Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Present Middle/Passive λυόμαι
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson X Aorist Active Indicative
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular volō present active I desire
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiō
Mounce Present Middle Participle λυόμενος
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative nōlēbam
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 1 test for 2007. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Quis fabulas de urbe Roma non amat?
A. Why
B. Who
C. Where
D. Which
2. Novem minus sex sunt
A. duo
B. unus
C. tres
D. quattuor
3. When the chariots were rounding the turning posts, we were shouting.
A. clamamus
B. clamavimus
C. clamabimus
D. clamabamus
4. Iulius et Brutus erant
A. amicos claros
B. amicus clarus
C. amicorum clarorum
D. amici clari
5. In agris pueri et puellae saepe currebant.
A. often
B. never
C. always
D. cheerfully
6. Mater filios defessos excitare non poterat.
A. wakes
B. will wake
C. to wake
D. was waking
7. Cornelia sine timore in via ambulabat.
A. in
B. near
C. without
D. out of
8. A slave will carry our books to school.
A. portat
B. portabit
C. portabat
D. portavit
9. Canis Aureliae magnus non erat.
A. Aurelia's
B. about Aurelia
C. from Aurelia
D. with Aurelia
10. Dei deaeque in monte Olympo habitabant.
A. et
B. sed
C. non
D. tamen
11. Cives Romani ____ diu timuerunt.
A. Gallis
B. Gallos
C. Gallorum
D. Galli
12. Senatores multa corpora hostium in campo viderunt.
A. body
B. of the body
C. by the bodies
D. bodies
13. Nolite pueri, currere in atrio!
A. They are not
B. Don't
C. They are unwilling
D. They don't
14. The teacher gave the students much praise.
A. discipulos
B. discipuli
C. discipulis
D. discipulorum
15. Cur, ____, iratus es? Vexantne te puellae?
A. Antonio
B. Antoni
C. Antonios
D. Antonius
16. There have been few soldiers more admired than Scipio Africanus.
A. Sunt
B. Erunt
C. Erant
D. Fuerunt
17. Mea mater me laete salutavit.
A. happier
B. happy
C. happily
D. as happy
18. Magister nos de periculis monuit.
A. us
B. you
C. me
D. them
19. When my father says, "errare humanum est," he means
A. People make mistakes.
B. None can predict the future.
C. Hurry slowly.
D. Do it now.
20. When a Roman said "gratias tibi ago" he meant
A. Help
B. Alas
C. Thanks
D. Turn left
21. Some guests were advised to come early, I.E., at the third hour.
A. but not before
B. that is
C. sooner than
D. for example
22. A LABORIOUS task is one that involves much
A. effort
B. thought
C. courage
D. intelligence
23. To sail across the Adriatic Sea from Italy to Greece, you would depart from the port at
A. Pompeii
B. Rome
C. Ostia
D. Brundisium
24. The river important to the stories of Romulus and Remus, Horatius Cocles, and Cloelia was the
A. Rubicon
B. Po
C. Rhine
D. Tiber
25. The second meal of the day for the Romans, equivalent to our lunch, was called
A. vesperna
B. prandium
C. cena
D. ientaculum
26. To the Romans he was Jupiter, but to the Greeks he was
A. Pluto
B. Zeus
C. Hermes
D. Poseidon
27. Who was the younger brother of Hector who carried Helen off to Troy?
A. Paris
B. Ulysses
C. Aeneas
D. Hercules
28. The Latin expression mea culpa and the English words CULPABLE and CULPRIT all indicate
A. discovery
B. ignorance
C. humor
D. fault
29. In addition to Latin, many educated Romans of the 1st century A.D. read, wrote, and spoke
A. Greek
B. German
C. Egyptian
D. Arabic
30. Latin words for immediate family relations include pater, MATER, FRATER, and
A. miles
B. amica
C. princeps
D. soror