Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Future Middle Indicative (liquid) μενοῦμαι
Homeric Greek Lesson III First Declension βουλή
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular eō present active I go
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension πόλις
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiēbam
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension Adjective πᾶς
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 1982. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. The wounded warrior felt his sword slipping slowly from his hands.
A. lente
B. lentius
C. lentissime
D. lentus
2. Ante rem publicam Romanam conditam reges multos annos in Italia ruled.
A. rexissent
B. recti sunt
C. regebant
D. regentur
3. Do you want to see a play or a movie tonight?
A. visne
B. volebasne
C. voluistine
D. volesne
4. The women themselves will be responsible for all financial transactions.
A. illae
B. eae
C. ipsae
D. hae
5. Graeci Romanique deos Olympicos ____ immortales credebant.
A. sunt
B. esse
C. essent
D. futuri
6. The men sent ahead by the president were empowered to initiate negotiatios.
A. praemittendi
B. praemittentes
C. praemissi
D. praemissuri
7. The eruption was followed by a torrential rain which lasted for seven days.
A. septem diebus
B. septimo die
C. septem dies
D. ante septimum diem
8. Marcus Tullius Cicero erat clarior in Italia quam the other orators.
A. ceteris oratoribus
B. ceteri oratores
C. ceteros oratores
D. ceterorum oratorum
9. Atreus asked the gods what his ancestors had done to bring such misfortune on him and his children.
A. fecissent
B. fecerant
C. faciant
D. facerent
10. You must bring your books to the library.
A. fertis libros
B. libri vobis ferendi sunt
C. tulisti libros
D. libri ferentur
11. A MOST SEVERE PUNISHMENT was inflicted on the renegade after he was apprehended.
A. Supplicium grave
B. Supplicia gravia
C. Supplicium gravissimum
D. Supplicium gravius
12. As soon as the priestess was able to speak, she stepped forward to address the anxious crowd.
A. loquens
B. loqui
C. locutus esse
D. locuturus esse
13. Daedalus gave wings made of feathers and wax to Icarus, his son.
A. filius
B. fili
C. filio
D. filium
14. Thomas Jefferson is said to have read daily from the works of Homer and Cicero.
A. legisse
B. lego
C. legi
D. lectus esse
15. Animals raised in captivity often have difficulty findiing food for themselves when they are freed.
A. suos
B. sibi
C. suorum
D. sui
16. Milites nostri castra hostium nunc are about to attack.
A. oppugnaturi sunt
B. oppugnant
C. oppugnabant
D. oppugnati sunt
17. Cxi minus XXXI fiunt:
D. X
18. Omnia flumina which in itinere transivimus pulchra et lata erant.
A. qui
B. quos
C. quae
D. quas
19. I often go to the zoo to watch the monkeys playing in their cages.
A. specta
B. ut spectem
C. ut spectarem
D. spectavisse
20. Hannibal feared the attack of the horsemen.
A. equitem
B. equitibus
C. equitum
D. eques
21. Hercules was ordered by King Eurystheus to go to the Underworld in quest of:
A. Helen
B. Cerberus
C. Persephone
D. Eurydice
22. Testudo, meaning tortoise, also refers to:
A. a voting booth
B. a Roman cloak
C. a military siege device
D. a flag
23. The daughter of a Roman citizen took her name from her:
A. place of birth
B. father's profession
C. father's nomen
D. family's patron god
24. Who was Julius Caesar's adversary in the Civil War?
A. Tiberius Caesar
B. Hannibal
C. Vercingetorix
D. Pompey
25. Which of these mythological characters was punished for her excessive pride in her own talent?
A. Baucis
B. Arachne
C. Penelope
D. Vesta
26. Which of the following words is not derived from the Latin verb CURRERE?
A. discordant
B. concurrent
C. courier
D. cursive
27. Whose story in mythology illustrates the dire consequences of disobeying one's father?
A. Daedalus and Icarus
B. Orpheus and Eurydice
C. Cupid and Psyche
D. Galatea and Pygmalion
28. After the defeat of Antony and Cleopatra in 31 B.C., this young man was granted the title of Augustus.
A. Julius Caesar
B. Brutus
C. Pompey
D. Octavian
29. Which hero and monster are improperly matched?
A. Theseus and the Minotaur
B. Odysseus and Polyphemus
C. Jason and the Chimaera
D. Perseus and Medusa
30. Rome experienced more than one hundred years of bitter conflict with Carthage in the:
A. Punic Wars
B. Pyrrhic Wars
C. Social War
D. Gallic War
31. The Latin abbreviation et seq. is used by writers of English to mean:
A. at the age of
B. and also
C. and others
D. and the following
32. Iridescent, a word derived from the name of the goddess Iris, most appropriately describes:
A. texture
B. color
C. depth
D. magnitude
33. After investigating the modus operandi in the several thefts, the detectives felt that they could establish a connection.
A. method of working
B. police informers
C. motive for the crimes
D. eyewitnesses
34. In order to be elgible for election to the consulship, a Roman first had to proceed through:
A. patres conscripti
B. college of priests
C. cursus honorum
D. Artium Baccalaureus
35. Magna Graecia was an area of Greek colonization located in:
A. Hispania
B. Gallia
C. Italia
D. Africa