Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἄναξ
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular possum present active I am able
Classical Latin
Mounce Present Active Participle of εἰμί
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation -io capiam
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἐπληρούμην
Mounce First Aorist Active Indicative ἒλυσα
This is the Latin 1 test for 1999. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Scio nomina musarum
A. of the Muses
B. by the Muses
C. the Muses
D. about the Muses
2. In the forest lives a beautiful nymph.
A. habitare
B. habitas
C. habitabit
D. habitat
3. Quis dabit meo amico cibum et aquam?
A. of my friend
B. by my friend
C. to my friend
D. from my friend
4. Troianus Aeneas erat vir ____.
A. bonus
B. boni
C. bonum
D. bono
5. Magistra cum quinque discipulis sub arbore sedet. Quot sub arbore sedent?
A. quattuor
B. sex
C. septem
D. novem
6. Multa aedificia in Foro Romano vidisti.
A. you saw
B. you will see
C. you see
D. you were seeing
7. Graeci ex Asia discedere parant.
A. they depart
B. depart!
C. they will depart
D. to depart
8. Cur Romulus cum fratre Remo pugnabat?
A. has fought
B. was fighting
C. fights
D. will fight
9. Multi poetae deos deasque laudaverunt.
A. of goddesses
B. and goddesses
C. for goddesses
D. of goddess
10. Hannibal elephantos trans montes duxit.
A. through
B. under
C. around
D. across
11. Paulus dixit, "____ civis Romanus sum."
A. Tu
B. Nos
C. Ego
D. Vos
12. Filia iuli caesaris est Julia.
A. Julius Caesar
B. of Julius Caesar
C. by Julius Caesar
D. with Julius Caesar
13. They were swimming far from the shore.
A. bene
B. saepe
C. longe
D. misere
14. ____ mihi, Cornelia, fabulam de familia tua!
A. Narra
B. Narrate
C. Narravi
D. Narrare
15. aqua : aquas :: dux : ____
A. ducis
B. duci
C. ducibus
D. duces
16. Cave ____ meum! Ferox est!
A. canis
B. cane
C. canem
D. canes
17. Aut disce Aut discede!
A. Either … or
B. Both … and
C. One … another
D. Now … later
18. Pater puellam portat quod parva est.
A. what
B. if
C. why
D. because
19. What type of government did Lucius Brutus, Rome's first consul, establish in 509 B.C.?
A. monarchy
B. republic
C. empire
D. triumvirate
20. If your teacher says, "scribe, QUAESO, TUUM NOMEN IN TABULA," you will
A. write out the new story
B. put your book on the desk
C. write your name on the board
D. go to the door
21. Rome's northernmost province, first invaded by Julius Caesar in 55 B.C., was
A. Hispania
B. Graecia
C. Britannia
D. Asia Minor
22. As the god of the Sun and light, who was also the patron divinity of poetry and prophecy?
A. Athena
B. Apollo
C. Aphrodite
D. Zeus
23. Quid faciebant gladiatores in amphitheatro?
A. cantabant
B. pugnabant
C. dormiebant
D. se lavabant
24. Vasco da Gama was the first European explorer to circumnavigate Africa.
A. establish colonies in
B. discover gold in
C. reach the interior of
D. sail around
25. The change of seasons was explained by the sorrow or joy of ____, whose daughter was snatched away to the Underworld.
A. Ceres
B. Minerva
C. Venus
D. Juno
26. Capitoline, ESQUILINE, and PALATINE are ___ of Rome.
A. hills
B. buildings
C. emperors
D. roads
27. The refugees were soon repatriated.
A. given money
B. returned to their country
C. given new jobs
D. sent prison
28. If your teacher writes N.B. on the board, she is telling the class to
A. give an example
B. writemore clearly
C. note carefully
D. stay after school
29. In what direction do you go as you leave Rome toward Pompeii on the Via Appia?
A. north
B. south
C. east
D. west
30. Constantinople was captured by the Turks in A.D. mcdliii
A. 1053
B. 1153
C. 1453
D. 1553