Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular volō present active I desire
Mounce Second Future Passive Indicative ἀποσταλήσομαι
Mounce Present Active Participle λύων
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension παῖς
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension νηῦς
Mounce Demonstrative Pronoun ἐκεῖνος
Mounce Future Active Indicative λύσω
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iaciēbam
This is the Latin 1 test for 2005. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Senator et filius, Quintus, templum in Foro intraverunt.
A. are entering
B. will enter
C. were entering
D. have entered
2. In templo septem columnas viderunt.
A. seven columns
B. six columns
C. three columns
D. eight columns
3. "specta, pater! Columnae sunt magnae," dicit Quintus.
A. I am looking
B. Look
C. We looked
D. To look
4. Quintus et pater E TEMPLO mox ambulaverunt.
A. around the temple
B. through the temple
C. in front of the temple
D. out of the temple
5. "quem in Via Sacra vides?" senator filium rogat.
A. Whom
B. Why
C. How
D. Where
6. "Curre, quinte! Temptabimus convenire cum meo amico," dicit pater.
A. of Quintus
B. to Quintus
C. Quintus
D. with Quintus
7. "Claudius est meus amicus," dicit senator. "Est senator. Cum meo amico dicere cupit."
A. speaking
B. to speak
C. did speak
D. will speak
8. Senator filiusque ad amicum magna cum celeritate ambulabant.
A. and his son
B. with his son
C. to his son
D. for his son
9. "Salve, Claudi! Multum negotium tecum habeo," dicit senator.
A. with me
B. with us
C. with you
D. with them
10. "Salve, Publi! Negotium senatorum es magnum. ubi convenient senatores?" dicit Claudius.
A. Why
B. Whom
C. How many
D. Where
11. "Cras in curia conveniemus," respondet Publius
A. we are meeting
B. we met
C. we shall meet
D. we have met
12. "Cicero orationem scripsit. Cras senatoribus dicet," continuat Publius.
A. to the senators
B. the senators
C. by the senators
D. with the senators
13. "Post senatorum conventum ad urbem Alexandriam navigabo," dicit Claudius.
A. the senators
B. of the senators
C. to the senators
D. with the senators
14. "Est urbs magna et ____," dicit Publius.
A. pulcher
B. pulchrum
C. pulchra
D. pulchras
15. "Tuum patrem in urbe Alexandria certe videbis," continuat Publius.
A. certain
B. a certain one
C. not certain
D. certainly
16. Senator et Quintus et Claudius eo tempore erant prope navem.
A. will be
B. have been
C. were
D. are
17. "Claudi, tu es ____," dicit Publius.
A. bonus amicus
B. bono amico
C. boni amici
D. bonum amicum
18. Claudius dicit, "Vale!" et ambulat ad navem.
A. walked
B. walks
C. has walked
D. will walk
19. The Latin motto of the United States, E PLURIBUS UNUM, means
A. Out of many one
B. Live free or die
C. Seize the day
D. Hail and farewell
20. The Roman Republic began in 509 B.C. with L. Junius Brutus as
A. dictator
B. emperor
C. consul
D. king
21. How might one reply to the phrase quota hora est?
A. The sun is shining
B. Thank you
C. I am sorry
D. It is noon
22. Many Latin students read the writings of Caesar, Vergil, et al. The meaning of et al. is
A. that is
B. note well
C. for example
D. and others
23. The senator was famous throughout the province for his many benefactions.
A. good deeds
B. long speeches
C. small paintings
D. just laws
24. What girl fled from Apollo and was turned into a laurel tree?
A. Europa
B. Proserpina
C. Psyche
D. Daphne
25. Who is the Greek goddess of love and beauty whose name means "born from the foam of the sea"?
A. Hera
B. Aphrodite
C. Demeter
D. Artemis
26. Quintia, wearing a ____, went to the Forum.
A. cena
B. sella
C. stola
D. tabella
27. Traveling southeast from Rome to Brundisium, you would cross
A. the Apennine Mountains
B. the Mediterranean Sea
C. Gaul
D. the Alps
28. How would the year of Rome's traditional founding, 753 B.C., be expressed in Roman numerals?
29. According to its latin root, the centenarian means a person who
A. has inherited a large estate
B. has lived 100 years
C. has written books
D. has built a library
30. What one-eyed monster did Ulysses encounter on his journey home to Ithaca?
A. Cyclops
B. Cerberus
C. Medusa
D. Minotaur