Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson IX Imperfect Active Indicative
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation -io capiam
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension νηῦς
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 1 test for 1983. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Julius Caesar was a famous Roman general.
A. imperator
B. imperatorem
C. imperatoris
D. imperatores
2. Romans used to watch chariot races at the Circus Maximus.
A. spectabunt
B. spectaverunt
C. spectabantur
D. spectabant
3. Vulcan'S forge was thought to be located under Mount Aetna.
A. Vulcanus
B. Vulcani
C. Vulcanum
D. Vulcano
4. Soon I SHALL HAVE BEEN a Latin student for one year.
A. ero
B. fui
C. fuero
D. eram
5. Nereids, the nymphs of the sea, might be considered mermaids.
A. nympha
B. nymphas
C. nymphae
D. nympharum
6. You can teach me to translate Latin, can't you?
A. doces
B. docetis
C. docete
D. docere
7. Post death Romuli, Numa Pompilius rex factus est.
A. mors
B. mortis
C. mortem
D. morte
8. We have seen many ancient temples in Greece.
A. videmus
B. vidimus
C. videbamus
D. videbimus
9. The rumor was spread widely throughout the country.
A. late
B. latus
C. latior
D. latum
10. Will you walk with us on the Appian Way?
A. tecum
B. nosbiscum
C. vodbiscum
D. mecum
11. Hoc templum est magnum; that templum est parvum.
A. ille
B. illa
C. illorum
D. illud
12. Daedalus constructed the labyrinth with care.
A. cum diligentia
B. diligentia
C. de diligentia
D. sine diligentia
13. Tarpeia showed the sabines the way to the citadel.
A. Sabini
B. Sabinorum
C. Sabinis
D. Sabinos
14. Legati ad regem mittentur.
A. are sent
B. send
C. will be sent
D. will send
15. Ulysses saved his comrades from the lure of the Sirens.
A. sociis
B. socios
C. socium
D. socius
16. Narcissus was the young man whom Echo loved.
A. qui
B. quem
C. quo
D. cuius
17. "hear my words,' said the Sibyl to Aeneas.
A. audi
B. audis
C. audies
D. audite
18. Athena gave the best gift to the city.
A. maximum
B. optimum
C. minimum
D. pessimum
19. Facite, soldiers, iter ad castra.
A. militibus
B. militi
C. milites
D. milite
20. Ubi habitas?
A. What do you have?
B. Where do you live?
C. Who are the inhabitants?
D. Why do you live here?
21. The goddess of wisdom and patroness of arts and crafts was:
A. Diana
B. Juno
C. Minerva
D. Vesta
22. The Latin abbreviation i.e. means:
A. for example
B. and others
C. in the name of the emperor
D. that is
23. The name for the large area in Rome used for military training and athletic exercise was:
A. Curia
B. Basilica
C. Pantheon
D. Campus Martius
24. Epimetheus' curious wife who opened the box of human ills was:
A. Proserpina
B. Medea
C. Pandora
D. Echo
25. The politician's arguments for his re-election were cogent ones.
A. logical
B. forceful
C. deceitful
D. weak
26. The Roman bireme, trireme, and quinquereme were:
A. ships
B. chariots
C. coins
D. public buildings
27. The two young lovers of Babylon whose blood changed the mulberry from white to red were:
A. Pyramus and Thisbe
B. Theseus and Ariadne
C. Jason and Medea
D. Baucis and Philemon
28. Octavian's acceptance of the title "Augustus" in 27 B.C. is associated with the beginning of the Roman:
A. monarchy
B. empire
C. republic
D. democracy
29. The month named for the Roman god of war is:
A. July
B. May
C. August
D. March
30. The jury was convinced that the witness was veracious.
A. truthful
B. greedy
C. lying
D. prejudiced
31. The mythological creature whose head was covered with serpents was:
A. Chimaera
B. Chiron
C. Medusa
D. Pan
32. The Latin phrase in toto means:
A. potentially
B. entirely
C. existing
D. officially
33. Gaius, Marcus, and Publius were common Roman:
A. templa
B. prandia
C. viae
D. praenomina
34. Sicily, Rome's first province, is the largest island in the _____ Sea.
A. Aegean
B. Black
C. Mediterranean
D. Ionian
35. The two most famous epic poets in the ancient world were:
A. Caesar and Cicero
B. Homer and Vergil
C. Livy and Tactius
D. Plautus and Terence