Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiam
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation rēxī
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudō
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation moneō
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἐποιούμην
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 1
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 19
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 1989. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Daphne deum Apollinem celerrime effugit.
A. quickly
B. rather quickly
C. more quickly
D. very quickly
2. Deucalion and Pyrrha repopulated the earth with rocks.
A. pro saxis
B. saxa
C. apud saxa
D. saxis
3. Nemo verba Cassandrae, ___ regis, audivit.
A. filia
B. filiae
C. filiam
D. filiarum
4. Let Paris ANNOUNCE his decision.
A. nuntiat
B. nuntiabat
C. nuntiet
D. nuntiavit
5. ___ monstra a Perseo interfecta sunt?
A. Quis
B. Quid
C. Quod
D. Quae
6. Ulixes et viri the approach Polyphemi magnopere timuerunt.
A. aditu
B. aditui
C. aditum
D. aditus
7. Post mortem Romulus ___ appellatus est.
A. deum
B. deus
C. dei
D. deo
8. Cum amicis Latine cras ___
A. colloquimur
B. colloquemur
C. collocuti sumus
D. colloqui
9. Icarus, a patre ___ altius volavit.
A. monens
B. monitus
C. moniti
D. monere
10. Tarquinius Superbus erat crudelior ___
A. ceteri reges
B. ceteris regibus
C. ceteros reges
D. ceterorum regum
11. Tria capita ___ erant.
A. cani Cerbero
B. canis Cerberus
C. canem Cerberum
D. cane Cerbero
12. Nolite ___ pueros puellasque ad Minotaurum!
A. mittere
B. mittitis
C. mittetis
D. mitti
13. Fabulam de bello Troiano ___ narrabo.
A. eis
B. eos
C. eum
D. id
14. Virgine ___, Perseus domum rediit.
A. servatus
B. servata
C. servatum
D. servatis
15. Infans Hercules erat tam potens ut duos serpentes strangulare ____.
A. potest
B. posset
C. poterat
D. posse
16. Multi putaverunt Caesare esse regem ___
A. voluit
B. voluisset
C. volens
D. velle
17. Sibylla Aeneae imperat ut ramum aureum ___.
A. petiverit
B. petivisset
C. peteret
D. petat
18. Dictator Romanus in imperio sex menses erat.
A. within six months
B. for six months
C. in the sixth month
D. by the sixth month
19. Caesar pontem trans Rhenum structurus est.
A. has built
B. must build
C. is going to build
D. has been built
20. Pars ___ in castris mansit.
A. peditum
B. pedites
C. peditibus
D. pedes
21. In 510 B.C. Brutus and Collatinus were responsible for the
A. kidnapping of the Sabine women
B. destruction of Alba Longa
C. defeat of Pyrrhus
D. expulsion of the Tarquins
22. Two attributes of Athena were:
A. trident and horse
B. sickle and sheaf of wheat
C. aegis and owl
D. forge and anvil
23. The Latin verb from which repetition is derived means
A. sell
B. send
C. survive
D. seek
24. One would read the history of the founding of Rome in the works of:
A. Ovid
B. Livy
C. Caesar
D. Plautus
25. Arrange the following in the correct chronological order: 1 the First Triumvirate is formed; 2 Octavian defeats Antony at Actium; 3 Marius and Sulla wage a civil war; 4 Scipio Africanus destroys Carthage.
A. 3,4,1,2
B. 4,3,2,1
C. 3,2,4,1
D. 4,3,1,2
26. The presiding judge at a Roman trial was the:
A. quaestor
B. praetor
C. aedile
D. censor
27. Deus Romanus cui sunt duae facies est:
A. Apollo
B. Janus
C. Pluto
D. Mars
28. Select the pair which is mismatched.
A. Theseus and Ariadne
B. Orpheus and Andromeda
C. Jason and Medea
D. Dido and Aeneas
29. Triplex acies refers to:
A. an award for military victory
B. the legal order for political office
C. a special religious sacrifice
D. a Roman battle formation
30. ___ was assigned the impossible tasks of fetching water from the river Styx and obtaining Proserpina's beauty secrets.
A. Psyche
B. Pandora
C. Arachne
D. Callisto
31. The Roman maiden who betrayed the capital to the Sabines and whose name was later given to the rock from which traitors were hurled to their death was:
A. Rhea Silvia
B. Tarpeia
C. Lucretia
D. Virginia
32. I always carry my Latin book with me. It is my ___
A. ex post facto
B. in toto
C. vade mecum
D. non sequiture
33. In ten days, Caesar bridged the Rhine in order to invade:
A. Hispania
B. Hibernia
C. Illyricum
D. Germania
34. Cincinnatus, Sulla, and Caesar all held the title:
A. emperor
B. censor
C. pharaoh
D. dictator
35. Mars: Ares :: Diana : ___
A. Artemis
B. Aphrodite
C. Hestia
D. Demeter