Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Article ὁ
Classical Latin
Mounce Future Middle-Passive Indicative πορεύσομαι
Homeric Greek Lesson X Future Active Indicative
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 2 test for 1979. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. The learned the names of all the New York Yankees.
A. nomen
B. nominibus
C. nomina
D. nominum
2. Instructed by Medea, Jason yoked th fire-breathing bulls.
A. doctus
B. docta
C. docto
D. docentem
3. Cicero was the foremost orator of his time.
A. orator
B. oratoris
C. oratorem
D. oratore
4. The little girl was surprised by her brothers.
A. fratres
B. a fratre
C. fratribus
D. a fratribus
5. Venient ut me videant.
A. They will come to see me.
B. They will come and they will see me.
C. They will come so that I may see them.
D. They will come unless they see me.
6. Id inveniat.
A. He did find it.
B. He will find it.
C. It will come.
D. Let him find it.
7. She said that she would return in three days.
A. redire
B. redibit
C. rediisse
D. redituram esse
8. Ceres erat dea whose filia a Plutone capta erat.
A. qua
B. quam
C. quae
D. cuius
9. He didn't know where I WAS.
A. fui
B. fueris
C. essem
D. sim
10. Noli hoc facere.
A. I won't do it.
B. This won't do.
C. Don't do this.
D. I didn't want to do it.
11. The Romans thought that they had won, and so they stopped fighting.
A. ei
B. eum
C. se
D. nos
12. Everyday the children used to follow the carts.
A. sequuntur
B. sequebantur
C. secuti sunt
D. sequimini
13. Claudius heard the pitiful cries of the shouting women.
A. clamans
B. clamantibus
C. clamaturae
D. clamantium
14. Aristotle had taught Alexander botany.
A. docuit
B. docuerit
C. docebit
D. docuerat
15. Mox, gladiis strictis, inter se pugnare coeperunt.
A. the rigid gladiators
B. in a straight line
C. after the swords had been drawn
D. retreating with swords
16. Undecim et septem fiunt:
A. viginti
B. octo
C. duodeviginti
D. sedecim
17. Vercingetorix stood up and spoke very briefly.
A. breviter
B. brevissime
C. brevior
D. brevissimus
18. Prima luce navem solvit Jason.
A. paid the sailor
B. sank the ship
C. bailed out the ship
D. set sail
19. Ferent dona ad deos.
A. They will bear
B. Let them bear
C. They bear
D. They bore
20. Cum diu laboravissent, opus tamen non confecerunt.
A. since
B. because
C. when
D. although
21. Perseus cut off the serpent-covered head of this awesome monster.
A. Medea
B. Chimaera
C. Medusa
D. Geryon
22. The Roman who became dictator in an emergency and then returned to his farm was:
A. Horatius
B. Romulus
C. Gaius Gracchus
D. Cincinnatus
23. This beautiful maiden lost a race because she stopped to pick up golden apples:
A. Daphne
B. Arethusa
C. Artemis
D. Atalanta
24. The horse and the trident were symbols of:
A. Jupiter
B. Pluto
C. Neptune
D. Apollo
25. An excellent musician who made a futile trip to the underworld to rescue his bride was:
A. Jason
B. Orpheus
C. Eurydice
D. Pan
26. The most terrifying and formidable of Rome's enemies in the Punic Wars was:
A. Spartacus
B. Mithridates
C. Jugurtha
D. Hannibal
27. Which of the following is a quadruped?
A. horse
B. chicken
C. worm
D. fish
28. Echo was known for her loquacity before she was punished by Juno.
A. lying
B. thievery
C. talkativeness
D. jokes
29. He tried to malign the other candidate. malign is derived from
A. malle
B. melior
C. mille
D. malum
30. The ditches which Caesar dug to surround his camp were called:
A. castra
B. scuta
C. fossae
D. tabernacula
31. The chief duty of the eight praetors who were elected each year was that of:
A. supervisor of games
B. judge
C. pay-master
D. priest
32. The mountains which form the backbone of Italy are the
A. Pyrenees
B. Alps
C. Pindus
D. Apennines
33. Crassus, Pompey, and ________ formed the first triumvirate in 60 B.C.
A. Augustus
B. Cicero
C. Caesar
D. Antony
34. The abbreviation et al.stands for:
A. and now
B. for example
C. otherwise
D. and others
35. The triangular island off the toe of Italy which Rome wrested from Carthage is:
A. Corsica
B. Sicily
C. Malta
D. Cyprus