Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Demonstrative Pronoun ἐκεῖνος
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parō
Classical Latin
The Intensive Adjective - ipse
Homeric Greek Lesson IX Imperfect Active Indicative
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parābam
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson VI Second Declension θυμός
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 1 test for 2008. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Docete, magistri, PUEROS de Africa.
A. I will teach the boys
B. The boys are teaching
C. Teach the boys
D. To teach the boys
2. Flumina in Gallia sunt ___.
A. longa
B. longis
C. longam
D. longas
3. Portantne servi cibum ad triclinium?
A. Did the slaves carry
B. Are the slaves carrying
C. Were the slaves carrying
D. Will the slaves carry
4. Aves in arboribus pulchre cantabant.
A. beautiful in the trees
B. beautifully in the trees
C. in the beautiful trees
D. what beautiful trees
5. Nos omnes fabulam de Romanis amamus.
A. Your
B. Our
C. They
D. We
6. Nauta ad portum veniebat quod navem videre cupiebat.
A. because
B. but
C. whenever
D. or
7. Sunt quattuor milites et quinque nautae in Foro. Quot homines in Foro sunt?
A. septem
B. octo
C. novem
D. decem
8. Rex nuntium rogavit, "quis venit?"
A. What is it?
B. Why is he coming?
C. Who is coming?
D. When will he come?
9. Canis puellae a villa fugit.
A. the girl
B. the girls
C. the girl's
D. the girls'
10. Milites nostri cum fortitudine contra hostes pugnabant.
A. around
B. against
C. near
D. behind
11. Poeta ____ multas fabulas narravit.
A. cives
B. cive
C. civem
D. civibus
12. Boni discipuli fuimus et magna cum diligentia laboravimus.
A. We will be
B. We have been
C. We are
D. We want to be
13. Senator in Foro ____ non cupit.
A. respondere
B. respondebit
C. respondit
D. responde
14. Specta, ____, gladiatores in arena.
A. Quintus
B. Quinto
C. Quinte
D. Quintum
15. Multi cives et navem et nautas exspectabant.
A. both … and
B. then … now
C. neither … now
D. once … later
16. Patres et filii praemia spectabant.
A. are looking at
B. look at
C. were looking at
D. have looked at
17. Quinque legati Romani ad Hispaniam festinabunt.
A. were hurrying
B. will hurry
C. are hurrying
D. have hurried
18. Cur tres equi et duo canes in flumine stant?
A. Where
B. Why
C. When
D. Who
19. Civis Romanus ____ in Foro gerit.
A. toga
B. toga (a with macron/long mark)
C. togae
D. togam
20. If someone asks "quid tibi nomen est?" you should give your
A. age
B. weight
C. country
D. name
21. A Roman sailor wishing to avoid a shipwreck or an earthquake would pray to
A. Juno
B. Neptune
C. Mars
D. Minerva
22. Where would a Roman find a culina, CUBICULUM, and TRICLINIUM?
A. amphitheatrum
B. thermae
C. curia
D. villa
23. What son of Jupiter killed the Nemean lion and the Lernean Hydra?
A. Ulysses
B. Hercules
C. Apollo
D. Perseus
24. The last king of Rome, driven out of the city by L. Junius Brutus in 510 B.C., was
A. Cincinnatus
B. Hannibal
C. Tarquinius Superbus
D. Horatius Cocles
25. The Trojan War, which lasted ten years, was fought between forces from Troy and
A. Egypt
B. Rome
C. Greece
D. Gaul
26. Octo et septem sunt
27. The instructions were inaudible, meaning they were not able to be
A. completed
B. written
C. read
D. heard
28. The national motto of Canada is "A mari usque ad mare" which means
A. By the sea and around the sea
B. My sea is your sea
C. From sea to sea
D. Surrounded by the sea
29. Locate Pompeii on the map.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

30. Locate Athens on the map
A. 1
B. 2
C. 5
D. 7