Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parābō
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Future Middle/Passive λύσομαι
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 3rd -io Conjugation iacerem
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension πόλις
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Mounce Future Middle-Passive Indicative πορεύσομαι
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 1984. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. A bright silver moon was shining throughout the long night.
A. lucebit
B. lucet
C. lucebat
D. luxit
2. Multi principes Gallorum a Romanis ___ appellati sunt.
A. amicus
B. amicos
C. amici
D. amicum
3. Forte : fortissimum :: bonum : ________
A. plurimum
B. maximum
C. melius
D. optimum
4. _____ mihi nomen tuum, discipule.
A. Dicere
B. Dicendo
C. Dicite
D. Dic
5. With whom do you plan to spend the summer?
A. Secum
B. Nobiscum
C. Tecum
D. Quibuscum
6. Piratae nautas terruerunt sed non ____ nocuerunt.
A. ea
B. eis
C. eum
D. eorum
7. Viginti plus nonaginta fiunt:
8. All the actors will go out of the theater at the same time.
A. exeunt
B. exibant
C. exibunt
D. exierunt
9. Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera asked Paris which of them was the fairest.
A. est
B. esset
C. sit
D. erat
10. Rege viso, omnes socii clamaverunt.
A. On the advice of the king
B. Because of the king's vision
C. while visiting the king
D. After the king had been seen
11. In the Punic Wars the Romans fought more often on the sea than ever before.
A. saepe
B. saepissime
C. saepior
D. saepius
12. The old fox was about to eat a bunch of sour grapes.
A. esurus erat
B. edendus
C. edebat
D. esus erat
13. All the explorers in the expedition are working together to accomplish their goal.
A. perficiens
B. perfecisse
C. ut perficiant
D. ut perficerent
14. Octo praetores ad basilicam celeriter se contulerunt.
A. went
B. were left
C. compared
D. constructed
15. Seeking the entrance to the underworld, Aeneas proceeded slowly through the woods.
A. Petentes
B. Petentis
C. Petens
D. Petitus
16. Eis persuadeamus ne veniant.
A. We have not persuaded them to come.
B. They did not come to persuade us.
C. We will persuade them to come.
D. Let us persuade them not to come.
17. The historian said that ostia was the most outstanding example of harbor-building in the Roman world.
A. Ostia
B. Ostiae
C. Ostiam
D. Ostiis
18. Vir filiusque in foro eandem viderunt.
A. that woman
B. a certain woman
C. the same woman
D. another woman
19. You must bring the reward.
A. Tu praemium laturus es
B. Tu praemium tulisti
C. Tu fers praemium
D. Praemium tibi ferendum est
20. If you should attend the colloquium, we would come also.
A. venimus
B. venerimus
C. veniremus
D. veniamus
21. They vented their rage in a series of vociferous cries.
A. confused
B. loud
C. sorrowful
D. muffled
22. Ubi Romanus dormiebat?
A. in compluvio
B. in peristylio
C. in cubiculo
D. in culina
23. In the the third century B.C. Rome acquired the provinces of Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica as a result of the ___ Wars.
A. Gallic
B. Punic
C. Pyrrhic
D. Alexandrine
24. Leander swam from his home at Abydos across the Hellespont to be with his beloved ___
A. Thisbe
B. Pygmalion
C. Baucis
D. Hero
25. The Flavian Amphitheater is now known as the
A. Pantheon
B. Forum
C. Thermopolium
D. Colosseum
26. The motto meaning "To be rather than to seem" is
A. Videre est credere
B. Errare humanum est
C. Dum spiro, spero
D. Esse quam videri
27. The Roman leader who invaded Britain and Germany in 55 B.C was
A. Augustus
B. Scipio
C. Marc Antony
D. Julius Caesar
28. Information is stored in those computers in binary units.
A. ten-fold
B. electronic
C. enclossed
D. consisting of two
29. The Romans established a temple on Tiber Island dedicated to the son of Apollo, ______, whom the Greeks considered to be the father of medicine.
A. Aeneas
B. Aegeus
C. Aesculapius
D. Aeson
30. The corona civica was awarded for:
A. winning a race at the circus
B. seizing an enemy vessel at sea
C. being elected to office
D. saving a fellow citizen's life in battle
31. Caesar informed the Senate of his victory over Pharnaces at the Battle of Zela with the message:
A. Veni, vidi, vici
B. Alea iacta est
C. Et tu, Brute
D. Divide et Impera
32. The first step in the cursus honorum was election to the office of:
A. quaestor
B. dictator
C. censor
D. legatus
33. The temple dedicated to Athena situated on the Acropolis in Athens is the:
A. Parthenon
B. Colosseum
C. Curia
D. Aventine
34. Who forged the arms of Achilles and Aeneas and the shield of Hercules?
A. Minerva
B. Vulcan
C. Daedalus
D. Arachne
35. "Let it stand" is the translation of the printer's term:
A. sine die
B. stet
C. terra firma
D. sine qua non