Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Perfect Active Indicative λέλυκα
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiō
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension ἒπος
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 7
Mounce Future Middle Indicative (liquid) μενοῦμαι
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson IV First Declension θεά
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iēcī
This is the Latin 2 test for 1978. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Father'S story was famous.
A. pater
B. patris
C. patri
D. patre
2. Galli a Caesare vincebantur.
A. were being conquered
B. conquered
C. will be conquered
D. will conquer
3. Omnes piratae on the shore manserunt:
A. in oram
B. in ora
C. orae
D. orarum
4. Pater est stronger quam puer
A. fortius
B. fortis
C. fortissimus
D. fortior
5. Putavit consulem in oppido was:
A. esse
B. erat
C. fuisse
D. sit
6. Quaerebant quid we were doing:
A. faceremus
B. faciebamus
C. nos facere
D. faciamus
7. In agris duas horas laboravimus.
A. in two hours
B. for two hours
C. after two hours
D. at the second hour
8. Iter erat very difficult.
A. difficilis
B. difficilioris
C. difficillimum
D. dificilius
9. We thought that they had left the scene.
A. reliquerant
B. reliquissent
C. relinquere
D. reliquisse
10. Homines profecti sunt to find aquam. (the men set out to find water.):
A. ut invenirent
B. ut invenissent
C. ut inveniant
D. ut invenerint
11. Pueri cibum carried:
A. portant
B. portabunt
C. portati sunt
D. portaverunt
12. I love to watch Joe Namath carrying the ball:
A. portans
B. portantem
C. portanti
D. portantes
13. Septem et decem fiunt:
A. septaginta
B. septendecim
C. tres
D. sedecim
14. After the words had been heard, they rejoined.
A. verborum auditorum
B. verba audita
C. verbum auditum
D. verbis auditis
15. I.E. stands for
A. example
B. that is
C. compare
D. note well
16. Overcome a Romanis, hostes pacem petiverunt.
A. vincentes
B. victi
C. vicerunt
D. vincendi
17. Julius Caesar returned home.
A. domi
B. domo
C. domum
D. domis
18. He wants to finish this exam.
A. vult
B. velit
C. volebat
D. volet
19. Mercurius erat the son Jovis:
A. filium
B. filios
C. fili
D. filius
20. We are setting out at once.
A. proficiscemur
B. proficiscebamur
C. proficiscimur
D. profecti eramus
21. The Roman goddess of agriculture was
A. Vesta
B. Ceres
C. Venus
D. Diana
22. Caesar said "Alea iacta est" while crossing the
A. Rhine
B. Rubicon
C. Po
D. Thames
23. He plans to accelerate his studies.
A. finish
B. drop
C. neglect
D. hasten
24. Kalendae decembres is
A. December 5
B. December 13
C. November 30
D. December 1
25. The goddess who sent twin serpents to kill the infant Hercules was:
A. Minerva
B. Venus
C. Juno
D. Ceres
26. Ancient Helvetia is now called:
A. Spain
B. Libya
C. Ireland
D. Switzerland
27. The teacher was known for his brevity of expressions:
A. power
B. shortness
C. frequency
D. clearness
28. The Gallic leader defeated by Caesar at Alesia was
A. Vercingetorix
B. Ambiorix
C. Ariovistus
D. Dumnorix
29. A woman's outer garment was called
A. toga
B. tunica
C. stola
D. solea
30. The highest government official during the Roman republic was
A. consul
B. tribune
C. aedile
D. plebian
31. And so forth is represented by the abbreviation
A. A.D.
B. etc.
C. q.v.
D. e.g.
32. Cornelia's sons were
A. Tarquinii
B. Horatii
C. Gracchi
D. Crassi
33. The river on which Rome is located is
A. Po
B. Arno
C. Rubicon
D. Tiber
34. Rome's first government was
A. democracy
B. monarchy
C. republic
D. empire
35. Caesar fought against __________ in the Civil War of 49-46 B.C.
A. Pompey
B. Crassus
C. Lepidus
D. Antony