Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation habuī
Homeric Greek Lesson XVII Imperfect Middle/Passive ἐλυόμην
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 29
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension θύγατερ
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἐποιούμην
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation -io capiam
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 1 test for 2002. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 28 questions
1. Romulus cum fratre Remo pugnavit.
A. is fighting
B. was fighting
C. fought
D. will fight
2. Decem minus tres sunt.
A. quinque
B. octo
C. quattuor
D. septem
3. Mater regis erat serva.
A. of the king
B. to the king
C. from the king
D. by the king
4. Quis erat dux Graecus in bello Troiano?
A. Why
B. Who
C. What
D. Where
5. Poeta multas ____ stellis scripsit.
A. fabula
B. fabulas
C. fabulis
D. fabularum
6. Which of the following commands would a teacher not give to the students in class?
A. Aperite libros
B. Scribite responsum
C. Dormite semper
D. Legite libros
7. Cras dux milites de periculo monebit.
A. will warn
B. has warned
C. was warning
D. warns
8. Cornelia amicis librum de Roma antiqua dedit.
A. from her friends
B. to her friends
C. by her friends
D. with her friends
9. Tres linguas et scribo et lego.
A. I neither read nor write
B. I only read and write
C. I both read and write
D. I read or write
10. Cives reginam amabant quod semper bona erat.
A. why
B. what
C. how
D. because
11. ____ Appennini sunt in Italia.
A. Montes
B. Montium
C. Montem
D. Montibus
12. Magistra rogat discipulum, "Quid agis?" Discipulus respondet:
A. Bene
B. Nunc
C. Absunt
D. Hodie
13. Multi amici ad Circum Maximum hodie veniunt.
A. out of
B. by
C. to
D. from
14. Spartacus servos liberare temptabat.
A. will free
B. was freeing
C. to free
D. is freeing
15. Novam stolam habet.
A. she had
B. she used to have
C. she has
D. she will have
16. In Italia et in Graecia ruinas templorum vidimus.
A. to the temples
B. from the temples
C. of the temples
D. by the temples
17. Quot sorores et fratres habes?
A. What
B. How many
C. Why
D. When
18. Sunt multae linguae in Europa.
A. There were
B. There will be
C. There have been
D. There are
19. The Roman goddess of wisdom, often depicted with an owl, was
A. Minerva
B. Juno
C. Venus
D. Diana
20. Which of the following words is not a derivative of MITTO?
A. mission
B. remit
C. commit
D. misery
21. Many historians believe that the Roman Empire reached its height after the rule of Trajan, who died in A.D. 117.
22. Which of the following cities is farthest south?
A. Carthage
B. Naples
C. Pompeii
D. Rome
23. In what building in the Roman Forum did the senators usually meet?
A. temple
B. curia
C. basilica
D. Colosseum
24. The trident and horses were associated with
A. Neptune
B. Orpheus
C. Cyclops
D. Aeneas
25. Which of the following countries is an island?
A. Hispania
B. Gallia
C. Britannia
D. Germania
26. The abbreviation for the Latin expression that means "for example" is
A. p.m.
B. A.D.
C. N.B.
D. e.g.
27. A derivative from voco, VOCARE that refers to a calling together of people is
A. vocation
B. avocation
C. revocation
D. convocation
28. Which of these events happened first?
A. Tarquinius Superbus was king
B. Rome became a republic
C. Romulus and Remus were rescued by a wolf
D. Augustus was made emperor