Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce First Aorist Passive Indicative ἐλύθην
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parābam
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiam
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mīsī
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular possum present active I am able
Mounce Demonstrative Pronoun οὗτος
Homeric Greek Lesson X Future Active Indicative
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monēbam
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 1986. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Omnes _____ causa conveniebant.
A. pax
B. pacis
C. pacem
D. paci
2. Multi putant imperatorem ___ milites superavisse.
A. virtutem
B. virtute
C. virtuti
D. virtus
3. Canis igne tam territus erat ut in casa diu ____
A. maneat
B. mansit
C. manebat
D. maneret
4. The new constitution gave political power to the plebs.
A. plebs
B. plebem
C. plebe
D. plebi
5. Odysseus suos hortatus ad insulam navigavit.
A. having encouraged
B. to encourage
C. about to encourage
D. will encourage
6. Romani in amphitheatrum ad gladiatores ___ saepe ibant.
A. spectandos
B. spectandi
C. spectandis
D. spectandus
7. Cum densissima flammae e Vesuvio ascenderent, tamen Plinius librum legere _____
A. voluit
B. volet
C. vult
D. velit
8. Pulchra stola est ___ (Mother has a beautiful dress.)
A. matrem
B. mater
C. matre
D. matri
9. Euclio did not want to tell anyone where he had hidden the pot of gold.
A. celavit
B. celabat
C. celaverat
D. celavisset
10. Caesar dixit ___ esse in Gallia.
A. decimam legionem
B. decimae legionis
C. decimae legioni
D. decima legio
11. Ubi est urbs in ___ Octavianus hostes superavit?
A. cuius
B. quod
C. quae
D. qua
12. The hare boasted, "I can run more quickly than the tortoise!"
A. celere
B. celerrime
C. celerius
D. celerioris
13. Deus filio persuadere volebat ne currum ___.
A. agit
B. agat
C. ageret
D. aget
14. Propter oraculum Agamemnon filiam ad aram ___ iussit.
A. duci
B. duxisse
C. ducite
D. ducenti
15. Pons trans Rhenum ___ aedificandus erat.
A. Caesar
B. Caesari
C. Caesarem
D. Caesare
16. Regulus will decide to return to Carthage.
A. constituit
B. constituet
C. constituebat
D. constitutus est
17. Daedalus Icaro locutus est, "Noli ___ prope solem!"
A. volare
B. volas
C. volavisse
D. volavit
18. Cibo ___, bene cenabimus.
A. parato
B. paratus
C. paratum
D. parata
19. Pompey's sons were defeated at Pharsalus at that time.
A. illo tempore
B. illud tempus
C. illi tempori
D. illius temporis
20. Which consilium capit magister?
A. Quod
B. Quae
C. Qua
D. Quis
21. Which Latin phrase often appears as a stage direction in a theatrical production?
A. de officiis
B. exeunt omnes
C. annuit coeptis
D. habeas corpus
22. Hannibal was finally defeated by Scipio in 202 B.C. at the Battle of Zama in:
A. Spain
B. Italy
C. Sicily
D. Africa
23. The political office which was created by the Romans in answer to the demands of the plebeians for their rights was:
A. censor
B. consul
C. tribune
D. dictator
24. ____ Cupidinem amavit
A. Psyche
B. Persephone
C. Penelope
D. Pyrrhus
25. Wine and oil were stored in vessels known as:
A. tabllae
B. mensae
C. sellae
D. amphorae
26. She is not well-liked because she often makes acerbic statements.
A. untrue
B. bitter
C. envious
D. obvious
27. The Titan who swallowed his newborn offspring lest one of them depose him was
A. Prometheus
B. Polyphemus
C. Cronos
D. Oceanus
28. The garden courtyard of a Roman house was the
A. peristylium
B. impluvium
C. hypocaustum
D. thermae
29. The Romans suffered the worst defeat in their history at the hands of Hannibal in the battle of ___ where more than 50,000 legionaries fell.
A. Actium
B. Pharsalus
C. Cannae
D. Alesia
30. Many people lost their lives when the city was inundated.
A. burned
B. struck by a plague
C. flooded
D. cut off from their supplies
31. Sailors who heard the sweet singing of the ___ were lured to their death.
A. Sirens
B. Centaurs
C. Gorgons
D. Muses
32. Which of the following structures was first developed by the Romans?
A. column
B. rounded arch
C. pyramid
D. temple
33. Aquila erat avis ___
A. Plutonis
B. Iovis
C. Apollinis
D. Martis
34. Duo milia passuum means
A. second course of a meal
B. double line of battle
C. two wheeled vehicle
D. two miles
35. Nonaginta minus septuaginta sunt __