Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Present Passive Indicative 1st Conjugation parō
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation moneō
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parābam
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 3rd -io Conjugation iacerem
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudābam
Classical Latin
Mounce Present Active Indicative contract verb -όω
This is the Latin 1 test for 1984. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. The commander of the troops watched the battle from the hill.
A. copiis
B. copias
C. copiae
D. copiarum
2. The enemy had seized the top of the hill.
A. occupant
B. occupaverant
C. occupabant
D. occupaverunt
3. Liberi in speluncam cucurrerunt.
A. into the cave
B. from the cave
C. in the cave
D. around the cave
4. Claudius writes his story on a tablet.
A. fabula
B. fabulam
C. fabulae
D. fabulas
5. Estne legatus brave?
A. forte
B. fortis
C. forti
D. fortem
6. You will be able to study Latin in college, won't you?
A. poteris
B. poteras
C. potes
D. potueris
7. Miles Caligulam, _____ imperatorem, interfecit.
A. malus
B. mala
C. malum
D. malo
8. Duo plus octo sunt _____ .
D. X
9. Are there many classical texts in your school's library?
A. Nonne sunt
B. Suntne
C. Num sunt
D. Sunt ibi
10. Vir cives tuba convocabat.
A. of the trumpet
B. from the trumpet
C. with a trumpet
D. for the trumpet
11. Medusa's head was on the shield of Athena, the daughter of Zeus.
A. filiae
B. filia
C. filiam
D. filiarum
12. Monete, nautae, pueros de saxis in aqua.
A. You warned
B. They warn
C. Warn
D. He warns
13. Dea to good men amica erat.
A. bonis
B. bonarum
C. boni
D. bonae
14. Picturae _____ Minerva faciebat erant pulchrae.
A. qui
B. quae
C. quas
D. quarum
15. The best movies are shown worldwide.
A. monstrantur
B. monstrabantur
C. monstrabuntur
D. monstrata sunt
16. The goddess herself searched for her lost daughter.
A. ipsa
B. haec
C. illa
D. ea
17. The coach will give trophies to his outstanding players.
A. dat
B. dabit
C. dedit
D. dederit
18. Tarquin paid dearly for the Sibylline books.
A. care
B. carissime
C. caram
D. carius
19. "brother," said Romulus, "do not cross this wall!"
A. Frater
B. Fratris
C. Fratrem
D. Fratre
20. The most beautiful temple was dedicated to Vesta.
A. pulcherrimum
B. pulchrum
C. pulchrius
D. pulcher
21. The central room in a Roman house was the:
A. cubiculum
B. atrium
C. triclinium
D. culina
22. Which Latin phrase means orally?
A. vade mecum
B. vice versa
C. viva voce
D. vox Dei
23. The Romans called the 13th or 15th of each month the _____ .
A. Nones
B. Kalends
C. Ides
D. Mensis
24. Mercury left the cradle on the day he was born and created the seven-stringed lyre, which he later gave to his brother _____.
A. Vulcan
B. Midas
C. Neptune
D. Apollo
25. From 753 B.C. to 510 B.C., Rome was ruled by:
A. consuls
B. emperors
C. kings
D. praetors
26. Quis erat deus belli et pater Romuli Remique?
A. Bacchus
B. Mars
C. Iuppiter
D. Pluto
27. Besides the city of Rome, what other city is located on the Tiber River?
A. Naples
B. Pompeii
C. Brundisium
D. Ostia
28. After the Helvetians had burned their homes, their decision to depart was irrevocable.
A. unalterable
B. unjustified
C. unfortunate
D. unwise
29. Which early Italian rustic god, usually equated with the Greek Cronos, brought a Golden Age and taught men to till fields?
A. Saturn
B. Janus
C. Apollo
D. Pan
30. If you were to travel from Athens to ancient Troy, in what direction would you be going?
A. west
B. northeast
C. south
D. southwest
31. Pegasus and Bellerophon, with the help of Athena, freed the country of Lycia from a frightful monster called the:
A. Medusa
B. Minotaur
C. Hydra
D. Chimaera
32. The twelve lictors who preceded each consul carried what symbol of Roman power?
A. aquilae
B. fasces
C. tubae
D. signa
33. What was the first meal of the day in ancient Rome?
A. secunda mensa
B. cena
C. prandium
D. ientaculum
34. Rx is the symbol for the Latin word:
A. rex
B. rogo
C. reduco
D. recipe
35. The English word corpulent refers to the size of one's:
A. head
B. heart
C. body
D. nose