Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Mounce First Aorist Passive Indicative ἐλύθην
Classical Latin
Verb esse Perfect Active Indicative to be
Classical Latin
Mounce Present Middle-Passive Indicative contract πληροῦμαι
This is the Latin 2 test for 1988. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Puellae pueros ___ in ponte stabant vocabant.
A. quos
B. qui
C. quorum
D. quibus
2. Servi preparing cibum diligentissime laborabant.
A. parans
B. parentibus
C. parante
D. parantes
3. Marcus Tullius Cicero is said to have written more than thrity orations.
A. scribere
B. scriptum esse
C. scripsisse
D. scripturus esse
4. The skill of the hands of Daedalus was well known.
A. manus
B. manuum
C. manum
D. manibus
5. Quot sunt sedecim et duo?
A. duodeviginti
B. octaginta
C. octo
D. undeviginti
6. Erato, the Muse of lyric poetry, walked hand in hand with the happy poet.
A. felicis
B. felix
C. felicem
D. felici
7. Pulchri arbores erant incolis grati.
A. of the inhabitants
B. the inhabitants
C. to the inhabitants
D. with the inhabitants
8. Multae fabulae de Iasone a poetis relatae sunt.
A. will have been told
B. have been told
C. have told
D. had told
9. After the camp had been FORTIFIED, Caesar hurried to Geneva.
A. Castris munituris
B. Castris munitis
C. Castra munire
D. Castra munita esse
10. Tarquinius Superbus was a very wicked Etruscan king of Rome.
A. male
B. peior
C. pessimus
D. malus
11. The Romans believed that their souls would descend to the underworld.
A. descendere
B. descensuras esse
C. descendisse
D. descensas esse
12. Oraculum regem monet ne bellum wage.
A. gesisset
B. gereret
C. gesserit
D. gerat
13. Theseus, magnus vir, ad easdem insulas navigavit.
A. those
B. the same
C. which
D. these
14. Mittantur naves ad urbes magnas quae bonos portus habent.
A. ships will be sent
B. ships are being sent
C. may they send ships
D. let the ships be sent
15. The wooden horse was so enormous that the Trojans thought they would not be able to bring it into the city of Troy.
A. putant
B. putaverunt
C. putent
D. putarent
16. Jason's companions wish to leave Colchis.
A. velint
B. volunt
C. volent
D. vellent
17. Noli ___, Orpheu, tuam uxorem ne ea ad Orcum redeat!
A. respicit
B. respicere
C. respice
D. respicite
18. Atalanta ___ dixit, "Si tu me superabis ego te amabo."
A. iuvenis
B. iuvenum
C. iuvene
D. iuveni
19. Odysseus suam feminam, Penelopen, in insula Ithaca conspexit.
A. his own
B. her own
C. their own
D. your own
20. Perseus monstrum Medusam gladio Athenae interficere poterat.
A. was able
B. is able
C. had been able
D. will be able
21. The English word unattractive is derived from the Latin verb:
A. trado
B. tremo
C. traho
D. transeo
22. At the end of the First Punic War, ___ became Rome's first province.
A. Greece
B. Sicily
C. Gaul
D. Egypt
23. The meaning of the Latin saying periculum in mora is
A. He is delaying the danger
B. It is a deadly battle
C. The battle must be delayed
D. There is danger in delay
24. Deus solis et praedictionis erat:
A. Neptune
B. Mars
C. Mercury
D. Apollo
25. Which of the following statements about the Gracchi brothers is not true?
A. They were land reformers
B. They were tribunes
C. They served in the war against Hannibal
D. They were assassinated
26. The abbreviation which means and others is:
A. etc.
B. et seq.
C. e.g.
D. et al.
27. Antony and Cleopatra were defeated at the Battle of Actium in 31 B.C. by:
A. Octavian
B. Brutus
C. Julius Caesar
D. Pompey
28. If you sailed from Brundisium to Greece, what body of water would you cross?
A. Aegean Sea
B. Black Sea
C. Red Sea
D. Adriatic Sea
29. One of the greatest engineering feats of the Romans,attributed to Marcus Agrippa and later rebuilt by the Emperor Hadrian, was the:
A. Corinthian canal
B. Colossus of Rhodes
C. Pantheon
D. Parthenon
30. Quis erat dea quacum Arachne in certamine texendi contendit?
A. Ceres
B. Diana
C. Juno
D. Minerva
31. King Minos was king of the island of Crete where the monster ____ was imprisoned.
A. Cacus
B. Chimaera
C. Medusa
D. Minotaur
32. The princess saved by Perseus when she was about to be sacrificed to a sea monster was:
A. Andromeda
B. Ariadne
C. Psyche
D. Daphne
33. The governor of a Roman province often held the title of:
A. aedile
B. quaestor
C. proconsul
D. tribune
34. A soldier in Caesar's army might throw a ___ in battle.
A. praesidium
B. pilum
C. caliga
D. fossa
35. Gaul as a whole was divided into three parts which were inhabited by:
A. Gauls, Phoenicians, and Belgians
B. Gauls, Britons, and Samnites
C. Etruscans, Aquitanians, and Sabines
D. Gauls, Aquitanians, and Belgians