Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb esse Future Active Indicative to be
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation -io iaciam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular Imperfect Active Indicative volēbam
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative, to be, ἤμην
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind λύομαι
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 1 test for 2001. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 28 questions
1. Cur Caesar in Curiam venit?
A. How
B. When
C. Why
D. Who
2. Helena et Clytemnestra erant ____ Ledae.
A. filiae
B. filiarum
C. filia
D. filiam
3. Neptunus naves placide spectabat.
A. calms
B. calmly
C. to calm
D. he will calm
4. Me vocat neque respondeo.
A. and
B. or
C. and … not
D. although
5. Nos fabulam de Aurora et Tithono scimus.
A. We
B. You
C. He
D. They
6. Venus Troianis auxilium dedit.
A. of the Trojans
B. to the Trojans
C. by the Trojans
D. with the Trojans
7. Cornelius epistulam annulo signavit.
A. his ring
B. of his ring
C. on his ring
D. with his ring
8. Pueri e silvis ____ quod lupos timent.
A. currit
B. curris
C. currimus
D. currunt
9. Festinate, servi, ad fontem et portate aquam ad culinam.
A. Hurry
B. To hurry
C. They will hurry
D. You hurried
10. Hercules monstrum ____ vulneravit.
A. saevus
B. saevi
C. saevum
D. saevo
11. Prometheus ____ hominibus dedit.
A. ignis
B. igni
C. ignem
D. igne
12. Mox erit Aprilis et Proserbina sub terra non habitabit.
A. it is
B. it will be
C. it was
D. it has been
13. Flavia ad forum ambulabit, ____ ad theatrum ambulabo.
A. ego
B. tu
C. nos
D. vos
14. Femina regi libros demonstravit.
A. is showing
B. to show
C. will show
D. showed
15. Dominus sine servis in Foro erat.
A. by slaves
B. for slaves
C. after slaves
D. without slaves
16. Puella territa in lecto matris dormire cupiebat.
A. she sleeps
B. to sleep
C. they sleep
D. having slept
17. Cerberus erat custos regni plutonis.
A. of Pluto's kingdom
B. by Pluto's kingdom
C. with Pluto's kingdom
D. from Pluto's kingdom
18. Cur lacrimas, ____? Esne miser?
A. Lucius
B. Luci
C. Lucium
D. Lucio
19. When the poet Ovid advised Roman men to meet girlfriends at the chariot races, where was he sending them?
A. amphitheater
B. circus
C. baths
D. theater
20. If you were asked quaenam tempestas est?, you might answer
A. Hodie sol lucet
B. Ambula ad ianuam
C. Est magnum donum tibi.
D. Claram fabulam recitabo.
21. The lararium, the shrine to the household gods, was usually found in this reception room of a Roman house.
A. atrium
B. peristylium
C. triclinium
D. culina
22. Osiris was the Egyptian lord of the Underworld; his Roman counterpart was
A. Jupiter
B. Neptune
C. Pluto
D. Apollo
23. Which Roman saying represents the idea that slow and steady is better than fast and reckless?
A. caveat emptor
B. festina lente
C. cave canem
D. cum grano salis
24. Newfoundland is a maritime province in Canada. Maritime means bordering on the
A. mountains
B. desert
C. sea
D. city
25. Even the gods feared the arrows of Cupid, the son of
A. Juno
B. Minerva
C. Diana
D. Venus
26. Which of the following should you say to someone who did you a favor?
A. Gratias tibi ago.
B. Silentium, quaeso.
C. Surgite, omnes
D. Vale, puer.
27. When the abbreviation A.D. is used in a text, it stands for
A. during the Roman monarchy
B. after the year 1000
C. in the year of the Lord
D. before the birth of Christ
28. Mosaic, a decorative technique found in many Greek and Roman houses, features
A. sculpture done in miniature
B. intricate brick walls
C. pictures formed by small bits of glass or stone
D. ivy-covered archways