Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb esse Perfect Active Indicative to be
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittam
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiēbam
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension πόλις
Mounce Second Pluperfect Active Indicative ἐλελύμην
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mīsī
Homeric Greek Lesson XVIII Perfect Active λέλυκα
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 1 test for 1991. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Theseus a patria ad Cretam _____.
A. navigavimus
B. navigaverunt
C. navigavisti
D. navigavit
2. Stolae feminarum sunt pulchrae.
A. The beautiful woman has a dress.
B. The dresses of the women are beautiful.
C. They are the dresses of the beautiful woman.
D. The women are holding the beautiful dresses.
3. _____ ad forum conveniebant.
A. Senator
B. Senatoribus
C. Senatores
D. Senatorem
4. Penelope multos annos virum exspectabat.
A. had waited for
B. was waiting for
C. will wait for
D. waits for
5. Vidimus _____ in Italia.
A. multi montes
B. multis montibus
C. multos montes
D. multorum montium
6. Regina coronas _____ dedit.
A. victore
B. victorem
C. victoribus
D. victores
7. "Quid scribis, _____," rogabat pater.
A. Marcus
B. Marci
C. Marco
D. Marce
8. Aeneas patrem invenire cupivit.
A. found
B. to find
C. finds
D. finding
9. Portantne nuntii epistulas ad villam?
A. Why do the messengers carry
B. Can the messengers carry
C. Are the messengers carrying
D. When do the messengers carry
10. Imperator victoriam publice nuntiavit.
A. public
B. publicly
C. of the public
D. by the public
11. Tomorrow we shall be in a famous museum.
A. sumus
B. eramus
C. fuimus
D. erimus
12. The guide will show the Roman Forum to you.
A. te
B. tibi
C. tui
D. tu
13. Ducite, magistri, liberos ad campum.
A. Children, lead the teachers to the field.
B. The children are being led to the field by the teachers.
C. Teachers, lead the children to the field.
D. We teachers are leading the children to the field.
14. The circus tent will be moved at daybreak.
A. movebitur
B. movit
C. movetur
D. movebat
15. Ancus Marcius primum pontem trans _____ aedificavit.
A. rivus
B. rivo
C. rivum
D. rivi
16. Nympha puero dixit, "Misera sum because me non amas."
A. sed
B. quod
C. ubi
D. neque
17. Vox : vocem :: _____ : puerum
A. pueri
B. puero
C. pueris
D. puer
18. Caesar habebat imperium _____ erat magnum.
A. qui
B. que
C. quod
D. quorum
19. Flumina Africae sunt _____.
A. longa
B. longam
C. longas
D. longae
20. Fabulae A LIBERIS legebantur.
A. from the children
B. to the children
C. by the children
D. for the children
21. Quae urbs est in Italia?
A. Athenae
B. Troia
C. Carthago
D. Ostia
22. Athena gave a golden bridle to Bellerophon so that he could tame the winged horse named _____.
A. Hydra
B. Pegasus
C. Sphinx
D. Cyclops
23. Centum et octo sunt:
24. In some towns it is difficult to find nocturnal entertainment.
A. summer
B. nighttime
C. inexpensive
D. holiday
25. What mountain range is called the backbone of Italy?
A. Alps
B. Apennines
C. Pyrenees
D. Caucasus
26. Theseus sailed to Crete in order to slay the monster _____.
A. Cerberus
B. Centaur
C. Minotaur
D. Medusa
27. Which group of terms refers to Roman government?
A. tablinum, culina, peristylium
B. caldarium, frigidarium, strigiles
C. proconsul, fasces, curia
D. paedagogus, tabella, stilus
28. What type of government existed in Rome from 27 B.C. to 476 A.D.?
A. city states
B. republic
C. empire
D. monarchy
29. Over her stola a Roman woman wore a:
A. tunica
B. toga
C. palla
D. bulla
30. The Latin word from which the English words reduce, DUCHESS, INTRODUCTION, AND AQUEDUCT are derived is:
A. duco
B. do
C. duo
D. durus
31. We like to read about Roman historical characters, e.g., Caesar, Sacevola, and Cicero. The abbreviation e.g. means:
A. for example
B. note well
C. among others
D. in addition to
32. At the root of the words transmission, REMITTANCE, and PROMISE is the Latin verb meaning:
A. warn
B. send
C. leave
D. fear
33. In ancient Rome the cena was a:
A. children's game
B. religious festival
C. main meal of the day
D. man's cloak
34. Which god did not live on Mt. Olympus?
A. Mercury
B. Pluto
C. Venus
D. Jupiter
35. What famous Trojan hero, son of Venus, founded the Roman race?
A. Ulysses
B. Aeneas
C. Achilles
D. Hercules