Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monuī
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Relative Pronoun ὅς
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular nōlō present active I do not desire
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension Adjective πᾶς
Mounce Present Active Indicative contract verb -όω
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iaciō
This is the Latin 1 test for 1987. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. The town had been famous as the birthplace of Vergil.
A. erat
B. fuerit
C. erit
D. fuerat
2. "mone cives de periculo," deus regi dixit.
A. I warned
B. You will warn
C. Warn
D. To warn
3. Jupiter sent Mercury, the messenger of the gods, to the Underworld.
A. nuntius
B. nunti
C. nuntium
D. nuntio
4. Coriolani mater oravit, "Noli oppugnare Romam."
A. the mother Coriolanus
B. of Coriolanus' mother
C. the mother of Coriolanus
D. by the mother of Coriolanus
5. Horatius _____ contra Etruscos defendebat.
A. pons
B. ponti
C. ponte
D. pontem
6. Clarus poeta _____ libros dedit.
A. parvum puerum
B. parvo puero
C. parve puer
D. parvus puer
7. Whose mother was named Cornelia?
A. Eius
B. Huius
C. Cuius
D. Illius
8. Erisne, _____, primus imperator Romanus?
A. Augustus
B. Auguste
C. Augustum
D. Augusti
9. Many did not see the flames on the shore.
A. Multus
B. Multi
C. Multis
D. Multorum
10. Potes manere prope Forum.
A. You could
B. You will be able
C. You can
D. You were able
11. There are many frescoes in the villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii.
A. in Villam
B. in Villa
C. ad Villam
D. pro Villa
12. Cives Romani togas gesserunt.
A. will have worn
B. wore
C. had worn
D. were wearing
13. Currebamus ad flumen _____ erat proper silvam.
A. cui
B. quod
C. cuius
D. quo
14. Remus erat Romuli _____.
A. fratrem
B. fratri
C. fratre
D. frater
15. Diana hunted with a bow and arrows.
A. sagittis
B. sagittam
C. sagittae
D. sagittas
16. The children decided to watch the gladiators.
A. spectant
B. spectate
C. spectare
D. spectabant
17. Although Jupiter and Mercury did not appear as gods, Baucis and Philemon were friendly to them.
A. ei
B. eorum
C. eos
D. eis
18. A rege ad ianuas templi ducemur.
A. We are leading
B. We led
C. We shall be led
D. We were led
19. Vergil was widely believed to be a great poet.
A. latus
B. lato
C. late
D. lati
20. Caesar de bello very bitter scripsit.
A. acriore
B. acri
C. acerrimo
D. acrium
21. Viginti minus quattuor sunt:
A. quindecim
B. undecim
C. sedecim
D. tredecim
22. The abbreviation P.S. stands for:
A. Post Scriptum
B. Per Silvam
C. Prope Senatum
D. Pro Sorore
23. Acanthus leaves usually decorate the capital of the _____ column, the most ornate of the three architectural orders.
A. Ionic
B. Doric
C. Gothic
D. Corinthian
24. The conflicts between the Romans and the Carthaginians are known as the _____ Wars.
A. Alexandrine
B. Punic
C. Trojan
D. Latin
25. Venus : Aphrodite :: Minerva : _____
A. Hestia
B. Artemis
C. Demeter
D. Athena
26. A person's appellation is his:
A. home
B. name
C. family
D. country
27. The opening in the ceiling of the atrium in a Roman house was called the:
A. peristylium
B. compluvium
C. ientaculum
D. caldarium
28. Initially the Via Appia led from Rome to Capua; later it was extended to:
A. Ostia
B. Brundisium
C. Pompeii
D. Tarentum
29. Mansions built in America before the Civil War are often referred to as:
A. antebellum
B. interregnum
C. per capita
D. per annum
30. The Roman Forum is located between the Capitoline and the _____ hills in Rome.
A. Acropolis
B. Apennine
C. Olympian
D. Palatine
31. _____ was the youth who disobeyed his father's admonition not to fly too close to the sun lest his wax wings melt.
A. Icarus
B. Iris
C. Io
D. Jason
32. The English word postpositive is derived rom the Latin verb:
A. possum
B. pono
C. porto
D. postulo
33. The month whose name is derived from the Roman god with two faces is:
A. March
B. June
C. July
D. January
34. Ceres, goddess of _____, is often pictured with a cornucopia.
A. love
B. marriage
C. agriculture
D. moon
35. In 509 B.C., Rome's first two consuls were:
A. Romulus and Remus
B. Castor and Pollux
C. Brutus and Collatinus
D. Caesar and Pompey