Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 3rd -io Conjugation iacerem
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension ἥρως
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἐποιούμην
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audīvī
Mounce Demonstrative Pronoun οὗτος
Mounce Future Active Indicative εἰμί
Mounce Present Active Participle λύων
Mounce First Aorist Active Indicative (liquid) ἒμεινα
This is the Latin 1 test for 1988. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. In Roman history there are many heroes who gave their lives for their country.
A. virorum
B. viris
C. viros
D. viri
2. Jason had lost his sandal while crossing the river.
A. amisit
B. amittebat
C. amiserat
D. amittit
3. Mucius Sacevola Romam _____ desideravit.
A. servat
B. servabat
C. servare
D. servabit
4. Caesar liberatus est quod amici to the pirates multam pecuniam dederunt.
A. piratis
B. pirata
C. piratas
D. piratarum
5. Habitantne _____ in templis?
A. deis
B. deus
C. dei
D. deos
6. Cum elephantis et multis _____ Pyrrhus ad Italiam navigavit.
A. milites
B. militi
C. militibus
D. militum
7. Hercules had to bring back the golden apples from the garden of the Hesperides.
A. in horto
B. per hortum
C. ad hortum
D. ex horto
8. We were being attacked constantly by Hannibal's troops.
A. oppugnati sumus
B. oppugnabimur
C. oppugnabamur
D. oppugnati eramus
9. Germani, _____ Romanorum, cum eis saepe bellum gerebant.
A. finitimum
B. finitimi
C. finitimos
D. finitimis
10. Hercules saw the three threatening heads of Cerberus in the shadows.
A. capitibus
B. capita
C. caput
D. capitum
11. Caesar defeated the Helvetians who had left their homes to search for a new homeland.
A. quos
B. qui
C. quibus
D. quorum
12. Think carefully, students, before you answer this controversial question.
A. Cogitatis
B. Cogita
C. Cogitate
D. Cogitabatis
13. Hercules fratri serpentes _____ demonstrat. (Hercules shows the dead serpents to his brother.)
A. mortuorum
B. mortuis
C. mortuos
D. mortui
14. Today you will learn many things about the laws of the Twelve Tables.
A. de legibus
B. ab legibus
C. ex legibus
D. legibus
15. Every evening their father was able to read to them from Aesop's fables.
A. potest
B. potuerat
C. poterit
D. poterat
16. Tarquin the Proud said to the Sybil, "Your books are too expensive, I will not buy THEM."
A. ei
B. eis
C. eorum
D. eos
17. Dido's husband was treacherously killed by her brother, Pygmalion.
A. a fratre
B. ad fratrem
C. fratre
D. fratri
18. Nautae qui in flumine navigabant erant _____.
A. validi viri
B. validos viros
C. validis viris
D. validorum virorum
19. Pelias erat rex turpissimus.
A. wicked
B. more wicked
C. wickedly
D. very wicked
20. Sunt quatttuor pueri et quinque puellae in familia. Quot liberi sunt?
21. The teacher mentioned the first of Hercules' labors, _____, the slaying of the Nemean lion. The Latin abbreviation missing in this sentence is:
A. Q.E.D.
B. P.S.
C. i.e.
D. et al.
22. The valedictorian of the class is the student who gives the:
A. prayer
B. scholarship awards
C. farewell address
D. diplomas
23. During the monarchy Rome was ruled by kings; during the Roman republic _____ ruled.
A. praetors
B. emperors
C. consuls
D. quaestors
24. The epithet, "ox-eyed" was given by Homer to the goddess Hera, whose Roman counterpart was:
A. Minerva
B. Juno
C. Venus
D. Diana
25. A _____ was a well-educated slave who tutored and protected a Roman school boy.
A. paedagogus
B. pontifex
C. aedile
D. censor
26. The three major Mediterranean islands off western Italy are Corsica, Sardinia, and:
A. Crete
B. Cyprus
C. Sicily
D. Rhodes
27. Archaeologists use the annular cross section of tree trunks to help determine the age of the trees. Annular refers to:
A. century
B. color
C. thickness
D. year
28. Echoes of Latin are ubiquitous in the English language. Ubiquitous means:
A. difficult to find
B. pleasant to hear
C. everywhere
D. misunderstood
29. The part of a Roman house that took its name from the columns around its edge was the:
A. alae
B. peristylium
C. vestibulum
D. tablinum
30. The Roman poet who wrote about the Trojan hero Aeneas in the epic poem the Aeneid was:
A. Vergil
B. Caesar
C. Cicero
D. Homer
31. Aurelia, Flaminia, Appia and Sacra are names of Roman _____.
A. pontes
B. flumina
C. viae
D. montes
32. Dea Ceres filiam petebat. Tandem eam in regno Plutonis invenit. Quis erat filia?
A. Daphne
B. Arachne
C. Proserpina
D. Eurydice
33. Pompeii and Herculaneum are located near:
A. the Aegean Sea
B. the Adriatic Sea
C. Mt. Vesuvius
D. Mt. Aetna
34. Which of the following would be found in the atrium of a Roman house?
A. palaestra
B. spina
C. rostra
D. impluvium
35. Place the following in the proper chronological order: 1) explusion of King Tarquinius Superbus 2) death of Augustus 3) Aeneas' flight from Troy 4) assassination of Caesar
A. 1,3,2,4
B. 3,1,4,2
C. 3,4,1,2
D. 4,2,3,1