Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Present Middle/Passive λυόμαι
Mounce Present Middle-Passive Indicative Deponent ἒρχομαι
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudābam
This is the Latin 1 test for 2006. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Pueri fortes in speluncam currunt.
A. in the cave
B. toward the cave
C. into the cave
D. from the cave
2. Porta, Luci, aquam in villam!
A. from Lucius
B. for Lucius
C. Lucius
D. by Lucius
3. Ubi est equus ducis Romani?
A. Where
B. How
C. Why
D. Who
4. Dux Troianus patrem servare paravit.
A. you are saving
B. to save
C. saving
D. he will save
5. Milites subito clamant et ad hostes currunt.
A. suddenly
B. happily
C. loudlly
D. fiercely
6. Ad Graeciam aut ad Asiam navigabimus.
A. because
B. or
C. but
D. when
7. Pompeius cum piratis pugnavit et eos vicit.
A. fights
B. was fighting
C. will fight
D. fought
8. Noli cantare in atrio!
A. I don't sing
B. Don't sing
C. She won't sing
D. He cannot sing
9. Hodie ____ multi lupi in silva.
A. sunt
B. estis
C. es
D. sumus
10. Senator a Foro ad villam ambulavit.
A. of his farmhouse
B. behind his farmhouse
C. around his farmhouse
D. to his farmhouse
11. Post multas horas discipuli erant ____.
A. defessorum
B. defessis
C. defessos
D. defessi
12. Videbisne patrem tuum in urbe?
A. Will you see
B. How will you see
C. Where will you see
D. When will you see
13. Omnes senatores verba consulis audiunt.
A. for the consul
B. with the consul
C. of the consul
D. by the consul
14. Iam pauci nautae erant in navibus.
A. will be
B. were
C. are
D. had been
15. In Foro vidimus ____ qui clare dicebat.
A. Ciceronem
B. Ciceroni
C. Ciceronis
D. Cicero
16. Puellae in horto magnis vocibus clamabant.
A. will shout
B. were shouting
C. shout
D. are shouting
17. Quos in itinere vidisti?
A. By whom
B. To whom
C. Whom
D. Whose
18. Quot sunt novem minus duo?
A. decem
B. septem
C. quattuor
D. unus
19. The Latin abbreviation E.G. means
A. for example
B. note well
C. that is
D. and the rest
20. In Roman numerals the year 2019 is
21. The gods most closely associated with the daily life of a Roman household were
A. Castor and Pollux
B. Diana and Apollo
C. Lares and Penates
D. Proserpina and Hades
22. Which item of Roman attire was worn by both men and women?
A. tunica
B. toga praetexta
C. palla
D. stola
23. Who was punished by Zeus for giving mankind the fire he stole from the gods?
A. Apollo
B. Atlas
C. Hephaestus
D. Prometheus
24. The English words docent, INDOCTRINATE, and DOCILE all derive from the Latin verb which means
A. do
B. say
C. teach
D. sleep
25. What king almost starved to death because everything he touched turned to gold?
A. Jason
B. Midas
C. Theseus
D. Hercules
26. Which Roman province was farthest west?
A. Germania
B. Hispania
C. Aegyptus
D. Asia
27. Ubi sunt tres lecti, MENSA, ET CENA in villa Romana?
A. in atrio
B. in cubiculo
C. in vestibulo
D. in triclinio
28. What legendary Roman hero single-handedly defended the bridge over the Tiber against the attacking Etruscans?
A. Julius Caesar
B. Cincinnatus
C. Romulus
D. Horatius
29. A lawyer working without charge for the public good is said to work ____.
A. sine die
B. id est
C. pro bono
D. ad aeternum
30. Which of the folowing is not a Romance language?
A. French
B. Portuguese
C. Spanish
D. German