Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Verb Irregular to be Present Active Indicative εἰμί
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Future Middle/Passive λύσομαι
Homeric Greek Lesson IV First Declension θάλασσα
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation habeō
Mounce Perfect Middle-Passive Indicative λέλυμαι
Mounce Second Future Passive Indicative ἀποσταλήσομαι
Mounce First Aorist Passive Indicative ἐλύθην
Homeric Greek Lesson X Aorist Active Indicative
This is the Latin 1 test for 1985. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. The centaur Chiron was the teacher of many heroes.
A. magister
B. magistro
C. magistrum
D. magistri
2. Filia regis auxilium to the sailor dabat.
A. ad nautam
B. nautae
C. per nautam
D. nauta
3. Novem minus quattuor sunt:
A. tres
B. decem
C. quinque
D. sex
4. Nautae ad insulam Siciliam venerant.
A. will come
B. have come
C. had come
D. did come
5. Bellerophon rode the winged horse Pegasus into the sky toward Mt. Olympus.
A. in caelum
B. in caelo
C. caelo
D. a caelo
6. Venus puellae quattuor tasks dedit.
A. laborem
B. labores
C. laborum
D. laboribus
7. The sun shone brightly over the billowing sea.
A. clari
B. clare
C. clara
D. claro
8. Aeneas placed the golden bough at the door of the palace of Proserpina.
A. ponit
B. posuit
C. ponet
D. posuerat
9. The flight of the birds was observed by the augurs.
A. avem
B. aves
C. avibus
D. avium
10. Hoc negotium A NOBIS factus est.
A. by us
B. by you
C. by me
D. by him
11. Iris, the messenger of Juno, was also goddess of the rainbow.
A. nuntiae
B. nuntiam
C. nuntia
D. nuntiis
12. Whose house shall we see on the Palatine Hill?
A. cuius
B. quae
C. quam
D. qua
13. Stand, milites, ad portam castrorum.
A. Sta
B. Stare
C. Stant
D. State
14. Midas was the king to whom Dionysus gave the golden touch.
A. qui
B. quem
C. quocum
D. cui
15. Aeneas multa pericula superare poterat.
A. is able
B. was able
C. will be able
D. will have been able
16. Multa verba ab oraculo have been spoken.
A. dicuntur
B. dicta erant
C. dicta sunt
D. dicentur
17. Multae linguae semper erunt in Europa.
A. are
B. were
C. will be
D. have been
18. Magister tres reges _____ in pictura vidit.
A. magnum
B. magnos
C. magnis
D. magni
19. Magna victoria viris feminisque oppidi nuntiabatur.
A. announces
B. is announced
C. was being announced
D. announced
20. Hoc atrium est maximum et pulcherrimum.
A. this
B. itself
C. that
D. his
21. The mountain range running down through the center of Italy is:
A. Alps
B. Apennines
C. Pyrenees
D. Jura
22. The virgin goddess who was the protectress of hearth, home, and public buildings was:
A. Vesta
B. Venus
C. Juno
D. Ceres
23. A girl received her name from her father's:
A. domus
B. prandium
C. nomen
D. paedagogus
24. A Latin phrase often found on the face of a clock is:
A. per se
B. tabula rasa
C. ipso facto
D. tempus fugit
25. In 60 B.C. Caesar, Crassus and Pompey formed the First:
A. Consulship
B. Dictatorship
C. Tribunate
D. Triumvirate
26. The term terra incognita, often found on ancient maps, means:
A. enemy territoy
B. mountainous land
C. unexplored region
D. inhabited area
27. Amity was the keynote of the ambassador's speeches.
A. Optimism
B. Challenge
C. Hope
D. Friendship
28. The god who became the patron of tragic drama for the Athenians and who taught men to cultivate the vine and grapes was:
A. Apollo
B. Zeus
C. Dionysus
D. Ares
29. The phrase cave canem was often seen:
A. on a water fountain
B. at a doorway
C. on an aqueduct
D. on an arch
30. When Mt. Vesuvius erputed in 79 A.D., the cities of Herculaneum, Stabiae and _____ were destroyed.
A. Capua
B. Pompeii
C. Ostia
D. Brundisium
31. Which of these was not located in ancient Rome?
A. Circus Maximus
B. Parthenon
C. Colosseum
D. Campus Martius
32. Signs were posted at the factory entrance to notify itinerant workers of job opportunities.
A. construction
B. elderly
C. volunteer
D. travelling
33. The fifth or seventh day of a Roman month was known as the:
A. Nones
B. Kalends
C. Fasces
D. Ides
34. Achilles, Odysseus and Hector were heroes of the _____ War.
A. Punic
B. Peloponnesian
C. Trojan
D. Persian
35. The favorite daughter of Zeus, _____ , is said to have spring fully armed from the head of her father.
A. Artemis
B. Hestia
C. Athena
D. Hera