Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation habēbō
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudābam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiō
Verb Irregular to be Present Active Indicative εἰμί
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular nōlō present active I do not desire
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 1 test for 1989. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Multa animalia ferocia in _____ habitabant.
A. montium
B. montibus
C. montes
D. mons
2. "_____, mater! Ad campum ambulamus," clamaverunt Lavinia et Marcus.
A. Vale
B. Valet
C. Valete
D. Valebat
3. Romulus et Remus erant _____.
A. geminos
B. gemini
C. geminorum
D. geminum
4. Pueri defessi aquam cibumque petiverunt.
A. water or food
B. neither water nor food
C. water and food
D. water but not food
5. Multas gratias ___ agimus.
A. nostra mater
B. nostra matre
C. nostrae matri
D. nostram matrem
6. Vox nymphae by the men audita est.
A. viros
B. a viris
C. cum viris
D. ad viros
7. Quid _____ cupitis?
A. facit
B. fecit
C. facere
D. faciet
8. Charon mortuos trans flumen _____ transportavit.
A. pro nave
B. sub nave
C. nave
D. de nave
9. _____ sol non lucet, dies frigidus est.
A. Quod
B. Aut
C. Sed
D. Cur
10. She is certainly the best equestrian on the team.
A. certa
B. certe
C. certi
D. certo
11. Viri _____ Medusam spectaverant in saxa mutati sunt.
A. quibus
B. quae
C. qui
D. cuius
12. Iulius Caesar dux _____ erat.
A. clarus
B. clarum
C. claro
D. clari
13. portat : portabit :: audit : _____
A. audivit
B. audiebat
C. audiet
D. audiverat
14. Equi of the girls per campos currebant.
A. puellae
B. puellis
C. puellas
D. puellarum
15. Dido had not BEEN WARNED about he departure plans of Aeneas.
A. monetur
B. monebatur
C. monita est
D. monita erat
16. "You* have been singing while *I* have been working," shouted the ant to the grasshopper.
A. te…me
B. tibi…mihi
C. tuus…meus
D. tu…ego
17. "children, see how brightly the constellation of Orion shines tonight," said their father.
A. liberi
B. liberos
C. liberis
D. liberorum
18. Erimusne semper amici?
A. Are we?
B. Will we be?
C. Were we?
D. Had we been?
19. The Roman numeral M stands for the Latin word:
A. mitte
B. mille
C. miles
D. male
20. Victor _____ accipiet.
A. praemio
B. praemium
C. praemiorum
D. praemiis
21. Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and doorways, was always pictured with:
A. snakes as hair
B. the body of a horse
C. the head of a lion
D. two faces
22. Corsica et Sicilia et Sardinia sunt _____.
A. montes
B. insulae
C. flumina
D. urbes
23. The last meal of the day for most Romans was:
A. cena
B. prandium
C. vinum
D. ientaculum
24. The Latin abbreviation which introduces an example is:
A. e.g.
B. N.B.
C. etc.
D. et al.
25. Thermae, tepidarium and strigiles are terms associated with a Roman:
A. religious ceremony
B. political office
C. school
D. bath
26. A SEPTILATERAL figure has:
A. six angles
B. many arcs
C. seven sides
D. eight surfaces
27. The Greek hero Bellerophon, riding the winged horse Pegasus, killed the:
A. Minotaur
B. Medusa
C. Hydra
D. Chimaera
28. The atrium was the _____ in a Roman house.
A. kitchen
B. garden
C. bedroom
D. main room
29. The stilus was used by the Romans:
A. to predict future events
B. for cooking meat
C. to store dry goods
D. as a writing implement
30. In order to emphasize the swiftness of its service a company might use the god _____ as its symbol.
A. Atlas
B. Mercury
C. Mars
D. Vulcan
31. In a medieval monastery the scribe was responsible for:
A. ringing the tower bell
B. copying manuscripts
C. preparing the meals
D. leading the prayers
32. The Roman symbol of authority, a bundle of rods tied around an ax, was called the:
A. comitia
B. Lares
C. cursus honorum
D. fasces
33. Sailing down the Tiber toward the open sea, one would pass through the harbor of:
A. Ostia
B. Brundisium
C. Naples
D. Venice
34. Toga : vir :: _____ : femina
A. soleae
B. stola
C. fibula
D. bulla
35. The hero who left his farm to lead the Roman army to victory over the Aequi was:
A. Fabricius
B. Cincinnatus
C. Horatius
D. Romulus