Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 1st Conjugation portārem
Mastronarde-Pres Midd/Pass Ind πείθομαι
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative (contract) ἐποίουν
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension νηῦς
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiō
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 1 test for 1995. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Quid est nomen tibi?
A. When
B. What
C. Who
D. Where
2. In silva arbores sunt _____.
A. altam
B. altis
C. altarum
D. altae
3. Marcus in atrio aut in horto sedet.
A. but
B. or
C. and
D. because
4. Vocem pulchrae deae audivi.
A. I shall hear
B. I hear
C. I heard
D. I am hearing
5. Romani ludos _____ spectabant.
A. multos
B. multis
C. multa
D. multas
6. Villa consulis est magna.
A. to the consul
B. by the consul
C. for the consul
D. of the consul
7. We come to school every day.
A. Venimus
B. Venitis
C. Venit
D. Venio
8. Tres equi et quattuor equi sunt _____ equi.
A. octo
B. quinque
C. septem
D. unus
9. The teacher tells a story to his daughter.
A. filiam
B. filiae
C. filias
D. filia
10. Titus erit senator Romanus.
A. is
B. has been
C. will be
D. was
11. Discipulus librum novum tenebat.
A. is holding
B. has held
C. was holding
D. will hold
12. Hannibal elephantos trans _____ duxit.
A. monte
B. monti
C. montes
D. montibus
13. The messenger ran with great speed.
A. magna celeritate
B. magnae celeritatis
C. magnam celeritatem
D. magnas celeritates
14. Cur, Quinte, festinas?
A. Why is Quintus hurrying?
B. Quintus, why are you hurrying?
C. Why are you hurrying to Quintus?
D. Why can't Quintus hurry?
15. Servus ex _____ properabit.
A. agro
B. agrum
C. agrorum
D. agri
16. The girl likes to walk along the river.
A. ambulo
B. ambulavit
C. ambulare
D. ambulabis
17. "good-BYE, students," said the teacher.
A. Valete
B. Valetis
C. Vale
D. Valent
18. The slaves placed the food on the table.
A. cibum
B. cibi
C. cibus
D. cibo
19. Deus multa dona nobis dedit.
A. of us
B. to us
C. from us
D. by us
20. The day certainly was sunny!
A. certus
B. certam
C. certis
D. certe
21. Tarquin the Proud was the last of the seven Roman _____.
A. emperors
B. consuls
C. senators
D. kings
22. Which land is west of Italy?
A. Hispania
B. Aegyptus
C. Graecia
D. Germania
23. The Latin words cena, SECUNDA MENSA, and PRANDIUM refer to Roman:
A. meals
B. games
C. clothing
D. rooms
24. When Romulus and Remus were young, they:
A. strangled two snakes
B. rode a chariot too close to the sun
C. went to the Underworld
D. were nursed by a wolf
25. What does the abbreviation i.e. mean?
A. for the time being
B. that is
C. and the rest
D. note well
26. Who was the goddess of love and beauty?
A. Venus
B. Juno
C. Minerva
D. Vesta
27. The English words laboratory, LABORIOUS, and COLLABORATE share a root which means:
A. work
B. move
C. pull
D. run
28. The river that flows through the city of Rome is the:
A. Via Appia
B. Campus Martius
C. Mons Capitolinus
D. Flumen Tiberis
29. The god who stole Proserpina and carried her to the Underworld is:
A. Neptune
B. Mars
C. Vulcan
D. Pluto
30. The customer complained vociferously.
A. in a loud voice
B. by letter
C. with gestures
D. with good humor
31. When you make a mistake, you might say:
A. Mens sana in corpore sano
B. Errare humanum est
C. Carpe diem
D. E pluribus unum
32. Quis erat rex deorum?
A. Apollo
B. Mercury
C. Jupiter
D. Bacchus