Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative contract ἐπλήρουν
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monēbō
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation regēbam
Homeric Greek Lesson X Aorist Active Indicative
Mounce Second Aorist Middle Indicative ἐγενόμην
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parābam
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 1 test for 1990. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Cincinnatus was plowing his field when the senators asked him to be dictator.
A. arat
B. arabat
C. aravit
D. arabit
2. In the evening they walked along the Via Appia with their friends.
A. amicis
B. ab amicis
C. cum amicis
D. ad amicos
3. The young gymnast did not receive A PRIZE.
A. praemio
B. praemia
C. praemi
D. praemium
4. Spartacus erat gladiator _____.
A. clarum
B. claro
C. clari
D. clarus
5. Magnus _____ pontem contra Etruscos defendit.
A. dux
B. duces
C. duce
D. ducem
6. The tutor gave the student many suggestions.
A. discipulo
B. disciplum
C. discipuli
D. discipulus
7. Mater filium monebat, "work cum diligentia!"
A. Laborate
B. Laborare
C. Labora
D. Laboratis
8. Upon his arrival in Rome, he asked the guide, "where is the Forum located?"
A. Cur
B. Ubi
C. Quot
D. Quis
9. Erat semper ignis in _____ Vestae.
A. templo
B. templorum
C. templum
D. templi
10. In early times Roman girls were taught at home by their mothers.
A. matribus
B. pro matribus
C. a matribus
D. cum matribus
11. The students will see the famous aqueduct at Segovia in Spain.
A. vident
B. viderunt
C. videbant
D. videbunt
12. Multi viri amabant Atalantam _____ erat puella pulcherrima.
A. qui
B. quem
C. quae
D. quo
13. The guard asked the intruder, "who comes?"
A. Quid
B. Quem
C. Quod
D. Quis
14. Many wonderful animal stories are told by Aesop.
A. narrantur
B. narrabuntur
C. narrabantur
D. narratae erunt
15. Poeta sub _____ multas horas sedebat.
A. arbor
B. arbori
C. arboris
D. arbore
16. habeo : habere :: _____ : esse
A. ero
B. fui
C. eram
D. sum
17. The rumors about Dido spread widely and quickly.
A. late
B. lata
C. latam
D. latus
18. Hodie puer ad scholam _____ non cupit.
A. ambulare
B. ambulat
C. ambulabit
D. ambula
19. Hercules et _____ frater in cubiculo domiebant.
A. parvus
B. parvo
C. parvi
D. parvum
20. Liber pueri in via amissus est.
A. boy
B. boys
C. boy's
D. boys'
21. A committee established for a particular purpose is called an _____ committee.
A. ad infinitum
B. ad hoc
C. ad nauseam
D. ad astra
22. One of the causes of the Trojan War was:
A. Jason's quest for the golden fleece
B. awarding of the golden apple to Venus
C. Aeneas' discovery of the golden bough
D. King Midas' golden touch
23. The Twelve Tables relate to Roman:
A. medicine
B. games
C. law
D. architecture
24. The river that flows through Rome is:
A. Vesuvius
B. Ostia
C. Palatine
D. Tiber
25. Which two gods joined Jupiter, king of the gods, in ruling over the three regions of the universe?
A. Mars and Vulcan
B. Mercury and Apollo
C. Janus and Bacchus
D. Neptune and Pluto
26. The word binoculars is derived from:
A. noster
B. nocte
C. oculus
D. octo
27. What famous couple met a tragic death near a mulberry tree?
A. Apollo and Daphne
B. Philemon and Bacchus
C. Orpheus and Eurydice
D. Pyramus and Thisbe
28. In triclinio Romano erant _____.
A. cibus et aqua
B. silva et via
C. templum et dea
D. leo et equus
29. In order to write a letter, one would need:
A. tabella et stilus
B. aqua et lac
C. lares et penates
D. tunica et toga
30. The Athenian craftsman who built the labyrinth for the Minotaur and who tried to escape from Crete by making wings from feathers and wax was:
A. Theseus
B. Bellerophon
C. Daedalus
D. Midas
31. Three tall pines dominated the landscape. Dominated is related to a Latin noun meaning:
A. master
B. beauty
C. gift
D. shadow
32. Perseus used his shield as a mirror when he killed the monster _____.
A. Cerberus
B. Medusa
C. Hydra
D. Chimaera
33. The Latin motto E PLURIBUS UNUM which is found on the Great Seal of the United States means:
A. One out of many
B. Always first
C. One step together
D. One for all
34. Where did Romans gather for recreation, relaxation and bathing?
A. basilica
B. taberna
C. curia
D. thermae
35. Tres et septem sunt
A. X