Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XVIII Pluperfect Active ἐλελύκη
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἀνήρ I
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiō
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation -io iaciam
Mounce First Aorist Middle Indicative ἐλυσάμην
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiēbam
Classical Latin
Verb esse Future Active Indicative to be
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative, to be, ἤμην
This is the Latin 1 test for 1994. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Dei boni nobis sunt.
A. have been
B. are
C. were
D. will be
2. Vita sine libertate misera est.
A. for liberty
B. from liberty
C. because of liberty
D. without liberty
3. Videbimus urbes _____ in Italia.
A. pulchram
B. pulchris
C. pulchrae
D. pulchras
4. Puer with his sisters in silva ambulabat.
A. cum sororibus
B. circum sorores
C. prope sorores
D. sororibus
5. Scribite, liberi, epistulam!
A. You will write
B. You are writing
C. Write
D. To write
6. Laboratne cum amico in agro?
A. Why is he working
B. When does he work
C. He is not working
D. Is he working
7. Nuntius to the gate urbis currebat.
A. in porta
B. ad portam
C. trans portam
D. ab porta
8. Meus pater erit _____.
A. rege
B. regem
C. rex
D. regi
9. Quot viri pro patria pugnabant?
A. When
B. What
C. How many
D. Where
10. Quinque naves et quattuor naves sunt _____ naves.
A. octo
B. septem
C. decem
D. novem
11. Novum ludum discipulis demonstrabamus.
A. to the students
B. by the students
C. with the students
D. from the students
12. Dux est frater nautarum.
A. the sailors
B. with the sailors
C. to the sailors
D. of the sailors
13. Debemus servare nostram pecuniam.
A. have saved
B. are saving
C. to save
D. will save
14. Quis librum in mensa ponebat?
A. What
B. Where
C. When
D. Who
15. Cives in forum tubis convocabimus.
A. of trumpets
B. with trumpets
C. trumpets
D. to trumpets
16. Romani senatores pacem, non bellum, rogabunt.
A. will ask for
B. asked for
C. are asking for
D. were asking for
17. Laudavimus the laws patriae.
A. leges
B. legibus
C. lege
D. legi
18. Canes in horto dormiunt.
A. were sleeping
B. will sleep
C. slept
D. are sleeping
19. Mater paterque videre nos cupiunt.
A. you
B. us
C. me
D. her
20. Hic poeta late notus est.
A. wide
B. widely
C. widest
D. very widely
21. When the student looked at the clock and realized that the afternoon had gone quickly, he exclaimed:
A. Amor omnia vincit!
B. Cave canem!
C. Ad astra per aspera!
D. Tempus fugit!
22. The judge lectured the young men about their malicious behavior.
A. evil
B. careless
C. silly
D. angry
23. Brundisium et Pompeii et Capua sunt urbes in:
A. Graecia
B. Gallia
C. Hispania
D. Italia
24. The city of Rome was founded by:
A. Jupiter
B. Romulus
C. Neptune
D. Athena
25. The lucid statement in the lawyer's closing argument greatly influenced the jurors.
A. bitter
B. enlightening
C. kind
D. bold
26. The Romans worshipped Bacchus as the god of:
A. the underworld
B. wine
C. trade
D. the sea
27. E PLURIBUS UNUM, the motto of the United States, emphasizes the idea of:
A. community service
B. foreign policy
C. the right to vote
D. national unity
28. The Romans watched chariot races in the:
A. Pantheon
B. Colosseum
C. Circus Maximus
D. Temple of Jupiter
29. To the Romans she was Juno, but the Greeks called her:
A. Athena
B. Artemis
C. Demeter
D. Hera
30. A traveler leaving Rome on a journey to Gaul would:
A. sail up the Nile
B. cross the Alps
C. spend a night in Athens
D. travel through the city Carthage
31. During the Republic:
A. two consuls were elected
B. kings seized power by military takeover
C. Rome was founded
D. emperors were appointed
32. Because he was ill, the senior class president was awarded his diploma:
A. Nota Bene
B. id est
C. in absentia
D. ex libris