Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittēbam
Classical Latin
Mounce First Aorist Active Indicative (liquid) ἒμεινα
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudābam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audīvī
Verb Irregular to be Present Active Indicative εἰμί
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation -io iaciam
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 1 test for 1982. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. The eruption of Vesuvius destroyed the towns of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae.
A. oppida
B. oppidis
C. oppidum
D. oppidi
2. Hercules incolis leonem mortuum monstravit.
A. by the inhabitants
B. from the inhabitants
C. to the inhabitants
D. with the inhabitants
3. There will be many fine athletes at the 1984 olympics in Los Angeles.
A. Erant
B. Erunt
C. Sunt
D. Fuerunt
4. Many tourists love to visit Maine in the summer.
A. amabit
B. amant
C. amaverant
D. amamus
5. Was Octavian the son or nephew of Caesar?
A. fili
B. filius
C. filio
D. filium
6. Put the food on the table, Publia!
A. Ponet
B. Ponebat
C. Pone
D. Ponite
7. A Roman boy often went to the baths with his father.
A. cum patre
B. patre
C. post patrem
D. de patre
8. Either leave the city OR stay and fight!
A. neque…neque
B. et…et
C. aut…aut
D. non…non
9. The shouts of the citizens were being heard from the Agora.
A. audiunt
B. audientur
C. auditi erunt
D. audiebantur
10. Alcestis announced, "My dear husband is very ill."
A. aegerrimus
B. aeger
C. aegrior
D. aegrum
11. Did Thisbe WAIT FOR Pyramus near the mulberry tree?
A. Exspectabitne
B. Exspectavitne
C. Exspectaveritne
D. Exspectatne
12. This fabula est brevissima; illa fabula est longissima.
A. hoc
B. hic
C. haec
D. huius
13. The third president of the United States was Thomas Jefferson.
A. tres
B. triginta
C. tertius
D. tredecim
14. "Oh women of Troy, tell us the fate of your city!"
A. feminis
B. feminae
C. feminarum
D. feminia
15. Pluto, the brother of Jupiter, is the king of the underworld.
A. frater
B. fratri
C. fratrem
D. fratre
16. Terra which nauta videbat erat Italia.
A. quam
B. cuius
C. quibus
D. quae
17. Per _____ ambulabimus.
A. agro
B. agri
C. agrum
D. ager
18. The king'S brother was a soldier in the Greek army.
A. regem
B. rex
C. regis
D. reges
19. The pictures from Voyager ii beautifully displayed the rings of Saturn.
A. pulchre
B. pulchrum
C. pulcherrimus
D. pulchri
20. Was the lictor able to carry the fasces in one hand?
A. portare
B. portabat
C. porto
D. portavit
21. The Latin abbreviation e.g. means:
A. that is
B. for example
C. note well
D. and the rest
22. An aged couple who were very hospitable to Mercury and Jupiter were:
A. Baucis and Philemon
B. Daedalus and Icarus
C. Pygmalion and Galatea
D. Pandora and Epimetheus
23. The word vitality is dervied from the Latin word which means:
A. life
B. road
C. farmhouse
D. wealth
24. The son of Apollo, _____, tried to drive his father's sun chariot across the sky.
A. Icarus
B. Phaethon
C. Hercules
D. Cupid
25. The date which marks the fall of the Roman Empire in the West is:
A. 79 A.D.
B. 476 A.D.
C. 1066 A.D.
D. 44 B.C.
26. Roman homes were called insulae, VILLA, CASA and _____ .
A. domus
B. thermae
C. curia
D. basilica
27. The Trojan leader who was reputed to be the ancestor of the Romans was:
A. Augustus
B. Caesar
C. Aeneas
D. Cincinnatus
28. The Cloaca Maxima was the famous _____ in ancient Rome.
A. prison
B. theatre
C. courthouse
D. sewer
29. Moonlight and the hunt are associated with the goddess:
A. Diana
B. Proserpina
C. Vesta
D. Venus
30. Commonly seen in Rome is the abbreviation S.P.Q.R. which symbolizes Roman:
A. education
B. mythology
C. government
D. slavery
31. Carthage, located on the continent of _____, fought the three Punic Wars with Rome during the years 246-146 B.C.
A. Europe
B. Africa
C. Asia
D. Australia
32. A TEPIDARIUM, FRIGIDARIUM, and CALDARIUM could be found in a Roman:
A. forum
B. amphitheater
C. bath
D. circus
33. A Romance language which developed from Latin is:
A. Greek
B. Arabic
C. French
D. Russian
34. The phrase ob ovo usque ad mala refers to Roman:
A. schools
B. baths
C. meals
D. clothing
35. They collaborated with the enemy.
A. fought
B. worked
C. departed
D. remained