Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Second Aorist Middle Indicative ἐβαλόμην
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mīsī
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 13
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittam
Verb Irregular to be Present Active Indicative εἰμί
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudō
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 1987. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. The guide will show you the Via Sacra in the Forum.
A. vos
B. vobis
C. vestri
D. vestrum
2. Matrona et Sequana erant flumina ___ Gallos a Belgis diviserunt.
A. quae
B. quas
C. quid
D. qui
3. Let us listen to the story of Odysseus' travels.
A. Audiemus
B. Audiamus
C. Audiremus
D. Audimus
4. Id consilium est better.
A. melius
B. meliorem
C. meliorum
D. meliores
5. Cicero said that the safety of the people is the highest law.
A. salus
B. salute
C. salutis
D. salutem
6. Duo fratres proficiscuntur ut urbem novam ___
A. condere
B. condidissent
C. condant
D. conderent
7. Appius Claudius ___ imperavit ut viam munirent.
A. milites
B. milite
C. militem
D. militibus
8. Ceres wondered where Proserpina had gone.
A. ivisset
B. iverat
C. iverit
D. ivit
9. All the gods gave gifts to Pandora, the first woman.
A. feminarum
B. feminam
C. femina
D. feminae
10. Horatius putavit omnia with a calm mind ferenda esse.
A. aequo animo
B. aequi animi
C. aequum animum
D. aequus animus
11. Castra ___ prima luce movenda sunt. (The legion must break camp at dawn.)
A. legio
B. legionem
C. legione
D. legioni
12. Marcus met his friends at the Thermae at noon.
A. meridiem
B. meridies
C. meridie
D. meridiei
13. Icarus erat imprudentior quam ____.
A. pater
B. patrem
C. patre
D. patri
14. Pelias recognized the stranger wearing only one shoe.
A. gerendum
B. gesturum
C. gestum
D. gerentem
15. Cum tempestas esset bona, nautae tamen vela non dederunt.
A. since
B. with
C. although
D. when
16. Tiberius ___ factus est.
A. secundum imperatorem Romanum
B. secundi imperatoris Romani
C. secundus imperator Romanus
D. secundo imperatori Romano
17. Rege expulso, duo consules creati sunt.
A. After the king had been driven out
B. After the victory of the king
C. Drive out the king!
D. I was expelled from the kingdom
18. "Noli ___, Daphne!" clamavit Apollo.
A. fugere
B. fugite
C. fuge
D. fugis
19. Jason ad Colchidem navigaturus est.
A. must sail
B. was about to sail
C. should sail
D. is about to sail
20. They all listen to the words of their fathers.
A. patris
B. patrum
C. patribus
D. patres
21. The member of the Second Triumvirate who later became emperor was
A. Pompey
B. Caesar
C. Antony
D. Octavian
22. Hercules wore on his shoulders the skin of a
A. lion
B. bull
C. serpent
D. stag
23. Fossa vallumque refers to
A. fortification of a camp
B. building of a temple
C. wine-making
D. education of children
24. The boundary between Italy proper and the province of Cisalpine Gaul was the
A. Tiber River
B. Adriatic Sea
C. Rubicon River
D. Pyrenees Mountains
25. The witch who helped Jason seize the Golden Fleece was
A. Circe
B. Ariadne
C. Hecate
D. Medea
26. People often identify their books with labels that read
A. ex libris
B. ex libertate
C. liberorum
D. ex libra
27. In which chronological order did the three periods of Roman government, from the founding to the fall of Rome, occur?
A. monarchy, empire, republic
B. monarchy, republic, empire
C. republic, monarchy, empire
D. empire, republic, monarchy
28. The son of Priam who judged Venus "the fairest" was
A. Aeneas
B. Paris
C. Achilles
D. Hector
29. Rome was rebuilt by Nero after most of the city was destroyed in 64 A.D. by
A. a volcanic eruption
B. an earthquake
C. a barbarian invasion
D. a fire
30. Bedrooms in a Roman house were called
A. vestibula
B. culinae
C. cubicula
D. tablina
31. Sicily was reduced to the status of a Roman province as a result of the
A. Trojan War
B. First Punic War
C. Gallic Wars
D. Social Wars
32. In the Alexandrine War, Julius Caesar fought to reinstate __ as Queen of Egypt.
A. Helen
B. Rhea Silvia
C. Cleopatra
D. Agrippina
33. Of the following English words, which is not derived from the Latin verb SEQUOR?
A. sequel
B. section
C. persecute
D. consecutive
34. The head of a Roman household was called the
A. Pontifex Maximus
B. Pater Patriae
C. Paterfamilias
D. Praetor Urbanus
35. In the Underworld, the wicked were punished in Tartarus, while the good dwelled in
A. Colchis
B. Elysium
C. Phoenicia
D. Etruria