Beta Review Master 1.1a by

NLE > Latin 2 > 1980

This is the Latin 2 test for 1980. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.

Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.

A total of 35 questions

1. We shall have read excerpts from COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO by the end of the year.

A. legemus

B. legimus

C. legeramus

D. legerimus

2. The Greeks waged war against Troy for ten years.

A. decem anni

B. decem annos

C. decimo anno

D. decem annis

3. In 392 B.C. the Gauls were about to seize the Capitol.

A. occupantes

B. occupaturi

C. occupati

D. occupandi

4. Ovid tells us that the gods lived on Mount Olympus.

A. dei

B. deum

C. deis

D. deos

5. The Styx and the Lethe are rivers in the Lower World.

A. flumen

B. flumini

C. flumina

D. fluminum

6. Jason ad Colchidem navigavit ut vellus aureum ______.

A. caperet

B. capere

C. capiat

D. cepisset

7. "Romans, do not make peace with Carthage!" warned Regulus. (Romani, ____ pacem cum Carthagine!" monuit Regulus.)

A. noli facere

B. non facitis

C. nolite facere

D. non facietis

8. In the Gallic Wars, Labienus was Caesar's most trusted lieutenant

A. fidus

B. fidius

C. fidissimus

D. fidissime

9. Midas erat rex to whom Dionysius contactum aureum dedit.

A. qui

B. cui

C. quibus

D. quem

10. For the sake of peace, they made a treaty. (____ causa foedus fecerunt.)

A. pax

B. pacis

C. pacem

D. pace

11. Horatius pontem Sublicium defendet.

A. is defending

B. has defended

C. was defending

D. will defend

12. Let'S GO to the Olympic Games this year!

A. imus

B. eamus

C. ibamus

D. iturus

13. Medusa _______ interficienda erat. (Perseus had to slay the Medusa.)

A. Perseus

B. Perseum

C. Perseo

D. Persei

14. Consilio capto, Caesar legatum proficisci iussit.

A. in order to seize the council

B. after the plan had been formed

C. with the consul as chief

D. about to discover the plan

15. At home, the Romans removed their shoes while reclining at dinner.

A. domus

B. domum

C. domo

D. domi

16. We can easily finish this National Latin Exam in less than one hour.

A. perficimus

B. perficiemus

C. perficere

D. perfectum

17. Tell me, tiberius, why you prefer to stay on Capri.

A. Tiberius

B. Tiberi

C. Tiberium

D. Tiberio

18. Romulus _____ imperavit ut Sabinas caperent. (Romulus ordered the Romans to seize the Sabine women.)

A. Romani

B. Romanis

C. Romanos

D. Romanum

19. Doceo : docui :: disco : ____________

A. detuli

B. discessi

C. didici

D. dixi

20. Latin students know which Roman poet wrote the epic about the founding of Rome.

A. scribit

B. scripsit

C. scripserit

D. scribat

21. In the Roman army, the official in charge of the soldiers' pay was the

A. quaestor

B. praetor

C. speculator

D. funditor

22. Caesar's praenomen was:

A. Caesar

B. Gaius

C. Julius

D. Horatius

23. We shall augment our income this summer.

A. invest

B. deposit in a bank

C. increase

D. be certain of

24. The abbreviations E.G. stands for the Latin words meaning:

A. that is

B. compare

C. for example

D. and elsewhere

25. The harbor and seaport of Rome at the mouth of the Tiber was:

A. Ostia

B. Alesia

C. Cumae

D. Herculaneum

26. The constellation Gemini is named for ____, twin brothers of Helen of Troy.

A. Romulus and Remus

B. Tiberius and Gaius

C. Castor and Pollux

D. Agamemnon and Menelaus

27. In Caesar's time, modern Spain and Portugal were known as:

A. Helvetia

B. Hibernia

C. Hispania

D. Hesperia

28. The fall of the Western Roman Empire occurred in the year:

A. 509 B.C.

B. 476 A.D.

C. 79 A.D.

D. 27 B.C.

29. In 63 B.C. Caesar became the head of the Roman state religion and was called:

A. Pontifex Maximus

B. Magister Equitum

C. Rex Bibendi

D. Magnus Pater

30. P. Scipio Africanus the Younger is best remembered in Roman history for:

A. revising the calendar

B. expelling the Roman kings

C. destroying Carthage

D. writing the AENEID

31. In mythology, the hero who led the Argonauts was:

A. Hercules

B. Perseus

C. Theseus

D. Jason

32. One who is persona non grata is:

A. a grateful individual

B. one to be thanked

C. an unacceptable person

D. an unidentified man

33. A Roman running for public office wore a:

A. toga picta

B. toga virilis

C. toga candida

D. toga sordida

34. The word aestivate means

A. bring a conclusion

B. grow red

C. add up

D. spend the summer

35. A QUINQUENNIAL period refers to five _____.

A. days

B. weeks

C. months

D. years