Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Future Middle Indicative (liquid) μενοῦμαι
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind λύομαι
Homeric Greek Lesson XVIII Perfect Active λέλυκα
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monuī
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudābō
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudō
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἐπληρούμην
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 1 test for 1996. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. If someone asks "Quot annos habes?" you will tell your:
A. name
B. age
C. address
D. weight
2. Eras in magna urbe.
A. You will be
B. You are
C. You have been
D. You were
3. Pervenire ad urbem cras desidero.
A. to arrive
B. you are arriving
C. we do arrive
D. they arrive
4. Quis Andromedam servavit?
A. Who
B. What
C. Why
D. When
5. Musica nympharum erat pulchra.
A. for the nymphs
B. of the nymphs
C. by the nymphs
D. about the nymphs
6. Dividite, pueri, magna cum cura pecuniam!
A. To divide
B. You will divide
C. Divide
D. You are dividing
7. Pro patria pugnabat.
A. to the country
B. without the country
C. in the country
D. for the country
8. Hodie nos _____ in ludo.
A. estis
B. sumus
C. sunt
D. sum
9. Mater ad _____ currit.
A. ianuam
B. ianua
C. ianuis
D. ianuae
10. Ascanius erat _____ viri clari.
A. filiorum
B. fili
C. filius
D. filio
11. Fabulas multas de deis docuimus.
A. We teach
B. We will teach
C. We were teaching
D. We taught
12. Rex militibus signum dedit.
A. of the soldiers
B. with the soldiers
C. to the soldiers
D. from the soldiers
13. Laudantne discipuli bonos magistros?
A. Do students praise
B. Why do students praise
C. When do students praise
D. How do students praise
14. Audi, _____, verba poetae!
A. amico
B. amice
C. amicum
D. amicos
15. Liberi parvi equos timidly spectabant.
A. timidus
B. timide
C. timido
D. timidis
16. Multi carri sunt _____.
A. periculosi
B. periculosos
C. periculosis
D. periculosorum
17. Octavia cum fratre ad arenam ambulat.
A. of her brother
B. about her brother
C. to her brother
D. with her brother
18. Puer parvus currit sed non ambulat.
A. both
B. or
C. but
D. and not
19. Amicos nostros ad cenam convocabimus.
A. we were inviting
B. we invite
C. we invited
D. we will invite
20. He read the letter from his father.
A. epistula
B. epistulae
C. epistulis
D. epistulam
21. Which Roman numeral represents the year 1996?
22. Two cities buried by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 A.D. were Pompeii and:
A. Brundisium
B. Rome
C. Herculaneum
D. Ostia
23. What type of government did Augustus initiate in 27 B.C.?
A. monarchy
B. republic
C. empire
D. dictatorship
24. Who was the god of the sun, medicine and music, rejected by the nymph Daphne?
A. Neptune
B. Jupiter
C. Vulcan
D. Apollo
25. The toga could be worn by:
A. all men living in Rome
B. all men and women who owned property in Rome
C. only men who were Roman citizens
D. only elected public officials
26. If your friends greet you with "Laetam tibi natalem diem," they are:
A. wishing you a happy birthday
B. complaining that you are late
C. congratulating you on a victory
D. telling you to enjoy your vacation
27. Caesar, Cicero, Brutus, et al., were political figures during the Republic. et al. means:
A. that is
B. for example
C. note well
D. and others
28. The words enamored, AMIABLE, and INIMICAL are all related to the Latin word for:
A. praise
B. love
C. walk
D. see
29. gladiator fight : Colosseum :: _____ : Circus Maximus
A. chariot race
B. play performance
C. military exercise
D. public bath
30. What characterized the triclinium in a Roman house?
A. a garden surrounded by columns
B. three couches on which Romans reclined to dine
C. a shrine for worshipping the household gods
D. a pool which collected rainwater
31. Which god was often called Dis, the Latin word meaning "rich," because his kingdom in the Underworld included the rich minerals under the earth?
A. Jupiter
B. Neptune
C. Bacchus
D. Pluto
32. What is the shape of a lunate window?
A. 5-pointed star
B. crescent moon
C. square
D. right triangle