Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension βασιλεύς
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension πόλις
Mounce Present Middle Participle λυόμενος
Mounce Future Active Indicative εἰμί
Mounce First Aorist Passive Indicative ἐλύθην
Mounce First Aorist Active Indicative (liquid) ἒμεινα
Mounce Demonstrative Pronoun ἐκεῖνος
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiēbam
This is the Latin 2 test for 1981. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Which roads lead to Rome?
A. quas vias
B. quae viae
C. quibus viis
D. quarum viarum
2. In Amphitheatro Flavio animalia cum ____ saepe pugnabant.
A. alia animalia
B. aliis animalibus
C. aliud animal
D. aliorum animalium
3. Putasne Romam esse ____ quam Alexandriam?
A. pulchrius
B. pulchrior
C. pulchrioribus
D. pulchriorem
4. Dux regnum occupavit ____ pater ante habuerat.
A. qui
B. quod
C. quem
D. quid
5. Hoc nobis agendum est.
A. We are doing this.
B. We have done this.
C. We must do this.
D. It has been acted out by us.
6. Helvetii ____ persuadere non poterant.
A. Caesaris
B. Caesare
C. Caesarem
D. Caesari
7. Erant duo ___ trans montes.
A. iter
B. itineris
C. itinera
D. itineri
8. Phidippides ran as fast as possible.
A. celerius
B. celerrime
C. quam celerrime
D. celeriter
9. The ambassador'S suggestions were not accepted by the king.
A. legatus
B. legato
C. legati
D. legatum
10. We heard him laughing when he was reading about Trimalchio.
A. ridens
B. ridentes
C. ridentem
D. ridente
11. Since they had lost hope of victory, they surrendered to the enemy.
A. spem relictam
B. spe relicta
C. spes relicta
D. spei relictae
12. The celebration of the completion of the Colosseum in 80 A.D. lasted one hundred days.
A. diebus
B. diei
C. die
D. dies
13. Elephanti ad summum collem tardissime are going.
A. ibunt
B. iverunt
C. eunt
D. irent
14. Let him teach the children to sail.
A. docet
B. doceat
C. docuit
D. doceret
15. Omnes ad Graeciam veniebant ut ludos Olympicos ___;
A. spectent
B. spectare
C. spectabantur
D. spectarent
16. Orpheus moved mountains and tamed beasts by singing.
A. cantando
B. cantandum
C. cantantem
D. cantat
17. Scio legatos in castris ____.
A. morari
B. morantur
C. moramini
D. morentur
18. Caesar Vercingetorigem arma _____ iussit.
A. tradere
B. traditus esse
C. tradebantur
D. tradi
19. Igne Vestae manente, Roma numquam will be conquered.
A. vincent
B. vicit
C. vincetur
D. vincitur
20. The horse carried the wounded king to a safe place.
A. vulneratis
B. vulnerata
C. vulneratorum
D. vulneratum
21. "Sic transit gloria mundi" is best translated:
A. The world passes without glory
B. Thus glory passes to the world
C. Thus passes the glory of the world
D. Glory transends the world
22. Who defended the Sublician Bridge against the Etruscans?
A. Scaevola
B. Cincinnatus
C. Coriolanus
D. Horatius
23. Extemporaneous is derived from:
A. temerare
B. temptare
C. timor
D. tempus
24. The labyrinth where the Minotaur was imprisoned was located in:
A. Corinth
B. Crete
C. Corsica
D. Sicily
25. Which word is not derived from omnis?
A. omnipotent
B. omnibus
C. omnivorous
D. ominous
26. The legal term meaning to serve or summon with a writ is
A. habeas corpus
B. sub judice
C. mandamus
D. subpoena
27. Which one of the following was not one of the twelve Olympians?
A. Demeter
B. Heracles
C. Apollo
D. Hera
28. A crack in the brick wall permitted these two lovers to talk.
A. Orpheus and Eurydice
B. Philemon and Baucis
C. Hero and Leander
D. Pyramus and Thisbe
29. 245 A.U.C. is the same year as:
A. 753 B.C.
B. 509 B.C.
C. 476 A.D.
D. 27 B.C.
30. Mc minus D =
31. A Roman battleship was called:
A. navis oneraria
B. navis lata
C. navis longa
D. navis aeraria
32. Caesar called the river sequanna. Today we call it:
A. Seine
B. Styx
C. Rhine
D. Loire
33. The abbreviation cf. means:
A. compare
B. see above
C. carefully
D. with praise
34. In Caesar's army the _______ sought information in advance about the terrain and about the enemy.
A. muliones
B. exploratores
C. funditores
D. calones
35. Caesare interfecto, Octavius cum Antonius et Lepido ____ factus est.
A. praetor
B. censor
C. triumvir
D. quaestor