Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monēbō
Classical Latin
The Intensive Adjective - ipse
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb esse Present Active Indicative to be
Mounce First Aorist Passive Indicative ἐλύθην
Mounce Second Aorist Passive Indicative ἐγράφην
Classical Latin
Verb esse Imperfect Active Indicative to be
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudābam
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 1985. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. The leaders of the armies met to sign the peace treaty.
A. exercitibus
B. exercitum
C. exercitus
D. exercituum
2. Caesar should have remained at home on March 15.
A. domus
B. domi
C. domo
D. domum
3. Pater praenomen to his son dedit.
A. fili
B. filio
C. filium
D. filii
4. Praemium discipulo datum est qui quattuor annos bene laboraverat.
A. within four years
B. four years ago
C. after four years
D. for four years
5. Omnibus ____, dux non audiebatur.
A. clamantes
B. clamantibus
C. clamantia
D. clamante
6. Atalanta tam celeris erat ut superari non _____.
A. possit
B. posset
C. poterat
D. potest
7. Pliny the Younger said that he wished to study.
A. vellet
B. voluit
C. velle
D. voluisse
8. Do not leave without your friends.
A. Noli discedere
B. Non discedis
C. Nolle discedere
D. Non discessisti
9. Putasne Caesarem fuisse ___ quam Pompeium?
A. sapientior
B. sapientiorem
C. sapientiore
D. sapientiori
10. Pedites in medium proelium ad auxilium ____ concurrerunt.
A. ferendus
B. ferendi
C. ferendo
D. ferendum
11. She is coming early to finish her homework.
A. ut conficiat
B. ut conficeret
C. confecisse
D. conficientem
12. Audivistine fabulam de Icaro qui ___ suo non paruit?
A. patris
B. patri
C. patre
D. patrem
13. Who was Pluto's mother-in-law?
A. Qui
B. Quis
C. Quem
D. Quid
14. Rome is said to have been saved from destruction by the sacred geese.
A. servata esse
B. servavisse
C. servatura esse
D. servare
15. Eurystheus was the king who assigned the twelve labors to Hercules.
A. quae
B. qui
C. quem
D. cui
16. Romani dixerunt, "Imperium ___ non tenendum est.
A. uni homini
B. unum hominem
C. unus homo
D. uno homine
17. Volumnia rogavit cur Coriolanus Romam was attacking.
A. oppugnavisset
B. oppugnaret
C. oppugnavisse
D. oppugnare
18. Eratne Cassiopeia pulchrior ___? (Was Cassiopeia more beautiful than the nymphs?)
A. nymphae
B. nymphis
C. nympharum
D. nymphas
19. He enrolled in a special course so that he could learn to read very rapidly.
A. celerius
B. celere
C. celeriter
D. celerrime
20. Laomedon promised to pay Apollo and Poseidon for building the walls of Troy.
A. pollicitus est
B. pollicebitur
C. polliceri
D. pollicetur
21. Professor Hodgkins was proud of the fact that he had been working on the archaeological project ab ovo.
A. until its completion
B. day and night
C. alone
D. from the beginning
22. The Romans would have written the date February 1 as:
A. Kal. Feb.
B. Id. Feb.
C. Non. Feb.
D. a.d. III Id. Feb.
23. After a general's first victory his soldiers hailed him as
A. consul
B. imperator
C. pontifex
D. dictator
24. Romulus invited Rome's neighbors, the ____, to a festival at which the Romans carried off their women.
A. Etruscans
B. Sicilians
C. Carthaginians
D. Sabines
25. The editorial impugned the conduct of the directors of the project.
A. reviewed
B. agreed with
C. attacked
D. discussed in depth
26. The defeat of Vercingetorix at Alesia in 52 B.C. marked the end of the:
A. Punic War
B. Pyrrhic War
C. Gallic War
D. Alexandrine War
27. The English meaning of the Latin word verbatim is:
A. verbally
B. in unison
C. word for word
D. wordy
28. The inventor of the syrinx, a musical instrument of hollow reed pipes, was the rustic god:
A. Apollo
B. Midas
C. Pan
D. Mercury
29. The emperor who ruled Rome from 27 B.C. to 14 A.D. was:
A. Augustus
B. Nero
C. Constantine
D. Caligula
30. A symbol of Roman imperium was the
A. toga
B. testudo
C. tabernaculum
D. fasces
31. King ____ of Elis owned an enormous herd of cattle that lived in a filthy stable which Hercules cleaned in a single day.
A. Minos
B. Theseus
C. Augeas
D. Eurystheus
32. Which term is not associated with Roman children?
A. paedogogus
B. bulla
C. toga praetexta
D. basilica
33. Inter Galliam et ___ Pyrenaei Montes erant.
A. Germaniam
B. Hispaniam
C. Britanniam
D. Siciliam
34. In the final day of battle the soldier sustained a mortiferous wound.
A. superficial
B. fatal
C. self-inflicted
D. painful
35. This god of medicine and music was known as the slayer of the monsters Python and Tityus.
A. Ares
B. Hermes
C. Apollo
D. Dionysus