolunt
B. noluerint
C. noluerunt
D. nolent
9. They thought that Cicero had prepared an excellent defense for his client.
A. parari
B. paravisse
C. paratum esse
D. paraturum esse
10. Postquam epistulam huic dedimus, ex urbe excessimus.
A. by this man
B. with this man
C. of this man
D. to this man
11. Mercurius ad regnum Plutonis missus est ut Proserpinam ___
A. reduceret
B. reducitur
C. reduxerat
D. reducta erat
12. Ignibus exstinctis, captivi ex urbe fugerunt.
A. In order to extinguish the flames
B. With burning ashes
C. After the flames had been extinguished
D. in the consuming flames
13. Magister iter facit Romam, the eternal city.
A. urbs aeterna
B. urbis aeternae
C. urbi aeternae
D. urbem aeternam
14. Est magnus honor audiri in foro.
A. to have heard
B. to hear
C. to be heard
D. to have been heard
15. Scipio carried on his campaign bravely.
A. fortiter
B. fortissime
C. fortius
D. fortitudo
16. Let us watch the awards ceremony together.
A. Spectamus
B. Spectamur
C. Spectemur
D. Spectemus
17. Prima luce naves ad insulam pervenerunt.
A. for the first time
B. after a great struggle
C. on purpose
D. at dawn
18. I WILL TRY to remember your excellent advice.
A. conor
B. conabar
C. conabor
D. conatus sum
19. Noli ____ illud flumen periculosum!
A. transiens
B. transire
C. transitis
D. transite
20. Dux fortis erat ___ regis.
A. filius
B. fili
C. filium
D. filio
21. Which young Olympian, who invented the lyre, is usually pictured carrying the caduceus?
A. Mars
B. Mercury
C. Pluto
D. Vulcan
22. What separates Spain from Gaul?
A. Pillars of Hercules
B. Adriatic Sea
C. Pyrenees
D. Apennines
23. Artists, physicians, acrobats, and teachers were usually:
A. senators
B. slaves
C. women
D. priests
24. Which legendary Roman hero thrust his right hand into a flame to prove his bravery to an Etruscan king?
A. Tarquinius Superbus
B. Cincinnatus
C. Coriolanus
D. Mucius Scaevola
25. The words translate, REFERENDUM, and RELATIVE are derivatives of the Latin verb which means:
A. bear, bring
B. vote for, support
C. join, blend
D. believe, trust
26. The Stymphalian birds, the cattle of Geryon, and the Golden Apples of the Hesperides were among the adventures of:
A. Theseus
B. Perseus
C. Jason
D. Hercules
27. After his defeat in the battle of Pharsalus in 48 B.C., Julius Caesar's rival, ___ fled to Egypt where he was killed.
A. Pompey
B. Sulla
C. Catiline
D. Brutus
28. What Latin word means the things which must be done?
A. data
B. memoranda
C. agenda
D. referenda
29. Cxvii minus CII:
A. duodecim
B. tredecim
C. sedecim
D. quindecim
30. Where in the Roman world would you find a scutum, GALEA, and GLADIUS?
A. at the baths
B. in an army camp
C. in a dining room
D. in a Roman temple
31. What warning might you give to your friend who is going shopping?
A. Mea culpa
B. Caveat emptor
C. Veritas vos liberabit
D. Amor omnia vincit
32. What aged couple did Jupiter and Mercury transform into intertwining trees as a reward for their piety?
A. Orpheus and Eurydice
B. Pyramus and Thisbe
C. Baucis and Philemon
D. Pygmalion and Galatea
33. By defeating the Carthaginians in the Punic Wars, the Romans gained control of Spain, North Africa, and:
A. Greece
B. Sicily
C. Crete
D. Britain
34. Pugnacity and belligerence are characteristics of:
A. architects
B. singers
C. judges
D. fighters
35. Where would Romans go to watch ludi gladiatorii?
A. triclinium
B. basilica
C. taberna
D. amphitheater