Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiēbam
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation habeō
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Relative Pronoun ὅς
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Present Middle/Passive λυόμαι
Mounce Present Middle-Passive Indicative contract ἀγαπῶμαι
Homeric Greek Lesson V Present Active Indicative λύω
This is the Latin 1 test for 1992. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Cras gladiatores in arenam ambulabunt.
A. are walking
B. walked
C. will walk
D. had walked
2. You are brave soldiers!
A. Estis
B. Sumus
C. Est
D. Sunt
3. Hercules has seen the Underworld.
A. vidisti
B. vidit
C. viderunt
D. vidi
4. _____, Claudia, lupos in silva!
A. Cavere
B. Cavete
C. Cavetis
D. Cave
5. Perseus Medusam interficere in animo habet.
A. to kill
B. killed
C. is killing
D. will kill
6. _____ consulem in Foro audimus.
A. Ego
B. Tu
C. Vox
D. Nos
7. Italy was being attacked by the army of Spartacus.
A. oppugnabat
B. oppugnabatur
C. oppugnabatis
D. oppugnabar
8. Magister fabulas discipulis narravit.
A. with the students
B. of the students
C. to the students
D. about the students
9. Roman soldiers destroyed Carthage.
A. militis
B. militum
C. milites
D. militibus
10. Septem sorores erant _______.
A. pulchrae
B. pulchros
C. pulchris
D. pulchram
11. Servi aquam in hortum portabant.
A. in the garden
B. from the garden
C. through the garden
D. into the garden
12. Quintus, send me a letter soon!
A. Quintus
B. Quinti
C. Quinto
D. Quinte
13. Diana erat dea who sagittas portabat.
A. qui
B. quod
C. quae
D. quem
14. puella : puellarum :: dux : _____
A. ducis
B. duces
C. ducum
D. ducem
15. Septem minus duo sunt:
A. sex
B. quinque
C. decem
D. quattuor
16. Habesne clavem tuam?
A. Do you have…?
B. Where do you have…?
C. Why do you have…?
D. Will you have….?
17. We wanted to take many journeys to Rome.
A. itineri
B. iter
C. itinerum
D. itinera
18. Troiani contra Graecos with swords pugnaverunt.
A. gladios
B. gladiorum
C. gladii
D. gladiis
19. The sirens sang beautifully when Odysseus and his men passed by.
A. pulchra
B. pulchre
C. pulchro
D. pulchris
20. Regina ab omnibus civibus spectata est.
A. All the citizens had watched the queen.
B. All the queen's citizens were spectators.
C. The queen was watched by all the citizens.
D. The queen is watching all the citizens.
21. Which of the following is a Mediterranean island?
A. Ostia
B. Crete
C. Carthage
D. Brundisium
22. A SOMNAMBULIST is someone who:
A. talks in his sleep
B. sleeps too much
C. sleep walks
D. is unable to fall asleep
23. The month January was named for the Roman god of:
A. the sun and prophecy
B. war
C. beginnings and doorways
D. the sea
24. The mythological creature which is half horse and half man is a:
A. centaur
B. satyr
C. minotaur
D. sphinx
25. Quot pedes habet equus?
C. V
26. The woman who used her magic power to help Jason in his quest for the Golden Fleece was:
A. Medea
B. Circe
C. Ariadne
D. Andromeda
27. A FRATERNITY is so called because its members consider each other to be:
A. friends
B. sisters
C. students
D. brothers
28. The abbreviation N.B. indicates that;
A. what follows is an example
B. something is left out
C. an item is to be carefully noticed
D. an answer is to be given
29. Roman senators usually met in the:
A. Circus Maximus
B. villa rustica
C. Curia
D. cloaca maxima
30. Which one is a Romance language, i.e., derived from Latin?
A. German
B. French
C. Greek
D. Russian
31. What deity do the oak tree and the eagle symbolize?
A. Apollo
B. Mercury
C. Jupiter
D. Neptune
32. Roma : Italia :: Athenae : _____
A. Hispania
B. Graecia
C. Sicilia
D. Asia
33. A male Roman slave would most likely wear a:
A. toga
B. stola
C. tunica
D. palla
34. The Apennines are:
A. montes
B. flumina
C. viae
D. insulae
35. Where would you find a triclinium, IMPLUVIUM, and a CUBICULUM?
A. in villa
B. in agro
C. in schola
D. in templo