Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson VI Adjective καλός
Homeric Greek Lesson III First Declension βουλή
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Mounce Present Middle-Passive Indicative Deponent ἒρχομαι
Mounce Present Middle Participle λυόμενος
Mastronarde-Pres Act Ind πέμπω
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parābam
Mounce Demonstrative Pronoun ἐκεῖνος
This is the Latin 1 test for 1986. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Senatores in Foro Romano ab omnibus videbuntur.
A. to all
B. by all
C. about all
D. for all
2. The citizens were influenced by the words of the senator.
A. verbis
B. verba
C. verborum
D. verbum
3. Their early arrival was unexpected.
A. ei
B. eis
C. eorum
D. eos
4. The citizen'S rights had not been upheld.
A. cive
B. civem
C. civi
D. civis
5. Multi discipuli linguam Latinam _____ cupiunt.
A. discere
B. discunt
C. discite
D. discebant
6. Quem spectatis?
A. To whom
B. By whom
C. Whom
D. Whose
7. Illi socii nostris in inmici erant.
A. to our men
B. from our men
C. of our men
D. by our men
8. Atalanta was the swiftest maiden in mythology.
A. celeris
B. celerrima
C. celerior
D. celerium
9. Anno proximo in Europam iter we shall make.
A. faciemus
B. facimus
C. fecimus
D. faciebamus
10. "Quid agis, _____?" rogat pater.
A. Cornelius
B. Corneli
C. Cornelium
D. Cornelio
11. Flumen _____ per Romam fluit est Tiberis.
A. quo
B. cuius
C. quod
D. quem
12. Galli contra _____ diu pugnabant.
A. Romani
B. Romanos
C. Romanis
D. Romanorum
13. Pulchra corona in capite regis was placed.
A. ponitur
B. posuit
C. posita erit
D. posita est
14. We had heard that story many times before.
A. audimus
B. audivimus
C. audiveramus
D. audiverimus
15. In the winter leaves fall from the tree.
A. folio
B. foliis
C. foliorum
D. folia
16. An alternate way to write aqua et panis is:
A. aqua panisque
B. aqua aut panis
C. aquane panis
D. aqua neque panis
17. "you will be ranae," dixit agricolis Latona.
A. eratis
B. eritis
C. fuistis
D. estis
18. Altissimi montes in Italia sunt _____.
A. pulchri
B. pulchrorum
C. pulchros
D. pulchris
19. You will defend your country, won'T YOU?
A. non
B. num
C. numquam
D. nonne
20. "Speak openly about your adventures, Aeneas," said Dido.
A. aperte
B. apertus
C. aperta
D. aperto
21. Mount Olympus, the home of the gods and goddesses, was located in:
A. Italy
B. Greece
C. Egypt
D. Persia
22. Novem plus tres sunt _____ .
A. duodecim
B. quindecim
C. sex
D. decem
23. Which of the following is not a part of the Roman house?
A. atrium
B. curia
C. tablinum
D. triclinium
24. She spoke in an imperious manner. The word imperious means:
A. sad
B. frightened
C. commanding
D. mysterious
25. Which period of Roman history is characterized by the joint rule of two consuls who carried out the decrees of the Senate?
A. Monarchy
B. Interregnum
C. Republic
D. Empire
26. Before 27 B.C., Augustus was known as:
A. Julius
B. Octavian
C. Antonius
D. Nero
27. Brundisium and Ostia are famous:
A. mountain ranges
B. rivers
C. islands
D. seaports
28. The teacher announced several innovative policies for the coming year. innovative is derived from the Latin word:
A. novem
B. novus
C. nox
D. invoco
29. The son of Juipter who wore winged sandals and carried the caduceus was:
A. Apollo
B. Pluto
C. Mars
D. Mercury
30. Aqueducts were used by the Romans to:
A. drain harbors
B. bring water into the cities
C. find underground springs
D. build temples
31. The stola and the PALLA are both associated with Roman:
A. men
B. children
C. slaves
D. women
32. The well known expression of caution to a prespective buyer is:
A. exempli gratia
B. caveat emptor
C. corpus delicti
D. bona fide
33. The princess Ariadne gave Theseus a ball of thread to guide him through the:
A. Augean stables
B. Kingdom of Pluto
C. Cretan labyrinth
D. Cave of the Cyclops
34. Ancient Greeks and Romans used the lyre to:
A. play music
B. prepare food
C. repair clothing
D. write a letter
35. Deus aquarum qui tridentem portabat erat:
A. Vulcanus
B. Neptunus
C. Bacchus
D. Pluto